، ونقصره على التسميات الإنجليزية، ثم نتحقق مما إذا كان يبدأ بـ "Mr.". ?human rdfs:label ?labelنحصل على التسمية مع الثلاثي يمكن للمرء أيضا استخدام FILTER مع تعبير نمطي، في المثال التالي , ho restringim a les etiquetes en català i després verifiquem que comenci per «Sr. ». ?human rdfs:label ?labelObtenim l'etiqueta amb la terna També es pot utilitzar FILTER amb una expressió regular. A l'exemple següent triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example , begrenzt auf englischsprachige Bezeichnungen und dann überprüft, ob sie mit “Mr. ” beginnen. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWir erhalten die Bezeichnung mit dem Tripel Man kann FILTER auch mit regulären Ausdrücken nutzen. Im folgenden Beispiel triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example , la restringimos a etiquetas en inglés y luego verificamos si comienza con “Mr. ". ?ser_human rdfs:label ?label Obtenemos la etiqueta con la terna También podes usar FILTER con una expresión regular. En el ejemplo siguiente: kolmikuga, kitsendame seda ingliskeelsete siltide peale ja siis kontrollime, kas see algab tiitliga "Mr. ". ?human rdfs:label ?labelMe saame sildi koos FILTER lauset võib kasutada ka regulaaravaldisega. Järgnevas näites , nous les restreignons aux libellés en anglais puis nous vérifions s'ils commencent par “Mr. ". ?humain rdfs:label ?humainLabelNous obtenons les libellés avec le triplet avec une expression régulière. Exemple : FILTEROn peut aussi utiliser , מגבילים אותה לתוויות באנגלית ואז בודקים אם היא מתחילה ב־„Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelאנחנו מקבלים את התווית עם השלישייה אפשר גם להשתמש ב־FILTER עם ביטוי רגולרי. כמו בדוגמה הבאה triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example lalu membatasi hanya untuk label berbahasa Inggris, kemudian menguji apakah label tersebut diawali “Mr. ”. ?manusia rdfs:label ?labelKita dapatkan label dengan tripel FILTER juga bisa digunakan dengan ekspresi reguler. Pada contoh berikut , limitandole all'etichette in inglese e poi controlliamo se iniziano con “Mr.”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelOtteniamo l'etichetta con la tripla Si può anche usare FILTER con un'espressione regolare. Nell'esempio seguente トリプルを持つラベルを取得し、それを英語のラベルに制限し、それが「Mr.」で始まるかどうかをチェックします。 ?human rdfs:label?label正規表現でFILTERを使用することもできます。次に例を示します。 triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example tripel, beperkt tot de Engelse labels, en controleren daarna of dat begint met “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWij krijgen het label met de Filter kan ook worden gebruikt met een reguliere expressie. In het volgende voorbeeld triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example TODO triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example triple, restrict it to English labels, and then check if it starts with “Mr. ”. ?human rdfs:label ?labelWe get the label with the One can also use FILTER with a regular expression. In the following example
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PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?bblid
?item wdt:P2580 ?bblid .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
FILTER(!REGEX(STR(?bblid), "[\\.q]"))
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