
rq turtle/ttl

Beautify this queryHello! I'm playing a little bit with twinned cities and I have built a query to show all twinned cities of Basque municipalities connected with lines. The result is pretty... great and ridiculous. Greatculous! If anyone comes with a better way of visualizing this, it would be awesome!

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX psv: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/value/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX geo: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
#defaultView:Map{"hide":["?coord1", "?coord2", "?line"]}
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?hiri_senidetuak ?hiri_senidetuakLabel ?coord1 ?coord2 ?line WHERE {
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
  { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q2074737. }
  { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q484170. }
  ?item (wdt:P131/(wdt:P131*)/^wdt:P527) wd:Q47588.
  ?item wdt:P190 ?hiri_senidetuak.
  ?item wdt:P625 ?coord1.
  ?hiri_senidetuak wdt:P625 ?coord2.
  ?item p:P625 [ ps:P625 [];  psv:P625 [ wikibase:geoLongitude ?coord1lon; wikibase:geoLatitude ?coord1lat; ] ].
  ?hiri_senidetuak p:P625 [ ps:P625 [];  psv:P625 [ wikibase:geoLongitude ?coord2lon; wikibase:geoLatitude ?coord2lat; ] ].
  BIND(CONCAT('LINESTRING (', STR(?coord1lon), ' ', STR(?coord1lat), ',', STR(?coord2lon), ' ', STR(?coord2lat), ')') AS ?str) .
  BIND(STRDT(?str, geo:wktLiteral) AS ?line) 

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v3("?coord1"):::projected v6("?coord1lat") v5("?coord1lon") v4("?coord2"):::projected v8("?coord2lat") v7("?coord2lon") v2("?hiri_senidetuak"):::projected v1("?item"):::projected v10("?line"):::projected v9("?str") a4((" ")) a7((" ")) a1((" ")) a2((" ")) a3((" ")) a5((" ")) a6((" ")) a8((" ")) c6(["wd:Q2074737"]):::iri c9(["wd:Q47588"]):::iri c2(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c4(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;,en"]):::literal c7(["wd:Q484170"]):::iri subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c2 --"wikibase:language"--> c4 end subgraph union0[" Union "] subgraph union0l[" "] style union0l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v1 --"p:direct/P31"--> c7 end subgraph union0r[" "] style union0r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v1 --"p:direct/P31"--> c6 end union0r <== or ==> union0l end v1 --"p:direct/P131"--> a1 a1 --"p:direct/P131"--> a2 c9 --"p:direct/P527"--> a2 v1 --"p:direct/P190"--> v2 v1 --"p:direct/P625"--> v3 v2 --"p:direct/P625"--> v4 a3 --"p:statement/P625"--> a4 a5 --"wikibase:geoLongitude"--> v5 a5 --"wikibase:geoLatitude"--> v6 a3 --"p:statement/value/P625"--> a5 v1 --"p:P625"--> a3 a6 --"p:statement/P625"--> a7 a8 --"wikibase:geoLongitude"--> v7 a8 --"wikibase:geoLatitude"--> v8 a6 --"p:statement/value/P625"--> a8 v2 --"p:P625"--> a6 bind0[/"concat('LINESTRING (',str(?coord1lon),' ',str(?coord1lat),',',str(?coord2lon),' ',str(?coord2lat),')')"/] v5 --o bind0 v6 --o bind0 v7 --o bind0 v8 --o bind0 bind0 --as--o v9 bind1[/"STRDT(?str,'geo:wktLiteral')"/] v9 --o bind1 bind1 --as--o v10