title: Objekte mit HERIS-ID, url in Denkmalliste, ev. url auf Artikel, Koordinaten SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemQid (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?HERISId; SEPARATOR=', ') AS ?HERISIds) ?url #?dl (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?dlQid; SEPARATOR=', ') AS ?dlQids) ?dlLink ?dlUrl #?articleLink ?articleName ?articleUrl ?lat ?lon WHERE { ?item wdt:P17 wd:Q40 . # Österreich
?item wdt:P131/wdt:P279 wd:Q41967. # Oberösterreich ?item wdt:P9154 ?HERISId. # BDA HERIS-ID ?item wdt:P1435 wd:Q1188447. # Denkmalgeschütztes Objekt in Österreich (to be sure) ?item p:P1435 ?protection . FILTER NOT EXISTS {?protection pq:P582 ?x . } # check if still a protected object (protection is finished setting qualifier P582 to enddate. ?item wdt:P2817 ?dl. ?dl wdt:P17 wd:Q40. # Denkmalliste in Österreich
optional { ?item p:P625 [ psv:P625 [ wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat ; wikibase:geoLongitude ?lon ; ] ; ] }
optional { ?dlLink schema:about ?dl . # wikipedia link to the Denkmalliste in the German speaking Wikipedia ?dlLink schema:inLanguage "de" . }
optional { ?articleLink schema:about ?item . # optional name of an Wikipedia article describing the object in the Denkmalliste in more detail (in the German speaking Wikipedia) ?articleLink schema:inLanguage "de" . }
# get the plain wikidata id in string format for the protected object bind (replace(xsd:string(?item),"http://www.wikidata.org/entity/","") as ?itemQid) # get the plain wikidata id in string format for the Denkmalliste, the protected object is listed in bind (replace(xsd:string(?dl),"http://www.wikidata.org/entity/","") as ?dlQid) # convert the link to the denkmalliste to url as plain text (with escaped umlauts) bind (xsd:string(?dlLink) as ?dlUrl)
# convert the article stuff # convert the link to an article to url as plain text (with escaped umlauts) bind (xsd:string(?articleLink) as ?articleUrl) # grep the article name (still with escaped umlauts) bind (replace(replace(xsd:string(?articleLink),"https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/",""),"_"," ") as ?articleName) # provide the link to an item as a table entry in a denkmalliste. This is the main entry point from Doris. bind(concat(?dlUrl, "#", ?itemQid) AS ?url ) . } GROUP BY ?item ?itemQid ?HERISIds ?url #?dl ?dlQids ?dlLink ?dlUrl #?articleLink ?articleName ?articleUrl ?lat ?lon
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>
PREFIX psv: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/value/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
#title: Objekte mit HERIS-ID, url in Denkmalliste, ev. url auf Artikel, Koordinaten
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemQid
#?dl (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?dlQid; SEPARATOR=', ') AS ?dlQids) ?dlLink ?dlUrl
?articleName ?articleUrl
?lat ?lon
?item wdt:P17 wd:Q40 . # Österreich
?item wdt:P131*/wdt:P279* wd:Q41967. # Oberösterreich
?item wdt:P9154 ?HERISId. # BDA HERIS-ID
?item wdt:P1435 wd:Q1188447. # Denkmalgeschütztes Objekt in Österreich (to be sure)
?item p:P1435 ?protection .
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?protection pq:P582 ?x . } # check if still a protected object (protection is finished setting qualifier P582 to enddate.
?item wdt:P2817 ?dl. ?dl wdt:P17 wd:Q40. # Denkmalliste in Österreich
optional {
?item p:P625 [
psv:P625 [
wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat ;
wikibase:geoLongitude ?lon ;
] ;
optional {
?dlLink schema:about ?dl . # wikipedia link to the Denkmalliste in the German speaking Wikipedia
?dlLink schema:inLanguage "de" .
optional {
?articleLink schema:about ?item . # optional name of an Wikipedia article describing the object in the Denkmalliste in more detail (in the German speaking Wikipedia)
?articleLink schema:inLanguage "de" .
# get the plain wikidata id in string format for the protected object
bind (replace(xsd:string(?item),"http://www.wikidata.org/entity/","") as ?itemQid)
# get the plain wikidata id in string format for the Denkmalliste, the protected object is listed in
bind (replace(xsd:string(?dl),"http://www.wikidata.org/entity/","") as ?dlQid)
# convert the link to the denkmalliste to url as plain text (with escaped umlauts)
bind (xsd:string(?dlLink) as ?dlUrl)
# convert the article stuff
# convert the link to an article to url as plain text (with escaped umlauts)
bind (xsd:string(?articleLink) as ?articleUrl)
# grep the article name (still with escaped umlauts)
bind (replace(replace(xsd:string(?articleLink),"https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/",""),"_"," ") as ?articleName)
# provide the link to an item as a table entry in a denkmalliste. This is the main entry point from Doris.
bind(concat(?dlUrl, "#", ?itemQid) AS ?url ) .
} GROUP BY ?item ?itemQid
?HERISIds ?url
#?dl ?dlQids ?dlLink ?dlUrl
?articleName ?articleUrl
?lat ?lon