Comparing to MAG) Wikidata_talk:Property_proposal/OpenAlex_ID and Wikidata:Property_proposal/OpenAlex_ID(From (actually points people to OpenAlex as solution to use instead). There is no reason to compare it with that. is abandonedEgon: Microsoft Academic Jura: We actually have plenty MAG statements and the data is still available. Egon: you can only compare OpenAlex ID with Wikidata, because Microsoft Academic no longer exists. This identifiers does not replace, remove, or whatever the MA identifier. OpenAlex IDs will show differences, because of the curation work they did. Are you suggesting that Wikidata trumps an external database? Where you find changes, you will have to still manually discuss with the OpenAlex team what the ground truth is; passed MA identifier work cannot resolve that situation. ]reply[21:09, 25 January 2022 (UTC)) talk (Egon Willighagen is the query to compare the two. Differences are to be expected (because of the curation) but if people want to list and study the changes, use that query. --https://w.wiki/4jpFEgon: about the equivalences and differences between MAG and OpenAlex IDs. Because OpenAlex actually curates problems in the MAG data and that MAG is discontinued, I am still not sure how to handle the situation other than talking with the OpenAlex project. Nevertheless,
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
?thing wdt:P10283 ?openalex ; wdt:P6366 ?mag .
FILTER (str(?mag) != SUBSTR(str(?openalex),2))