Missing items from WLM lists on itwikipedia. We have similar situation in other local list but for some reason this is the worst one and it gives you a clear idea just in one place. I have however no clue why this happens so far, mostly because I have few time to analyze it. I hoped it would just naturally disappear... example (that are still regularly removed if inserted). So it's hetting worse, apparently. Today we cannot insert almost anything from the civil parish of Vernio, at the bottom of the list those items suddenly disappeared, few days ago it was only (Q63982735)Piazza San Francesco is where this removal on WLM lists for Tuscany and since one week we have been having problems with bizzare Listeriabot removal on itwikipedia. Some of these items were previously indexed but are not "seen" now by the system. For example User:GiaccaiHi, I am working with 15:42, 30 August 2019 (UTC)) talk (Alexmar983The Italian community gave no resolutive answer by email so... any advice? It's not about local null edits or something like that. I also massively edits the items on various details just to be sure it could unblock something, it's not related to warning signs such as for example missing commons categories... One troubleshooting test I did not perform is to see if the problem is also on other wikipedias, I could do this as well but we are busy with hundreds of items to insert during these last days, i hope somebody can give me some advice before September, 1st. Otherwise the only temporary solution we have is to insert them manually every day to see them removed...--15:51, 30 August 2019 (UTC) Jura disappeared as the item was merged the day before with another item that was already in the list. --- Q63982735I think 17:16, 30 August 2019 (UTC)) talk (Alexmar983Don't worry, they are done manually to fix all minor details including external ID and commons category, so we know them quite well. we spot if a code is missing in the list. Thank you for the queries BTW, they might useful in other regions if they also refine this qualifier as we start to do (but still, this upper limit should not be encoded this way, when we say the last year we clearly include it).-- 16:44, 30 August 2019 (UTC) Jura works excludes the ones you are interested. The second query takes in account date precision. --- [26] or [25]Maybe 16:12, 30 August 2019 (UTC)) talk (Alexmar983ok now it works but I am not sure it's formally encoded correctly. For example if my WLM code is valid from year 2014 to 2019 (up to the end of the town council, as it could happen... I cannot encode it as "start date=2014, end date=2018", plus "point date=2019". it should be able to understand that end date implies the removal from the following year...-- 16:07, 30 August 2019 (UTC)) talk (Alexmar983) 16:04, 30 August 2019 (UTC) No let's try point in time.--talk (Alexmar983 year. i can try to put an end date and strat date together, it this is how is encoded.--nextbut if the end date is this year, it should be excluded 16:02, 30 August 2019 (UTC) Jura --- [24] is excluded from the query as P2186 has an end date. Q66828154 17:58, 30 August 2019 (UTC)) talk (Alexmar983 right? They did modify something, maybe a comparison might show some clue. I am sorry i am just too full of stuff to process urgently to understand it right now. Thank you a lot.--here. But I am quite it was not like that last year, I put "point in time" 2018 to at least one case, and they were listed. I might be tired but I feel something is different. You changed the code it's gone I still have doubts... I wish I had more times but WLM sucks a lot of energy with the social media campaign and reply to civil servants, I just try to do my best with some clear instruction and understand later. So if you have time to help me consider Calcinaia, I put "point in time 2019", as it should be and now Jura
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?item wdt:P131* wd:Q16250 .
?item wdt:P2186 ?wlmid .
OPTIONAL { ?item p:P2186 / pqv:P580 [ wikibase:timeValue ?start ; wikibase:timePrecision ?startprec ] }
OPTIONAL { ?item p:P2186 / pqv:P582 [ wikibase:timeValue ?end ; wikibase:timePrecision ?endprec ] }
OPTIONAL { ?item p:P2186 / pqv:P585 [ wikibase:timeValue ?date ; wikibase:timePrecision ?dateprec ] }