
rq turtle/ttl

سنوات قبل الميلاديجب إدخال سنوات ق.م كما هي، قبل الميلاد".458" وتظهر كـ"ق.م 458 تم إدخالها كـ"Q309637#P39 ق.م في 458عينة: سنة، يتم أيضا تصدير السنة "0" كالسنة 0، ولكن فقط إذا كان التقويم ميلاديا; لأنه يتم تمرير التواريخ غير الميلادية كما هي، السنة 0 غريغوريان غير صالح في قاعدة البيانات لن يتم تصديرها، السنة 2 قبل الميلاد، كـ-1،]1[بالنسبة لتصدير RDF (على سبيل المثال في خدمة استعلام ويكي بيانات)، ينطبق ما يلي: "التواريخ تتبع معيار XSD 1.1: أي 1 ق.م هي السنة 0.""، نفس الشيء مرئي على استعلام سباركل أدناه.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 تظهر كـ"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf ق.م على 458عينة: سنة Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." খ্রিষ্টপূর্বাব্দ BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Roky před naším letopočtemRoky př. n. l. by měly být vloženy tak jak jsou. př. n. l."458" a zobrazí se jako "př. n. l. 458 je vložen jako "Q309637#P39 př. n. l. v 458Příklad: Rok ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Jahre v. Chr.Jahre v. Chr. sollten so eingegeben werden, wie sie sind. v. u. Z."458" und erscheint als "v. u. Z. 458 ist eingegeben als "Q309637#P39 v. Chr. in 458Beispiel: Jahr . Jahr "0" wird ebenfalls als Jahr 0 exportiert, jedoch nur, wenn es im Julianischen Kalender angegeben ist, da nicht-gregorianische Daten unverändert durchgegeben werden. Jahr 0 im Gregorianischen Kalender ist ungültig und wird nicht exportiert. Jahr 2 v. Chr. als -1.]1[Für RDF-Export (z. B. auf Wikidata Query Service) gilt folgendes: "Die daten folgen dem Standard XSD 1.1, z. B. ist 1 v. Chr. das Jahr 0."". Dies ist auch bei der SPARQL-Query unten zu sehen.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 erscheint als "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf v. Chr. in 458Beispiel: Jahr Propertiesposition held (P39)point in time (P585) Years BCYears BC should be entered as is. BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0."". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year Years BCYears BC should be entered as is. BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0."". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year Años a. C.Los años a. C. deberían de introducirse como aparecen. a. e. c.».458 y aparece como «a. e. c. 458 se introduce como «Q309637#P39 a. C. en 458Ejemplo: El año . El año «0» será también exportado como año 0, pero solo si el calendario es el juliano, porque las fechas no gregorianas son exportadas igual que son almacenadas. El año 0 en gregoriano es inválido en la base de datos y no se puede exportar. El año 2 a. e. c. será exportado como −1.]1[Las exportaciones en formato RDF (como hace por ejemplo el Servicio de Consultas de Wikidata) siguen la siguiente regla: «Las fechas siguen el estándar XSD 1.1, esto es, el año 1 a. e. c. será el año 0.»». Esto se puede ver también en la consulta SPARQL a continuación.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 aparece como «https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf a. C. en 458Ejemplo: El año Années avant Jésus-ChristLes années avant Jésus-Christ doivent être ajoutée en tant que telles. BCE ».458 » (anglais pour AEC) et apparaît comme « BCE 458 est entrée comme «Q309637#P39 av. J.-C. sur 458Exemple : L'année . L'an «0» sera aussi exporté comme an 0, mais seulement si le calendrier est julien, parce que les dates non-grégoriennes sont exportées telles quelles. L'an 0 en grégorien est invalide dans la base de données et ne peut pas s'exporter. L'an 2 d'avant JC est exporté comme −1. mw:Wikibase/Indexing/RDF_Dump_Format#TimeLes exportations au format RDF (par exemple sur Wikidata Query Service) suivent la règle suivante : «Les dates suivent le standard XSD 1.1, c'est à dire que l'an 1 correspond à l'année 0.» ». Ceci se peut voir aussi dans le résultat du code SPARQL.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 apparaît «https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf avt JC sur 458Exemple: L'année Anos a. C.Os anos a. C. deberían de ser inseridos como aparecen. a. e. c.».458 e aparece como «a. e. c. 458 insírese coma Q309637#P39 a. C. en 458Exemplo: O ano . O ano «0» será tamén exportado como ano 0, pero só se o calendario é o xuliano, porque as datas non gregorianas son exportadas tal como están almacenadas. O ano 0 en gregoriano é inválido na base de datos e non se pode exporta. O ano 2 a. e. c. será exportado como −1.]1[As exportacións en formato RDF (como as fai o Servizo de Consultas de Wikidata) seguen a seguinte norma: «As datas seguen o estándar XSD 1.1, iso é, o ano 1 a. e. c. será o ano 0.»». Isto pode verse tamén na consulta SPARQL a continuación.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 aparece como «https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf a. C. en 458Exemplo: O ano Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. juga diekspor sebagai tahun 0, namun hanya jika dalam kalender Julian karena tanggal non-Gregorian dilewatkan seperti apa adanya. Tahun 0 Gregorian yang tidak sah di basis data tidak akan diekspor. Tahun 2 SEB, diekspor sebagai -1.0. Tahun ]1[Tanggal mengikuti standar XSD 1.1 yakni 1 SEB adalah tahun ke 0.Untuk ekspor RDF (mis. di Layanan Kueri Wikidata) berlaku hal-hal berikut: . Hal yang sama yang ditampilkan di bawah kueri SPARQL.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 ditampilkan sebagai https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdfSM di 458Contoh: Tahun Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." 紀元前の年 BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Jaar BCJaren BC moeten worden ingevoerd zoals ze zijn. BCE".458" en verschijnt als "BCE 458 wordt ingevoerd als "Q309637#P39 BC op 458Voorbeeld: Jaar Jaar "0" wordt ook geëxporteerd als jaar 0, maar alleen als het Juliaanse kalender is, omdat niet-Gregoriaanse datums worden doorgegeven zoals ze zijn. Jaar 0 Gregoriaanse is ongeldig in de database zou niet worden geëxporteerd. Jaar 2 BCE, als -1.]1[Voor RDF-export (bijv. op Wikidata Query Service) geldt het volgende: "De datums volgen de XSD 1.1-standaard, d.w.z. 1 BCE is jaar 0."". Hetzelfde is zichtbaar op de onderstaande SPARQL-query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 verschijnt als "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC op 458Voorbeeld: Jaar Lata p.n.e. BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Роки до нашої ериРоки до н.е. вводяться без змін. BCE".458 і "відображається як "BCE 458 вводиться як "Q309637#P39 до н.е. на 458Зразок: Рік . Рік "0" також експортується як рік 0, але тільки якщо це Юліанський календар, оскільки негригоріанські дати передаються як є. Рік 0 григоріанський недійсний в базі даних експортуватися не буде.2 рік до н.е., як -1.]1[Для експорту у форматі RDF (наприклад, на Вікісховище запитів) застосовується наступне: "Дати відповідають стандарту XSD 1.1, тобто 1 рік до нашої ери - це 0 рік."". Те ж саме видно з наведеного нижче SPARQL-запиту. -01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 відображається як "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf до н.е. 458Зразок: Рік Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0." Years BC BCE".458" and appears as "BCE 458 is entered as "Q309637#P39 BC on 458Sample: Year Years BC should be entered as is. ". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.-01-01T00:00:00Z457-0 appears as "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q309637.rdf BC on 458Sample: Year . Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.]1[For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0."

Use at

PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX pqv: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/value/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
    VALUES ?item { wd:Q309637 }
    ?item p:P39 ?p1 . ?p1 pqv:P585 ?p3 . ?p3 ?p4 ?p5

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v1("?item"):::projected v2("?p1"):::projected v3("?p3"):::projected v4("?p4"):::projected v5("?p5"):::projected bind0[/VALUES ?item/] bind0-->v1 bind00(["wd:Q309637"]) bind00 --> bind0 v1 --"p:P39"--> v2 v2 --"p:qualifier/value/P585"--> v3 v3 -->v4--> v5