
rq turtle/ttl

16:40, 24 October 2017 (UTC) Talk SharkDHow do I make it so that ?gameENLabel, ?gameJALabel, and ?hepburnLabel all appear concatenated within the same cell, separated by a comma? Thanks! I guess you need something like: : could you give the complete query? (to be sure it works)SharkDHi @

Use at

      #MIN(?dateYear) AS     ?dateYears)
      (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT     ?dateYear ; separator = ", ") AS     ?dateYears)
      CONCAT( (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT  ?gameENLabel ; separator = ", ") AS  ?gameENLabels) , ", ", (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT  ?gameJALabel ; separator = ", ") AS  ?gameJALabels) , ", ", (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?hepburnLabel ; separator = ", ") AS ?hepburnLabels) )
      (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT     ?dataLink ; separator = ", ") AS     ?dataLinks)
      (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT     ?wikiLink ; separator = ", ") AS     ?wikiLinks)
      (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT     ?wikiName ; separator = ", ") AS     ?wikiNames)

Query found at