No problems until there was an item with 2 channel id's. My tool ran 4 times instead of the expected 2 times. Because both GUID's were returned for each value. After trying various things, I finally found out that my logic was wrong. I needed to get the GUID's first and not the values for the P2397 claim, but the values for the GUID's.
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
SELECT ?item ?YouTube ?YouTubeEntity WHERE {
?item p:P2397 ?YouTubeEntity .
?YouTubeEntity ps:P2397 ?YouTube .
Query found at
graph TD
classDef projected fill:lightgreen;
classDef literal fill:orange;
classDef iri fill:yellow;
f0[["substring(str(?YouTube),'1^^xsd:integer','2^^xsd:integer') != 'UC'"]]
f0 --> v1
v2 --"p:P2397"--> v3
v3 --"p:statement/P2397"--> v1