
rq turtle/ttl

Missing qualifiers with P1343 is not used since entries are not numbered.(P958)section, verse, paragraph, or clause should always be used with the term indicated in orange on the entry (trimmed to remove the last comma).(P1932)object named as without any space.- should always be used. If the description is on multiple pages, they should be separated with a (P304)page(s)

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
SELECT ?lexemeId ?lemma WHERE {
  ?lexemeId dct:language wd:Q150 ; wikibase:lemma ?lemma ; p:P1343 ?dico.
  ?dico ps:P1343 wd:Q115682499.
  optional { ?dico pq:P958 ?ref }.
  optional { ?dico pq:P1932 ?dicoentry }.
  optional { ?dico pq:P304 ?page }.
  filter(bound(?ref)|| !bound(?dicoentry) || !bound(?page))

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v6("?dico") v2("?dicoentry") v5("?lemma"):::projected v4("?lexemeId"):::projected v3("?page") v1("?ref") c2(["wd:Q150"]):::iri c6(["wd:Q115682499"]):::iri f0[["(bound(?ref) || (not bound(?dicoentry) || not bound(?page)))"]] f0 --> v1 f0 --> v2 f0 --> v3 v4 --"dct:language"--> c2 v4 --"wikibase:lemma"--> v5 v4 --"p:P1343"--> v6 v6 --"p:statement/P1343"--> c6 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v6 -."p:qualifier/P958".-> v1 end subgraph optional1["(optional)"] style optional1 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v6 -."p:qualifier/P1932".-> v2 end subgraph optional2["(optional)"] style optional2 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v6 -."p:qualifier/P304".-> v3 end