; لذلك هذا بسيط جدا: ORDER BY) في جملة ?count (هنا، SELECTلقد انتهينا تقريبا من الاستعلام، مجرد تحسين واحد آخر: نود أن نرى المواد الأكثر استخداما أولا، لحسن الحظ; يُسمَح لنا باستخدام المتغيرات الجديدة المجمعة من جملة , que és senzill de fer: ORDER BY) dins d'una clàusula ?count (aquí seria SELECTGairebé ja estem d'aquesta consulta, només ens falta una altra millora: ens agradaria veure primer els materials més utilitzats. Per sort, podem utilitzar les variables d'agregació de la clàusula clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the כך שזאת משימה די פשוטה: ORDER BY) בפסוקית ?count, (כאן הם נקראים SELECTכמעט סיימנו עם השאילתה - רק עוד שיפור קטן: אנחנו רוצים לראות את החומרים השכיחים ביותר בהתחלה. למזלנו, מותר לנו להשתמש במשתנים החדשים המכונסים מפסוקית ה־ clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the 句で使うことが許されています。そのため、改善するのは以下のように非常に簡単です。 ORDER BY)は、?count句で新たに集約された変数(ここではSELECTこれでほぼクエリは出来上がりですが、もう1つだけ改善点があります。最もよく使用されている画材が最初に表示されるようにしたいということです。幸いなことに、 clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the clausule, dus dit is heel eenvoudig: ORDER BY) gebruiken in een ?countWe zijn bijna klaar met de query, nog één verbetering: we willen graag eerst de meest gebruikte materialen zien. Gelukkig mogen we de nieuwe, geaggregeerde variabelen uit de SELECT-component (hier, clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the , так що це дуже просто зробити: ORDER BY) у пункті ?count (тут SELECTМи майже завершили із запитами - ще лиш одне вдосконалення: ми хочемо побачити спершу найчастіше використовувані матеріали. На щастя, нам дозволяється використовувати нові, агреговані змінні у пункті clause, so this is very simple: ORDER BY) in an ?count clause (here, SELECTWe’re almost done with the query – just one more improvement: we’d like to see the most-used materials first. Fortunately, we’re allowed to use the new, aggregated variables from the
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?material ?materialLabel (COUNT(?painting) AS ?count)
?painting wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3305213;
p:P186 [ ps:P186 ?material; pq:P518 wd:Q861259 ].
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
GROUP BY ?material ?materialLabel
Query found at
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