
rq turtle/ttl

Swadesh list (Q152392)  

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX ontolex: <http://www.w3.org/ns/lemon/ontolex#>
PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
select ?rang ?sens ?sensLabel ?sensLang1 ?sensLang2 ?l1 ?lemmaLang1 ?l2 ?lemmaLang2 where {

  # paramètres : les 2 langues (commenter la deuxième ligne pour n’en avoir qu’une)

  # bind (wd:Q188 as ?lang1 ) # changer pour choisir la langue 1 (Q1860 => en)
  bind (wd:Q1860  as ?lang2 ) # changer pour choisir la langue 2 (Q150 => fr)

  # liste des sens, à compléter

  values (?sens ?rang) {
    #(  je  1   )       # je
    #(  tu, vous (formel)   2   )   # tu, vous (formel)
    #(  il  3   )       # il
    #(  nous    4   )   # nous
    #(  vous (pluriel)  5   )   # vous (pluriel)
    #(  ils 6   )       # ils
    #(  ceci, celui-ci  7   )   # ceci, celui-ci
    #(  cela, celui-là  8   )   # cela, celui-là
    #(  ici 9   )       # ici
    #(  là  10  )       # là
    #(  qui 11  )       # qui
    #(  quoi    12  )   # quoi
    #(  où  13  )       # où
    #(  quand   14  )   # quand
    #(  comment 15  )   # comment
    #(  ne ... pas  16) # ne ... pas
    #(  tout    17  )   # tout
    #(  beaucoup    18  )   # beaucoup
    #(  quelques    19  )   # quelques
    #(  peu 20  )       # peu
    #(  autre   21  )   # autre
    (   wd:Q199 22  )   # un / one
    (   wd:Q200 23  )   # deux / two
    (   wd:Q201 24  )   # trois / three
    (   wd:Q202 25  )   # quatre / four
    (   wd:Q203 26  )   # cinq  / five
    #(  grand   27  )   # grand / tall?
    #(  long    28  )   # long
    #(  large   29  )   # large
    #(  épais   30  )   # épais
    #(  lourd   31  )   # lourd
    #(  petit   32  )   # petit
    #(  court   33  )   # court
    #(  étroit  34  )   # étroit
    #(  mince   35  )   # mince
    (wd:Q467    36)  # femme / woman
    (wd:Q8441   37)  # homme (adulte masculin) / man (adult male)
    (wd:Q5      38)  # homme (être humain) / man (human)
    (wd:Q7569   39)  # enfant / child
    (wd:Q188830 40)  # épouse(femme) / wife
    (wd:Q212878 41)  # époux(mari) / husband
    (wd:Q7560   42)  # mère / mother
    (wd:Q7565   43)  # père / father
    (wd:Q729    44)  # animal / animal
    (wd:Q152    45  )   # poisson / fish
    (wd:Q5113   46  )   # oiseau / bird
    (wd:Q144    47  )   # chien / dog
    (wd:Q21506648   48  )   # pou
    (wd:Q2102   49  )   # serpent / snake
    (wd:Q47253  50  )   # ver / worm
    (wd:Q10884  51  )   # arbre / tree
    (wd:Q4421   52  )   # forêt / forest
    (wd:Q10971443   53  )   # bâton / woodstick
    (wd:Q1364   54  )   # fruit / fruit
    (wd:Q40763  55  )   # graine / seed
    (wd:Q33971  56  )   # feuille (d'un végétal) / leaf
    (wd:Q41500  57  )   # racine / root
    (wd:Q184453 58  )   # écorce / bark
    (wd:Q506    59  )   # fleur / flower
    (wd:Q643352 60  )   # herbe / grass
    (wd:Q31029  61  )   # corde / rope
    (wd:Q1074   62  )   # peau / skin
    (wd:Q10990  63  )   # viande / meat
    (wd:Q7873   64  )   # sang / blood
    (wd:Q265868 65  )   # os / bone
    #(graisse   66  )   # graisse / fat (?)
    (wd:Q17147  67  )   # œuf / egg
    (wd:Q82025  68  )   # corne / horn
    (wd:Q60960  69  )   # queue (d'un animal) / tail
    (wd:Q81025  70  )   # plume (d'un oiseau) / feather
    #(wd:cheveux    71  )   # cheveux [masculin ? chevelure ?]
    (wd:Q23640  72  )   # tête / head
    (wd:Q7362   73  )   # oreille / ear
    (wd:Q7364   74  )   # œil / eye
    (wd:Q7363   75  )   # nez / nose
    (wd:Q9635   76  )   # bouche / mouth
    (wd:Q553    77  )   # dent / tooth
    (wd:Q9614   78  )   # langue (organe) / tongue
    (wd:Q36864  79  )   # ongle / nail
    (wd:Q15807  80  )   # pied / foot
    (wd:Q8265768    81  )   # jambe / leg
    (wd:Q37425  82  )   # genou / knee
    (wd:Q33767  83  )   # main / hand
    (wd:Q15719234   84  )   # aile (d’oiseau)/ wing (of a bird)
    # (wd:Q9597 85  )   # ventre [abdomen est trop soutenu, fonctionne moyen pour l’instant]
    #(  entrailles, intestins   86  )   # entrailles, intestins
    (wd:Q9633   87  )   # cou / neck
    (wd:Q133279 88  )   # dos / back
    (wd:poitrine    89  )   # poitrine [pas de sens approprié pour l’instant?]
    (wd:Q1072   90  )   # cœur (organe) / heart
    (wd:Q9368   91  )   # foie / liver
    (wd:Q876776 92  )   # boire / to drink
    (wd:Q213449 93  )   # manger / eating, to eat [élément « alimentation, OK ?]
    (wd:Q4918888    94  )   # mordre / to bite
    (wd:sucer   95  )   # sucer [semble ne pas y avoir d’élément pour l’instant]
    (wd:cracher 96  )   # cracher [semble ne pas y avoir d’élément pour l’instant]
    (wd:vomir   97  )   # vomir
    #(  souffler    98  )   # souffler
    #(  respirer    99  )   # respirer
    #(  rire    100 )   # rire
    #(  voir    101 )   # voir
    #(  entendre    102 )   # entendre
    #(  savoir  103 )   # savoir
    #(  penser  104 )   # penser
    #(  sentir (odorat) 105 )   # sentir (odorat)
    #(  craindre    106 )   # craindre
    #(  dormir  107 )   # dormir
    #(  vivre   108 )   # vivre
    #(  mourir  109 )   # mourir
    #(  tuer    110 )   # tuer
    #(  se battre   111 )   # se battre
    #(  chasser (le gibier) 112 )   # chasser (le gibier)
    #(  frapper 113 )   # frapper
    #(  couper  114 )   # couper
    #(  fendre  115 )   # fendre
    #(  poignarder  116 )   # poignarder
    #(  gratter 117 )   # gratter
    #(  creuser 118 )   # creuser
    #(  nager   119 )   # nager
    #(  voler (dans l'air)  120 )   # voler (dans l'air)
    #(  marcher 121 )   # marcher
    #(  venir   122 )   # venir
    #(  s'étendre, être étendu  123 )   # s'étendre, être étendu
    #(  s'asseoir, être assis   124 )   # s'asseoir, être assis
    #(  se lever, se tenir debout   125 )   # se lever, se tenir debout
    #(  tourner (intransitif)   126 )   # tourner (intransitif)
    #(  tomber  127 )   # tomber
    #(  donner  128 )   # donner
    #(  tenir   129 )   # tenir
    #(  serrer, presser 130 )   # serrer, presser
    #(  frotter 131 )   # frotter
    #(  laver   132 )   # laver
    #(  essuyer 133 )   # essuyer
    #(  tirer   134 )   # tirer
    #(  pousser 135 )   # pousser
    #(  jeter, lancer   136 )   # jeter, lancer
    #(  lier    137 )   # lier
    #(  coudre  138 )   # coudre
    #(  compter 139 )   # compter
    #(  dire    140 )   # dire
    #(  chanter 141 )   # chanter
    #(  jouer (s'amuser)    142 )   # jouer (s'amuser)
    #(  flotter 143 )   # flotter
    #(  couler (liquide)    144 )   # couler (liquide)
    #(  geler   145 )   # geler
    #(  gonfler (intransitif)   146 )   # gonfler (intransitif)
    (wd:Q525    147 )   # Soleil / Sun
    (wd:Q405    148 )   # Lune / Moon
    (wd:Q523    149 )   # étoile / star
    (wd:Q283    150 )   # eau / water
    (wd:Q7925   151 )   # pluie / rain
    (wd:Q4022   152 )   # rivière / river
    (wd:Q23397  153 )   # lac / lake
    (wd:Q165    154 )   # mer / sea
    (wd:Q11254  155 )   # sel
    (wd:Q22731  156 )   # pierre / rock [OK ?] 
    (wd:Q34679  157 )   # sable / sand
    (wd:Q165632 158 )   # poussière / dust
    (wd:terre-sol   159 )   # terre (sol) [?]
    (wd:Q8074   160 )   # nuage / cloud
    (wd:Q37477  161 )   # brouillard / fog
    #(  ciel    162 )   # ciel
    #(  vent    163 )   # vent
    #(  neige   164 )   # neige
    #(  glace   165 )   # glace
    #(  fumée   166 )   # fumée
    #(  feu 167 )   # feu
    #(  cendre  168 )   # cendre
    #(  brûler (intransitif)    169 )   # brûler (intransitif)
    #(  route   170 )   # route
    #(  montagne    171 )   # montagne
    #(  rouge   172 )   # rouge
    #(  vert    173 )   # vert
    #(  jaune   174 )   # jaune
    #(  blanc   175 )   # blanc
    #(  noir    176 )   # noir
    #(  nuit    177 )   # nuit
    #(  jour    178 )   # jour
    #(  an, année   179 )   # an, année
    #(  chaud (température) 180 )   # chaud (température)
    #(  froid (température) 181 )   # froid (température)
    #(  plein   182 )   # plein
    #(  nouveau 183 )   # nouveau
    #(  vieux   184 )   # vieux
    #(  bon 185 )   # bon
    #(  mauvais 186 )   # mauvais
    #(  pourri  187 )   # pourri
    #(  sale    188 )   # sale
    #(  droit (rectiligne)  189 )   # droit (rectiligne)
    #(  rond    190 )   # rond
    #(  tranchant   191 )   # tranchant
    #(  émoussé 192 )   # émoussé
    #(  lisse   193 )   # lisse
    #(  mouillé, humide 194 )   # mouillé, humide
    #(  sec 195 )   # sec
    #(  juste, correct  196 )   # juste, correct
    #(  près    197 )   # près
    #(  loin    198 )   # loin
    #(  droite  199 )   # droite
    #(  gauche  200 )   # gauche
    #(  à   201 )   # à
    #(  dans    202 )   # dans
    #(  avec (ensemble) 203 )   # avec (ensemble)
    #(  et  204 )   # et
    #(  si (condition)  205 )   # si (condition)
    #(  parce que   206 )   # parce que
    (wd:Q82799 207)     # nom / name

  #optional { ?sens rdfs:label ?sensLang1 filter (lang(?sensLang1) = ?langcode1) }
  optional { ?sens rdfs:label ?sensLang2 filter (lang(?sensLang2) = ?langcode2) }

  #?lang1 wdt:P305 ?langcode1 .
  ?lang2 wdt:P305 ?langcode2 .

  #optional { ?l1 ontolex:sense/wdt:P5137 ?sens ; dct:language ?lang1 ; wikibase:lemma ?lemmaLang1 . }
  optional { ?l2 ontolex:sense/wdt:P5137 ?sens ; dct:language ?lang2 ; wikibase:lemma ?lemmaLang2 . }

  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

} order by asc(?rang)

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v6("?l2"):::projected v4("?lang2") v3("?langcode2") v7("?lemmaLang2"):::projected v6("?rang"):::projected v5("?sens"):::projected v2("?sensLang2"):::projected a1((" ")) c8(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c10(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;,en"]):::literal bind0[/"'wd:Q1860'"/] bind0 --as--o v4 bind1[/VALUES ?rang ?sens/] bind1-->v5 bind1-->v6 bind10(["wd:Q199"]) bind10 --> bind1 bind11(["22^^xsd:integer"]) bind11 --> bind1 bind12(["wd:Q200"]) bind12 --> bind1 bind13(["23^^xsd:integer"]) bind13 --> bind1 bind14(["wd:Q201"]) bind14 --> bind1 bind15(["24^^xsd:integer"]) bind15 --> bind1 bind16(["wd:Q202"]) bind16 --> bind1 bind17(["25^^xsd:integer"]) bind17 --> bind1 bind18(["wd:Q203"]) bind18 --> bind1 bind19(["26^^xsd:integer"]) bind19 --> bind1 bind110(["wd:Q467"]) bind110 --> bind1 bind111(["36^^xsd:integer"]) bind111 --> bind1 bind112(["wd:Q8441"]) bind112 --> bind1 bind113(["37^^xsd:integer"]) bind113 --> bind1 bind114(["wd:Q5"]) bind114 --> bind1 bind115(["38^^xsd:integer"]) bind115 --> bind1 bind116(["wd:Q7569"]) bind116 --> bind1 bind117(["39^^xsd:integer"]) bind117 --> bind1 bind118(["wd:Q188830"]) bind118 --> bind1 bind119(["40^^xsd:integer"]) bind119 --> bind1 bind120(["wd:Q212878"]) bind120 --> bind1 bind121(["41^^xsd:integer"]) bind121 --> bind1 bind122(["wd:Q7560"]) bind122 --> bind1 bind123(["42^^xsd:integer"]) bind123 --> bind1 bind124(["wd:Q7565"]) bind124 --> bind1 bind125(["43^^xsd:integer"]) bind125 --> bind1 bind126(["wd:Q729"]) bind126 --> bind1 bind127(["44^^xsd:integer"]) bind127 --> bind1 bind128(["wd:Q152"]) bind128 --> bind1 bind129(["45^^xsd:integer"]) bind129 --> bind1 bind130(["wd:Q5113"]) bind130 --> bind1 bind131(["46^^xsd:integer"]) bind131 --> bind1 bind132(["wd:Q144"]) bind132 --> bind1 bind133(["47^^xsd:integer"]) bind133 --> bind1 bind134(["wd:Q21506648"]) bind134 --> bind1 bind135(["48^^xsd:integer"]) bind135 --> bind1 bind136(["wd:Q2102"]) bind136 --> bind1 bind137(["49^^xsd:integer"]) bind137 --> bind1 bind138(["wd:Q47253"]) bind138 --> bind1 bind139(["50^^xsd:integer"]) bind139 --> bind1 bind140(["wd:Q10884"]) bind140 --> bind1 bind141(["51^^xsd:integer"]) bind141 --> bind1 bind142(["wd:Q4421"]) bind142 --> bind1 bind143(["52^^xsd:integer"]) bind143 --> bind1 bind144(["wd:Q10971443"]) bind144 --> bind1 bind145(["53^^xsd:integer"]) bind145 --> bind1 bind146(["wd:Q1364"]) bind146 --> bind1 bind147(["54^^xsd:integer"]) bind147 --> bind1 bind148(["wd:Q40763"]) bind148 --> bind1 bind149(["55^^xsd:integer"]) bind149 --> bind1 bind150(["wd:Q33971"]) bind150 --> bind1 bind151(["56^^xsd:integer"]) bind151 --> bind1 bind152(["wd:Q41500"]) bind152 --> bind1 bind153(["57^^xsd:integer"]) bind153 --> bind1 bind154(["wd:Q184453"]) bind154 --> bind1 bind155(["58^^xsd:integer"]) bind155 --> bind1 bind156(["wd:Q506"]) bind156 --> bind1 bind157(["59^^xsd:integer"]) bind157 --> bind1 bind158(["wd:Q643352"]) bind158 --> bind1 bind159(["60^^xsd:integer"]) bind159 --> bind1 bind160(["wd:Q31029"]) bind160 --> bind1 bind161(["61^^xsd:integer"]) bind161 --> bind1 bind162(["wd:Q1074"]) bind162 --> bind1 bind163(["62^^xsd:integer"]) bind163 --> bind1 bind164(["wd:Q10990"]) bind164 --> bind1 bind165(["63^^xsd:integer"]) bind165 --> bind1 bind166(["wd:Q7873"]) bind166 --> bind1 bind167(["64^^xsd:integer"]) bind167 --> bind1 bind168(["wd:Q265868"]) bind168 --> bind1 bind169(["65^^xsd:integer"]) bind169 --> bind1 bind170(["wd:Q17147"]) bind170 --> bind1 bind171(["67^^xsd:integer"]) bind171 --> bind1 bind172(["wd:Q82025"]) bind172 --> bind1 bind173(["68^^xsd:integer"]) bind173 --> bind1 bind174(["wd:Q60960"]) bind174 --> bind1 bind175(["69^^xsd:integer"]) bind175 --> bind1 bind176(["wd:Q81025"]) bind176 --> bind1 bind177(["70^^xsd:integer"]) bind177 --> bind1 bind178(["wd:Q23640"]) bind178 --> bind1 bind179(["72^^xsd:integer"]) bind179 --> bind1 bind180(["wd:Q7362"]) bind180 --> bind1 bind181(["73^^xsd:integer"]) bind181 --> bind1 bind182(["wd:Q7364"]) bind182 --> bind1 bind183(["74^^xsd:integer"]) bind183 --> bind1 bind184(["wd:Q7363"]) bind184 --> bind1 bind185(["75^^xsd:integer"]) bind185 --> bind1 bind186(["wd:Q9635"]) bind186 --> bind1 bind187(["76^^xsd:integer"]) bind187 --> bind1 bind188(["wd:Q553"]) bind188 --> bind1 bind189(["77^^xsd:integer"]) bind189 --> bind1 bind190(["wd:Q9614"]) bind190 --> bind1 bind191(["78^^xsd:integer"]) bind191 --> bind1 bind192(["wd:Q36864"]) bind192 --> bind1 bind193(["79^^xsd:integer"]) bind193 --> bind1 bind194(["wd:Q15807"]) bind194 --> bind1 bind195(["80^^xsd:integer"]) bind195 --> bind1 bind196(["wd:Q8265768"]) bind196 --> bind1 bind197(["81^^xsd:integer"]) bind197 --> bind1 bind198(["wd:Q37425"]) bind198 --> bind1 bind199(["82^^xsd:integer"]) bind199 --> bind1 bind1100(["wd:Q33767"]) bind1100 --> bind1 bind1101(["83^^xsd:integer"]) bind1101 --> bind1 bind1102(["wd:Q15719234"]) bind1102 --> bind1 bind1103(["84^^xsd:integer"]) bind1103 --> bind1 bind1104(["wd:Q9633"]) bind1104 --> bind1 bind1105(["87^^xsd:integer"]) bind1105 --> bind1 bind1106(["wd:Q133279"]) bind1106 --> bind1 bind1107(["88^^xsd:integer"]) bind1107 --> bind1 bind1108(["wd:poitrine"]) bind1108 --> bind1 bind1109(["89^^xsd:integer"]) bind1109 --> bind1 bind1110(["wd:Q1072"]) bind1110 --> bind1 bind1111(["90^^xsd:integer"]) bind1111 --> bind1 bind1112(["wd:Q9368"]) bind1112 --> bind1 bind1113(["91^^xsd:integer"]) bind1113 --> bind1 bind1114(["wd:Q876776"]) bind1114 --> bind1 bind1115(["92^^xsd:integer"]) bind1115 --> bind1 bind1116(["wd:Q213449"]) bind1116 --> bind1 bind1117(["93^^xsd:integer"]) bind1117 --> bind1 bind1118(["wd:Q4918888"]) bind1118 --> bind1 bind1119(["94^^xsd:integer"]) bind1119 --> bind1 bind1120(["wd:sucer"]) bind1120 --> bind1 bind1121(["95^^xsd:integer"]) bind1121 --> bind1 bind1122(["wd:cracher"]) bind1122 --> bind1 bind1123(["96^^xsd:integer"]) bind1123 --> bind1 bind1124(["wd:vomir"]) bind1124 --> bind1 bind1125(["97^^xsd:integer"]) bind1125 --> bind1 bind1126(["wd:Q525"]) bind1126 --> bind1 bind1127(["147^^xsd:integer"]) bind1127 --> bind1 bind1128(["wd:Q405"]) bind1128 --> bind1 bind1129(["148^^xsd:integer"]) bind1129 --> bind1 bind1130(["wd:Q523"]) bind1130 --> bind1 bind1131(["149^^xsd:integer"]) bind1131 --> bind1 bind1132(["wd:Q283"]) bind1132 --> bind1 bind1133(["150^^xsd:integer"]) bind1133 --> bind1 bind1134(["wd:Q7925"]) bind1134 --> bind1 bind1135(["151^^xsd:integer"]) bind1135 --> bind1 bind1136(["wd:Q4022"]) bind1136 --> bind1 bind1137(["152^^xsd:integer"]) bind1137 --> bind1 bind1138(["wd:Q23397"]) bind1138 --> bind1 bind1139(["153^^xsd:integer"]) bind1139 --> bind1 bind1140(["wd:Q165"]) bind1140 --> bind1 bind1141(["154^^xsd:integer"]) bind1141 --> bind1 bind1142(["wd:Q11254"]) bind1142 --> bind1 bind1143(["155^^xsd:integer"]) bind1143 --> bind1 bind1144(["wd:Q22731"]) bind1144 --> bind1 bind1145(["156^^xsd:integer"]) bind1145 --> bind1 bind1146(["wd:Q34679"]) bind1146 --> bind1 bind1147(["157^^xsd:integer"]) bind1147 --> bind1 bind1148(["wd:Q165632"]) bind1148 --> bind1 bind1149(["158^^xsd:integer"]) bind1149 --> bind1 bind1150(["wd:terre-sol"]) bind1150 --> bind1 bind1151(["159^^xsd:integer"]) bind1151 --> bind1 bind1152(["wd:Q8074"]) bind1152 --> bind1 bind1153(["160^^xsd:integer"]) bind1153 --> bind1 bind1154(["wd:Q37477"]) bind1154 --> bind1 bind1155(["161^^xsd:integer"]) bind1155 --> bind1 bind1156(["wd:Q82799"]) bind1156 --> bind1 bind1157(["207^^xsd:integer"]) bind1157 --> bind1 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v5 -."rdfs:label".-> v2 end v4 --"wdt:P305"--> v3 subgraph optional1["(optional)"] style optional1 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v6 -."ontolex:sense".-> a1 a1 --"wdt:P5137"--> v5 v6 --"dct:language"--> v4 v6 --"wikibase:lemma"--> v7 end subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c8 --"wikibase:language"--> c10 end