
rq turtle/ttl

البدء record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID . (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an Пачынайма record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID . (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an Kom igang record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID . (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an Erste Schritte gibt. Unser Ziel ist, diese Information nach Wikidata zu importieren. Anstellung verlinkt, wo es einen Eintrag für eine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 keine Zugehörigkeiten angegeben, jedoch wurde (Q289574)Andreas Küttel genutzt werden, um auf diese Profile zu verlinken, die häufig Informationen über den Arbeitgeber des Forschers enthalten. Beispielsweise wurden bei der Erstellung des Datenobjektes über (P496)ORCID iD ist eine Initiative, um eindeutige Identifikatoren für wissenschaftliche Autoren anzubieten. Jeder kann sein eigenes Profil bei ORCID erstellen und einen eindeutigen Identifikator erhalten, den er beim Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Artikel oder anderer Texte nutzen kann. In Wikidata kann die Eigenschaft ORCID angegeben ist. (P496)ORCID iD Lass uns zunächst eine kleine SPARQL-Abfrage schreiben, um Beispiele für Forscher zu finden, die in ihrem Wikidata-Datenobjekt keine Zugehörigkeit haben, bei denen jedoch eine Getting started record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID. (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an TODO Komenci record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID . (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an Contents record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID . (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an 始めてみようの記録をリストしています。私たちのゴールはこの情報をウィキデータにインポートすることです。 Employment にリンクしていて、https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590には所属がありませんが、 (Q289574)Andreas Küttel プロパティはこれらのプロファイルにリンクするのに使え、これは研究者の雇用者についての情報をしばしば含んでいます。例えば、本校執筆時点で(P496)ORCID iD は学術論文の著者に一意の識別子を提供しているイニシアチブです。ORCID上には誰でも自分のプロファイルを作って、オーサリングリサーチ記事やその他の人工物に使うことができる一意の識別子を取得することができます。ウィキデータでは、ORCIDのある研究者を探してみましょう。 (P496)ORCID iD 最初に、小さなSPARQLクエリを書いて、ウィキデータ項目に所属は無いが、 Beginnen record vermeldt. Ons doel is om deze informatie te importeren in Wikidata. Employment die een https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 bijvoorbeeld geen affiliatie aan, maar linkt het naar (Q289574)Andreas Küttel worden gebruikt om te linken naar deze profielen, die vaak informatie bevatten over de werkgever van de onderzoeker. Op het moment van schrijven geeft (P496)ORCID iD is een initiatief om unieke identificatiegegevens te verstrekken aan wetenschappelijke auteurs. Iedereen kan zijn eigen profiel aanmaken op ORCID en een unieke identificatie krijgen die ze kunnen gebruiken bij het schrijven van onderzoeksartikelen of andere artefacten. In Wikidata kan de eigenschap ORCID. (P496)ORCID iD Laten we eerst een kleine SPARQL-query schrijven om voorbeelden te vinden van onderzoekers die geen enkele affiliatie hebben met hun Wikidata-item, maar wel een Pierwsze kroki record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID . (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an Contents record. Our goal is to import this information in Wikidata. Employment which lists an https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0235-3590 does not indicate any affiliation, but links to (Q289574)Andreas Küttel property can be used to link to these profiles, which often contain information about the employer of the researcher. For instance, at the time of writing (P496)ORCID iD is an initiative to provide unique identifiers to scholarly authors. Anyone can create its own profile on ORCID and get a unique identifier that they can use when authoring research articles or other artifacts. In Wikidata, the ORCID . (P496)ORCID iD First, let us write a small SPARQL query to find examples of researchers that do not have any affiliation on their Wikidata item, but do have an

Use at

PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
SELECT ?researcher ?orcid WHERE {
  ?researcher wdt:P31 wd:Q5;
              wdt:P496 ?orcid.
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?researcher wdt:P108 ?institution }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?institution") v3("?orcid"):::projected v1("?researcher"):::projected c3(["wd:Q5"]):::iri f0[["not "]] subgraph f0e0["Exists Clause"] e0v1 --"wdt:P108"--> e0v2 e0v2("?institution"):::projected e0v1("?researcher"):::projected end f0--EXISTS--> f0e0 f0 --> v1 f0 --> c1 f0 --> v2 v1 --"wdt:P108"--> v2 v1 --"wdt:P31"--> c3 v1 --"wdt:P496"--> v3