
rq turtle/ttl

لحسن الحظ; يحرر محرر خدمة استعلام ويكي بيانات الخطوط لك تلقائيا،; لذلك لا داعٍ للقلق بشأن هذا الأمر. حسنا، دعونا نلخص هنا، لقد رأينا أن الاستعلامات منظمة مثل النص، يتم إنهاء كل ثلاثية حول موضوع من قبل فترة، ويتم فصل المسندات متعددة حول نفس الموضوع بواسطة فواصل منقوطة، ويمكن إدراج كائنات متعددة لنفس الموضوع والمسند مفصولة بفواصل. Per sort, l'editor de WDQS indenta les línies de forma automàtica i habitualment no us n'heu de preocupar. Fem un resum: Hem vist que les consultes s'estructuren com a text. Cada terna sobre un subjecte s'acaba amb un punt. Diversos predicats sobre el mateix subjecte es poden separar amb punt i coma, i diversos complements directes del mateix subjecte i predicat es poden llistar separats per comes. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Glücklicherweise rückt der WDQS-Editor Zeilen automatisch ein, d. h. du musst dich normalerweise nicht darum kümmern. Gut, lasst uns hier mal zusammenfassen. Wir haben gesehen, dass Abfragen wie Text strukturiert sind. Jedes Tripel zu einem Subjekt wird mit einem Punkt beendet. Verschiedene Prädikate zum selben Subjekt werden getrennt durch Semikolons und verschiedene Objekte für dasselbe Subjekt und dasselbe Prädikat können getrennt durch Kommas aufgelistet werden. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarise here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a full stop. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Afortunadamente, el editor WDQS agrega las sangrías en las líneas automáticamente, así que normalmente no tienes que preocuparte por esto. . ,, y múltiples objetos para el mismo sujeto y predicado se pueden enumerar separados por comas ;. Múltiples predicados sobre el mismo sujeto están separados por punto y coma .Bien, hagamos un resumen. Hemos visto que las consultas están estructuradas como un texto. Cada terna sobre un tema se termina con un punto Õnneks loob päringukeskkond taanded automaatselt Sinu eest, seega Sa ei pea tavaliselt nende pärast muretsema. Teeme siin väikese kokkuvõtte. Me nägime, et päringuid ehitatakse üles nagu teksti. Iga kolmik mingi subjekti kohta lõpeb punktiga. Mitut predikaati sama subjekti kohta eraldab semikoolon ning mitut objekti sama subjekti ja predikaadi kohta võib eraldada komaga. Heureusement, l'éditeur WDQS indente automatiquement les lignes, donc généralement vous n'avez pas à vous en occuper. Bien, résumons tout cela ici. Nous avons vu que les requêtes sont structurées comme du texte. Chaque triplet sur un sujet est terminé par un point. Des prédicats multiples sur le même sujet sont séparés par des points-virgule, et de multiples objets pour le même sujet et le même prédicat peuvent être écrits comme une liste séparée par des virgules. למרבה המזל, העורך של WDQS מזיח את השורות עבורך אוטומטית, כך שזה בדרך כלל לא אמור להטריד אותך. מצוין, נערוך סיכום ביניים. ראינו ששאילתות בנויות כמו טקסט. כל שלישייה על נושא נסגרת בנקודה. מספר נשואים על אותו הנושא מופרדים בנקודה פסיק, ומגוון עצמים לאותו הנושא והנשוא ניתן לכתוב עם פסיקים ביניהם. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Untungnya, penyunting WDQS mengindentasi tiap baris secara otomatis sehingga kamu tidak perlu khawatir tentang hal ini. Baiklah, mari kita coba rangkum sampai di sini. Kita telah melihat kueri yang terstruktur seperti teks. Setiap tripel tentang suatu subjek diakhiri oleh titik. Beberapa predikat tentang subjek yang sama dipisahkan titik koma, dan beberapa objek pada subjek dan predikat yang sama dapat didaftarkan dengan dipisah oleh koma. Fortunatamente, l'editor WDQS indenta automaticamente le linee, quindi di solito non devi preoccuparti di questo. Bene, riassumendo: abbiamo visto che le query sono strutturate come testo. Ogni tripla su un argomento è terminata da un punto. Più predicati relativi allo stesso soggetto sono separati da punti e virgola e più oggetti per lo stesso soggetto e predicato possono essere elencati separati da virgole. 幸いにもWDQSエディタは自動的に行をインデントしてくれますので、通常はこれを気にする必要はありません。 さあ、ではここまでをまとめてみましょう。クエリは文章のように組み立てられることを見てきました。ある主語についてのトリプルは、それぞれがピリオドで終わります。同じ主語についての複数の述語は、セミコロンで区切られます。そして、同じ主語と述語に対する複数の目的語は、コンマで区切って列挙することが可能です。 Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Gelukkig springt de WDQS-editor automatisch in, dus u hoeft u hier meestal geen zorgen over te maken. Oké, laten we hier samenvatten. We hebben gezien dat queries zijn gestructureerd als tekst. Elk tripel over een onderwerp wordt afgesloten met een punt. Meerdere predicaten over hetzelfde onderwerp worden gescheiden door middel van puntkomma's, en meerdere objecten voor hetzelfde onderwerp en predicaat kunnen worden vermeld gescheiden door komma's. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Para nossa alegria, o editor do WDQS indenta as linhas automaticamente, então normalmente não precisamos nos preocupar com isso. Beleza, vamos resumir. Vimos que as buscas são estruturadas como texto. Cada tripla sobre um sujeito termina com um ponto final. Predicados múltiplos sobre o mesmo sujeito são separados por ponto-e-vírgula, e múltiplos objetos podem ser separados por vírgulas. К счастью, редактор WDQS делает отступы строчек автоматически, так что обычно вам не нужно беспокоиться об этом. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. Luckily, the WDQS editor indents lines for you automatically, so you usually don’t have to worry about this. Alright, let’s summarize here. We’ve seen that queries are structured like text. Each triple about a subject is terminated by a period. Multiple predicates about the same subject are separated by semicolons, and multiple objects for the same subject and predicate can be listed separated by commas. 幸运的是,WDQS编辑器能为您自动缩进,因此通常无需担心。 我们总结一下。每行查询的结构类似一句话。每个主题的三元组用一个英文句号终结。同一个主题多个谓词(第二项)用英文分号分隔,同一个主题和谓词的多个对象(第三项)用英文逗号分隔。

Use at

SELECT ?s1 ?s2 ?s3
  ?s1 p1 o1;
      p2 o2;
      p3 o31, o32, o33.
  ?s2 p4 o41, o42.
  ?s3 p5 o5;
      p6 o6.

Query found at