
rq turtle/ttl

بالإنجليزية، هذا يقرأ: الطفل لديه الأم ماريا باربرا باخ. الطفل لديه الأب يوهان سيباستيان باخ. هذا يبدو محرجا بعض الشيء، أليس كذلك؟ باللغة الطبيعية، سنقوم باختصار هذا: الطفل لديه الأب يوهان سيباستيان باخ والأم ماريا باربرا باخ. ) بدلا من نقطة، يمكنك إضافة زوج آخر من كائن الأصل، هذا يسمح لنا باختصار الاستعلام أعلاه إلى: ;في الواقع، من الممكن التعبير عن الاختصار نفسه بسباركل أيضا: إذا قمت بإنهاء ثلاثية بفاصلة منقوطة ( På engelsk vil det stå som: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: In English, this reads: Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: Wrong result via SPARQL endpointThe following query works fine via GUI and returns labels: In English, this reads: Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a full stop, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: בעברית המשמעות היא: לילד יש אימא מריה ברברה באך. לילד יש אבא יוהאן סבסטיאן באך. נשמע מוזר, לא? בשפה טבעית נוכל לקצר את זה לביטוי: לילד יש אבא יוהאן סבסטיאן באך ואימא מריה ברברה באך. . כך נוכל לקצר את השאילתה שלעיל לכדי: ) במקום בנקודה, אפשר להוסיף עוד צמד נשוא-עצם;אם סוגרים את השלישייה בנקודה פסיק (למעשה, אפשר לבטא את אותו הקיצור גם ב־SPARQL: In English, this reads: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: 英語に直すと、これは次のように読むことができます。 Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. 少しばかり不自然に聞こえますね。自然言語であれば、これは次のように略されるでしょう。 Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. 。これにより上のクエリを次のように略すことが可能です。 ) でトリプルを終えると、別の述語 ー 目的語の組を追加することができます;ピリオドの代わりにセミコロン (実は、SPARQLでも同様に、同じ省略を表現することが可能です。 In English, this reads: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: Er staat dan: Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Dat klinkt een beetje ongemakkelijk, nietwaar? In natuurlijke taal, zouden we dit afkorten tot: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . Hiermee kunnen we de bovenstaande query verkorten tot: Als u een tripel eindigt met een puntkomma (;) in plaats van een punt, kunt u een ander predikaat-objectpaar toevoegenIn SPARQL is het zelfs mogelijk om dezelfde afkorting uit te drukken: По-русски это читается так: У ребёнка есть мать Мария Барбара Бах. У рёбёнка есть отец Иоганн Себастьян Бах. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: У ребёнка есть отец Иоганн Себастьян Бах и мать Мария Барбара Бах. . Это позволяет сократить запрос выше до такого: ) вместо точки, вы можете добавить ещё пару предикат-объект;если вы завершаете тройку точкой с запятой (На самом деле возможно произвести такое сокращение и в SPARQL: In English, this reads: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: In English, this reads: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: In English, this reads: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: In English, this reads: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach. Child has mother Maria Barbara Bach. That sounds a bit awkward, doesn’t it? In natural language, we’d abbreviate this: Child has father Johann Sebastian Bach and mother Maria Barbara Bach. . This allows us to abbreviate the above query to: ) instead of a period, you can add another predicate-object pair;if you end a triple with a semicolon (In fact, it’s possible to express the same abbreviation in SPARQL as well: 它可以被理解为: 孩子(Child) 母亲 Maria Barbara Bach. 孩子(Child) 父亲 Johann Sebastian Bach. 听起来有点尴尬?在自然语言中我们会写为: 孩子的父亲是Johann Sebastian Bach,母亲是Maria Barbara Bach。 。如此一来,上述查询可以缩写为: )而非句号结尾,就可以添加第二组谓词-对象;如果用英文的分号(而事实上,SPARQL中也可以表达为类似的缩写形式:

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?child ?childLabel
  ?child wdt:P22 wd:Q1339;
         wdt:P25 wd:Q57487.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v1("?child"):::projected c2(["wd:Q1339"]):::iri c6(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c8(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;"]):::literal c4(["wd:Q57487"]):::iri v1 --"wdt:P22"--> c2 v1 --"wdt:P25"--> c4 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c6 --"wikibase:language"--> c8 end