Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Mapa hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Karte mit Hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces. (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of Warnings: are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Mapa de los espacios de hackers . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Hacker-espazioak erakusteko mapa . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Carte des hackerspaces. (P625)coordinate location et qui possèdent une valeur pour la propriété (Q1032372)hackspace est (P31)instance of Cette requête présente sur une carte ("defaultView:Map") tous les éléments dont la valeur de Attention : ne sont pas renvoyés.(Q1032372)hackspace Les articles qui sont des instances d'une sous-classe de ne sont pas renvoyés par cette requête.(P625)coordinate location sans aucune valeur pour (Q1032372)hackspace Les articles de la classe מפה של מרחבי האקרים . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of אזהרות: לא מוחזרים.(Q1032372)hackspace פריטים שהם מופעים של תת־מחלקה של אינם מוחזרים בשאילתה.(P625)coordinate location ללא ערך של (Q1032372)hackspace פריטים מהמחלקה Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Mappa degli hackerspazi . (P625)coordinate location e con valori per la proprietà (Q1032372)hackspace è (P31)instance of La query visualizza su una mappa ("defaultView:Map") tutti gli elementi il cui valore di Attenzione: non vengono restituiti.(Q1032372)hackspace Gli elementi che sono istanze di una sottoclasse di non vengono restituiti nella query.(P625)coordinate location senza alcun valore per (Q1032372)hackspace Gli elementi della classe ハッカースペースの地図 に対する値を持つすべての項目を地図上に ("defaultView:Map") 表示します。 (P625)coordinate location であり、プロパティ(Q1032372)hackspace の値が(P31)instance of このクエリは 警告: の下位クラスのインスタンスである項目は返しません。(Q1032372)hackspace の項目は返しません。(Q1032372)hackspace に対する値を持たないクラス(P625)coordinate location このクエリは Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Kaart van hacker-ruimtes. (P625)coordinate location en met waarden voor eigenschap (Q1032372)hackspace (P31)instance of De query geeft op een kaart ("defaultView:Map") alle items weer waarvan de waarde Waarschuwingen: worden niet geretourneerd.(Q1032372)hackspace Items die instanties zijn van een subklasse van worden niet geretourneerd in de query.(P625)coordinate location zonder enige waarde voor (Q1032372)hackspace Items van klasse Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Karta över hackarrymder. (P625)coordinate location och med värden för egenskap (Q1032372)hackspace är (P31)instance of Denna sökfråga visar på en karta ("defaultView:Map") alla objekt vars värde i Varningar: returneras inte.(Q1032372)hackspace Objekt som är instanser av underklasser av returneras i sökfrågan.(P625)coordinate location utan värde för (Q1032372)hackspace Objekt av klass Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: Мапа хакерспейсів. (P625)coordinate location , і зі значеннями властивості (Q1032372)hackspace яких дорівнює (P31)instance of Запит відображає на мапі ("defaultView:Map") усі елементи, значення Попередження: , не повертаються.(Q1032372)hackspace Елементи, які є екземплярами підкласу не повертаються в запиті.(P625)coordinate location без будь-якого значення для (Q1032372)hackspace Елементи класу Map of hackerspaces . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings: 在地图上展示黑客空间 . (P625)coordinate location and with values for property (Q1032372)hackspace is (P31)instance of The query displays on a map ("defaultView:Map") all items whose value of are not returned.(Q1032372)hackspace Items which are instances of a subclass of are not returned in the query.(P625)coordinate location without any value for (Q1032372)hackspace Items of class Warnings:
Use at
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#added 2021-12
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q1032372;
wdt:P625 ?geo .
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