ABS, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, RAND, COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM< Mathématiques GROUP_CONTACT SAMPLE MIN, MAX AVG SUM COUNT Fonctions d'agrégation BIND( datatype(?shoeSize) AS ?datatype) returns the datatype of a literal datatype FILTER(lang(?label) = 'es') returns the language tag lang Fonctions isLiteral FILTER (!isBlank(?term)) filter out FILTER (isBlank(?term))only bank nodes isBlank isIRI ?foo IN ("bar", "anotherbar") NOT IN and IN || OR: &&AND: <=, <, >=, >, !=, = =more efficient and sameTerm, !sameTerm Opérateurs logiques STRBEFORE CONCAT, ENCODE_FOR_URI, REPLACE, REGEX, is True CONTAINS("SPARQL", "QL") string in second arg is within first arg CONTAINS() string in first arg ends with string in second arg STRENDS() string in first arg starts with string in second arg STRSTARTS() substring of first arg, second arg: start position; third arg: character lenght SUBSTR() length of a string STRLEN() convert to lower-case LCASE() convert to upper-case UCASE() chaînes de caractères Wikidata:SPARQL query service/Wikidata Query Help/SPARQL Editor/en
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
SELECT ?person ?personLabel (group_concat(?citizenshipLabel;separator="/") as ?citizenships)