
rq turtle/ttl

Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Billeder . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Bilder . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images. (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: 画像 . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Biller . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Afbeeldingen. (Q565)Wikimedia Commons -verklaring toe aan het item dat linkt naar de bestandsnaam van de afbeelding die wordt gehost op (P18)image ). Voeg een (Q29934200)Wikibase item kunnen afbeeldingen bestaan die een item visueel samenvatten ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Binnen vanuit verschillende gezichtspunten. (Q125191)photograph en (Q184784)architectural drawing en meerdere (Q80071)symbol kan bijvoorbeeld meestal worden uitgelegd via (Q223557)physical object Het is ook gebruikelijk dat items worden uitgelegd met behulp van meerdere soorten afbeeldingen. Raadpleeg de volgende query voor een volledige lijst met beschikbare afbeeldingseigenschappen: Ilustracje . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Изображения . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Images . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query: Зображення. (Q565)Wikimedia Commons до елемента, що посилається на ім'я файлу зображення, розміщеного на (P18)image ). Додайте оператор (Q29934200)Wikibase item , які візуально узагальнюють предмет ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Зображення можуть перебувати в межах з різних точок зору. (Q125191)photograph та (Q184784)architectural drawing , а також декількох (Q80071)symbol зазвичай можна пояснити за допомогою (Q223557)physical object Також часто трапляються випадки, коли предмети пояснюються за допомогою декількох типів зображень. Наприклад, Повний перелік доступних властивостей зображень можна переглянути за наступним запитом: 相 . (Q565)Wikimedia Commons statement to the item linking to the filename of the image hosted on (P18)image ). Add an (Q29934200)Wikibase item that visually summarize an item ((Q565)Wikimedia Commons Images may exist within from different viewpoints. (Q125191)photograph and (Q184784)architectural drawing as well as multiple (Q80071)symbol can typically be explained through (Q223557)physical object It is also common for items to be explained using multiple types of images. For example, For a full list of image properties available, refer to the following query:

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
#Subproperties of image (P18)
PREFIX gas: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf/gas#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?property ?propertyLabel ?parent ?parentLabel WHERE {
  SERVICE gas:service {
    gas:program gas:gasClass "com.bigdata.rdf.graph.analytics.SSSP";
    gas:in wd:P18;
    gas:traversalDirection "Reverse";
    gas:out ?property;
    gas:out1 ?depth;
    gas:maxIterations 10;
    gas:linkType wdt:P1647.
  ?property wdt:P1647 ?parent.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?depth") v3("?parent"):::projected v1("?property"):::projected c2(["gas:program"]):::iri c14(["wdt:P1647"]):::iri c4(["com.bigdata.rdf.graph.analytics.SSSP"]):::literal c8(["Reverse"]):::literal c6(["wd:P18"]):::iri c16(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c18(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;,en"]):::literal c12(["10^^xsd:integer"]):::literal subgraph s1["http://www.bigdata.com/rdf/gas#service"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c2 --"gas:gasClass"--> c4 c2 --"gas:in"--> c6 c2 --"gas:traversalDirection"--> c8 c2 --"gas:out"--> v1 c2 --"gas:out1"--> v2 c2 --"gas:maxIterations"--> c12 c2 --"gas:linkType"--> c14 end v1 -->c14--> v3 subgraph s2["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s2 stroke-width:4px; c16 --"wikibase:language"--> c18 end