general table for the 2019 Hong Kong protests
also viewable as graph and map
Note: ?edgeLabel has to be placed after object (?y), not between subject (?x) and object (?y).
Otherwise it will cause errors in graph.
SELECT DISTINCT ?x2 ?x2Label ?x2Description ?image ?y ?yLabel ?edgeLabel
# define ?x as "immediate" cause of (P828) or effect of (P1542) or "any" part of (P361) or facet of (P1269) 2019 Hong Kong protests (Q64509602)
### Note: Cause (P828) and effect (P1542) are limited to "immediate", not "any", to avoid a too long chain, and
### are limited to the relation with 2019 Hong Kong protests (Q64509602), not its sub-event/topic, to avoid a too general value.
?x (wdt:P828|wdt:P1542 |(wdt:P361 |wdt:P1269)) wd:Q64509602.
# expand ?x to ?x1 (+?x's participant and related creative work)
# by defining ?x1 as participant of (P1344) or depicts (P180) or main subject is (P921) ?x
?x1 (wdt:P1344 |wdt:P180 |wdt:P921)? ?x.
# expand ?x1 to ?x2 (+?x1's organizer and author)
# by defining ?x2 as ?x1's organizer (P664)
# or participant (P710) or depicted by (P1299)
# or author (P50) or composer (P86) or lyrics by (P676) or creator (P170)
### Note: 1. Organizer (P664) does not have inverse property and its value cannot be included in ?x1.
### 2. Participant (P710) and depicted by (P1299) have inverse properties (participant of (P1344) and depicts (P180)),
### and their values can be included in ?x1 by inverse properties P1344 and P180,
### but item might have no P1344 or P180 intentionally (to, e.g., avoid trivial value or long list) or accidentally.
### 3. Author (P50), composer (P86), lyrics by (P676), and creator (P170) do not have inverse property and
### their values cannot be included in ?x1. And
### even if they do have inverse properties, they should not be added to "?x1 f ?x", because
### that need change (f)? to (f) and might make a too long chain.
?x1 (wdt:P664 |wdt:P710 |wdt:P1299 |wdt:P50 |wdt:P86 |wdt:P676 |wdt:P170)? ?x2
# optional: define ?y as ?x2's cause (P828) or effect (P1542) or part of (P361) or part (P527) or facet of (P1269), i.e., ?x relation/inverse
# or participant of (P1344) or participant (P710) or depicts (P180) or depicted by (P1299) or main subject (P921), i.e., ?x1+ relation/inverse
# or organizer (P664) or author (P50) or composer (P86) or lyrics by (P676) or creator (P170), i.e., ?x2+ relation
# or coordinate location (P625) or follows (P155) or followed by (P156)
OPTIONAL {?x2 (wdt:P828 |wdt:P1542 |wdt:P361 |wdt:P527 |wdt:P1269 |wdt:P1344 |wdt:P710 |wdt:P180 |wdt:P1299 |wdt:P921 |wdt:P664 |wdt:P50 |wdt:P86 |wdt:P676 |wdt:P170 |wdt:P625 |wdt:P155 |wdt:P156) ?y
# To avoid showing any other relation
# define ?relation as only cause (P828) or effect (P1542) or part of (P361) or part (P527) or facet of (P1269), i.e., ?x relation/inverse
# or participant of (P1344) or participant (P710) or depicts (P180) or depicted by (P1299) or main subject (P921), i.e., ?x1+ relation/inverse
# or organizer (P664) or author (P50) or composer (P86) or lyrics by (P676) or creator (P170), i.e., ?x2+ relation
# or coordinate location (P625) or follows (P155) or followed by (P156)
VALUES ?relation {wdt:P828 wdt:P1542 wdt:P361 wdt:P527 wdt:P1269 wdt:P1344 wdt:P710 wdt:P180 wdt:P1299 wdt:P921 wdt:P664 wdt:P50 wdt:P86 wdt:P676 wdt:P170 wdt:P625 wdt:P155 wdt:P156}
# ?relation is from ?x2 to ?y
?x2 ?relation ?y.
# get ?relation's property label and allow it to appear on graph edge
?edge wikibase:directClaim ?relation;
a wikibase:Property}
# optional: show ?x2's image (P18), which appears directly in graph, and as link in table
OPTIONAL {?x2 wdt:P18 ?image}
# show label in simplified Chinese (zh-hans) as default, and English when no default label exists
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "zh-hans,en". }
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
# general table for the 2019 Hong Kong protests
# also viewable as graph and map
### Note: ?edgeLabel has to be placed after object (?y), not between subject (?x) and object (?y).
### Otherwise it will cause errors in graph.
SELECT DISTINCT ?x2 ?x2Label ?x2Description ?image ?y ?yLabel ?edgeLabel
# define ?x as "immediate" cause of (P828) or effect of (P1542) or "any" part of (P361) or facet of (P1269) 2019 Hong Kong protests (Q64509602)
### Note: Cause (P828) and effect (P1542) are limited to "immediate", not "any", to avoid a too long chain, and
### are limited to the relation with 2019 Hong Kong protests (Q64509602), not its sub-event/topic, to avoid a too general value.
?x (wdt:P828|wdt:P1542 |(wdt:P361 |wdt:P1269)*) wd:Q64509602.
# expand ?x to ?x1 (+?x's participant and related creative work)
# by defining ?x1 as participant of (P1344) or depicts (P180) or main subject is (P921) ?x
?x1 (wdt:P1344 |wdt:P180 |wdt:P921)? ?x.
# expand ?x1 to ?x2 (+?x1's organizer and author)
# by defining ?x2 as ?x1's organizer (P664)
# or participant (P710) or depicted by (P1299)
# or author (P50) or composer (P86) or lyrics by (P676) or creator (P170)
### Note: 1. Organizer (P664) does not have inverse property and its value cannot be included in ?x1.
### 2. Participant (P710) and depicted by (P1299) have inverse properties (participant of (P1344) and depicts (P180)),
### and their values can be included in ?x1 by inverse properties P1344 and P180,
### but item might have no P1344 or P180 intentionally (to, e.g., avoid trivial value or long list) or accidentally.
### 3. Author (P50), composer (P86), lyrics by (P676), and creator (P170) do not have inverse property and
### their values cannot be included in ?x1. And
### even if they do have inverse properties, they should not be added to "?x1 f ?x", because
### that need change (f)? to (f)* and might make a too long chain.
?x1 (wdt:P664 |wdt:P710 |wdt:P1299 |wdt:P50 |wdt:P86 |wdt:P676 |wdt:P170)? ?x2
# optional: define ?y as ?x2's cause (P828) or effect (P1542) or part of (P361) or part (P527) or facet of (P1269), i.e., ?x relation/inverse
# or participant of (P1344) or participant (P710) or depicts (P180) or depicted by (P1299) or main subject (P921), i.e., ?x1+ relation/inverse
# or organizer (P664) or author (P50) or composer (P86) or lyrics by (P676) or creator (P170), i.e., ?x2+ relation
# or coordinate location (P625) or follows (P155) or followed by (P156)
OPTIONAL {?x2 (wdt:P828 |wdt:P1542 |wdt:P361 |wdt:P527 |wdt:P1269 |wdt:P1344 |wdt:P710 |wdt:P180 |wdt:P1299 |wdt:P921 |wdt:P664 |wdt:P50 |wdt:P86 |wdt:P676 |wdt:P170 |wdt:P625 |wdt:P155 |wdt:P156) ?y
# To avoid showing any other relation
# define ?relation as only cause (P828) or effect (P1542) or part of (P361) or part (P527) or facet of (P1269), i.e., ?x relation/inverse
# or participant of (P1344) or participant (P710) or depicts (P180) or depicted by (P1299) or main subject (P921), i.e., ?x1+ relation/inverse
# or organizer (P664) or author (P50) or composer (P86) or lyrics by (P676) or creator (P170), i.e., ?x2+ relation
# or coordinate location (P625) or follows (P155) or followed by (P156)
VALUES ?relation {wdt:P828 wdt:P1542 wdt:P361 wdt:P527 wdt:P1269 wdt:P1344 wdt:P710 wdt:P180 wdt:P1299 wdt:P921 wdt:P664 wdt:P50 wdt:P86 wdt:P676 wdt:P170 wdt:P625 wdt:P155 wdt:P156}
# ?relation is from ?x2 to ?y
?x2 ?relation ?y.
# get ?relation's property label and allow it to appear on graph edge
?edge wikibase:directClaim ?relation;
a wikibase:Property}
# optional: show ?x2's image (P18), which appears directly in graph, and as link in table
OPTIONAL {?x2 wdt:P18 ?image}
# show label in simplified Chinese (zh-hans) as default, and English when no default label exists
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "zh-hans,en". }