
rq turtle/ttl

الخ) إذا كان البيان المناسب موجودا، ولكن إذا لم يكن البيان موجودا، فلن يتم تجاهل النتيجة، المتغير ببساطة لم يتم ضبطه. ?publisherهذا يعطينا المتغيرات الإضافية (<،code>?title منفصلة هنا، إذا وضعت كل ثلاثة أضعاف في بند واحد، مثل هنا - OPTIONALملاحظة: من المهم جدا استخدام عبارات , etc.). Si l'element existeix, però no té les declaracions opcionals, no es descarta el resultat, si no que, senzillament, la variable queda buida. ?editor, ?titolAixò ens dona les variables addicionals ( separades aquí. Si posem totes les ternes en una sola clàusula, com aquí – OPTIONALNota: és molt important utilitzar clàusules etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate etc.), wenn die angegebene Aussage existiert, wenn die Aussage hingegen nicht existiert, wird das Ergebnis nicht verworfen – die Variable wird einfach nicht gesetzt. ?verlag, ?titelDiese gibt uns zusätzliche Variablen (-Klauseln zu verwenden. Wenn du alle Tripel in eine Klausel setzt, wie hier – OPTIONALBeachte: Es ist sehr wichtig, hier getrennte etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate jne), kui vastav avaldus eksisteerib, aga kui avaldust ei ole olemas, siis tulemust ei visata minema – vastavat muutujat lihtsalt ei määrata. ?kirjastus, ?pealkiriSee annab meile muutujaid juurde ( lauseid. Kui Sa paned kõik kolmikud ühte lausesse, nagu siin – OPTIONALMärkus: siin on väga oluline kasutada eraldi וכו׳) אם הקביעה המתאימה קיימת, אך אם הקביעה לא קיימת, התוצאה לא נזרקת מהרשימה - המשתנה פשוט לא מוגדר. ?publisher,‏ ‎?titleכך מתקבלים משתנים נוספים (‎ נפרדות. אם שמים את כל השלישיות בפסוקית אחת, כמו פה - OPTIONALנא לשים לב: חשוב מאוד להשתמש כאן בפסוקיות etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate , dst.) jika pernyataan yang sesuai memang ada. Bila pernyataan yang sesuai tidak ada maka variabel-variabel tersebut hanya akan dikosongkan. ?penerbit, ?judulHal ini memberikan kita variabel-variabel tambahan ( terpisah di sini. Jika kamu menempatkan semua tripel dalam satu klausa seperti ini – OPTIONALCatatan: Sangat penting menggunakan klausa など)が得られますが、文が存在しない場合でも結果は破棄されません。単に変数が設定されないだけです。 ?publisher、?titleこれにより、該当する文が存在する場合は追加の変数(句を使用することが非常に重要です。すべてのトリプルを1つの句に入れると、次のようになります - OPTIONAL注意:ここでは、個別の etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate TODO etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate etc.) if the appropriate statement exists, but if the statement doesn’t exist, the result isn’t discarded – the variable simply isn’t set. ?publisher, ?titleThis gives us the additional variables ( clauses here. If you put all the triples into a single clause, like here – OPTIONALNote: it’s very important to use separate

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">?book ?title ?illustratorLabel ?publisherLabel ?published</span>
  ?book wdt:P50 wd:Q35610.
    ?book wdt:P1476 ?title;
          wdt:P110 ?illustrator;
          wdt:P123 ?publisher;
          wdt:P577 ?published.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }

Query found at