
rq turtle/ttl

مواد الطلاء.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form تلك فقط باستخدام مؤهل (P186)made from material دعونا نجربها بسؤال آخر: كم لوحة رُسِمت على كل مادة؟ أولا، قم بكتابة استعلام يقوم فقط بإرجاع كل اللوحات مع مواد رسمها. (يجب الحرص على استخدام بيانات Materials de pintura). (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form amb el qualificador (P186)made from material Provem-ho amb una altra pregunta: quantes pintures s'han fet amb cada material? Primer, escriurem una consulta que només retorni totes les pintures amb el seu material (Tingueu cura d'utilitzar només les declaracions Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those חומרי ציור.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form כאלו שהן עם מבחין (P186)made from material בואו ננסה את זה עם שאלה נוספת: כמה ציורים צוירו על כל סוג של חומר? קודם כל נכתוב שאילתה שרק מחזירה את כל הציורים יחד עם החומר עליהם צוירו. (כדאי לקחת בחשבון להשתמש רק בקביעות Ներկարարական նյութեր qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those 画材修飾子をつけたものだけを使用するように注意してください)。 (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form 文に(P186)made from material 別の質問で試してみましょう。絵画の作品数をそこで使われた画材別に知りたいとしたら、どのようなクエリを書けばよいでしょうか。最初に、単にすべての絵画作品を、その作品の画材とともに返すクエリを作成します( Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those SchildersmaterialenLaten we het proberen met een andere query: Hoeveel schilderijen zijn op elk materiaal geschilderd? Schrijf eerst een query die alle schilderijen en hun schilderijmateriaal teruggeeft. Let er op dat u alleen die verklaringen met een kwalificatie gebruikt. Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those Painting materials qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those Матеріал для картин qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those 绘画材料 qualifier.) (Q861259)painting support (P518)applies to part, aspect, or form statements with an (P186)made from material Let’s try it out with another question: How many paintings were painted on each material? First, write a query that just returns all paintings along with their painting material. (Take care to only use those

Use at

PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
SELECT ?material ?painting
  ?painting wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3305213;
            p:P186 [ ps:P186 ?material; pq:P518 wd:Q861259 ].

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?material"):::projected v1("?painting"):::projected a1((" ")) a2((" ")) c3(["wd:Q3305213"]):::iri c6(["wd:Q861259"]):::iri v1 --"p:direct/P31"--> a1 a1 --"p:direct/P279"--> c3 a2 --"p:statement/P186"--> v2 a2 --"p:qualifier/P518"--> c6 v1 --"p:P186"--> a2