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Edition of an edition instead.the WikiProject's talk page. Please post on couldn't be pinged has more than 50 participants and WikiProject Books Hi, reverted me and is asking for « references ». Jura1 but (Q43475477)Декамерон and in the FRBR, that an « edition of an edition » is not possible and doesn't even make sense (an edition is by definition the thing edited from a work). So logically, I corrected it on Wikidata:WikiProject BooksIt seems obvious and trivial to me, and as documented on the property page, the main page here For me it's as obvious as « the sky is blue » or « water is wet », I don't know what more to explain... Any idea, remarks, etc. ? 16:01, 24 November 2017 (UTC)) talk (VIGNERONCdlt, , pages 17-18) FRBR. » (expressions of the same original work from one language to another, musical transcriptions and arrangements, and dubbed or subtitled versions of a film are also considered simply as different TranslationsPS: to be sure, I checked again in the FRBR, it's clearly stated « 23:03, 28 November 2017 (UTC)) talk (VIGNERON« edition of » and « edition or translation of » is the same thing as translations are editions (at least until now in this project and in FRBR), the precision in the label is just a way to make more explicit for users. Formally there is not constraints right now to forbid edition of edition but there should be as (I feel) this is not at all in the spirit of this project where 'edition of' is supposed to be between only Work and Edition levels, not inside item of the Edition level. Cdlt, 13:29, 26 November 2017 (UTC) Jura--- ) and some other languages. The approach chosen for Decameron seems consistent with current constraints. [7] aren't the same in all languages. At some point, "translation" was added to English ((P629)edition or translation of It seems that the labels/definitions of 00:25, 26 November 2017 (UTC)) talk (Beat Estermann is not adequate to express this, as it could also be used to express that an adaptation is based on a particular translation. I'm not sure to what extent it is necessary in Jura1's example and use case to actually be able to express such subtleties. I can however understand that some confusion may arise if one has the distinction between frbr:Expression and frbr:Manifestation in mind. --(P144)based on The way the FRBR Group 1 classes have been implemented on Wikidata does not allow to express that two editions (frbr:Manifestation) are the embodiments of the same frbr:Expression. 00:20, 26 November 2017 (UTC) Jura--- " what leads you to this conclusion? Is this something you just made up now or is it documented somewhere at Wikidata? (P144)based on "the property to indicate this information is 16:20, 24 November 2017 (UTC)) talk (VIGNERONCdlt, . For the list, it is easier to create the exact same list when all editions are link to the same work (the SPARQL request would be shorter with just P629 and not P629+ which doesn't really make sense as P629 is not transitive).(P629)edition or translation of /(P747)has edition or translation not (P144)based on (BTW, they're both edition as translation are edition). But in any case, the property to indicate this information is Q43169039 is based or not on the edition Q43475477I don't speak russian enough so I don't know if the edition 16:14, 24 November 2017 (UTC) Jura--- . w:The_Decameron#Translations_into_Englishsimilar to Wikidata:Lists/Decameron editions and translationsThe objective is to provide a full list of translations at Maybe the Commons sitelinks shouldn't be on these items. .Q43516994 which is an 1860 edition of the 15th century translation Q43517456Similar to .Q43169039 is an edition of a 19th-century translation: Q4347547723:03, 28 November 2017 (UTC)) talk (VIGNERON: exactly but even if we choose to consider editions and translations to be different things (which I think to be a bad and unnecessary idea, as most databases and references consider translations to be editions) then we would need a new property 'translation of' and in this case we wouldn't have edition of editions, right ? Cdlt, billinghurst@ 23:04, 26 November 2017 (UTC) sDrewth billinghurst. The generic "translation" can be at the work level, or at the edition level. Like the misuse of "book" which can relate the creative work, or a specific edition of the work. The difference in the jargon is not important to most people. — #Are we conflating editions and translations; or are we missing translations as their own works? This seems to be what I have been addressing at Comment For information, right now there is 341 results for edition of edition:

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
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  ?item2 wdt:P629 ?item3 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Query found at

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