
rq turtle/ttl

Query to show England administrative hierarchy # -- regions, ceremonial counties, administrative counties, and districts # Compare [[:en:Subdivisions of England]]

SELECT ?region ?regionLabel ?cerem ?ceremLabel ?adm_county ?adm_countyLabel 
        (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?dist_label); separator="; ") AS ?dists)
      ?region p:P31/ps:P31  wd:Q48091 .   # region

# ?region p:P131/ps:P131 wd:Q21 . # England

      {?cerem  p:P131/ps:P131 ?region . ?cerem p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q180673 } 
      {?region p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q180673 . BIND(?region AS ?cerem)} .

      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?cerem p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q19953632} .

      ?adm_county (p:P131/ps:P131)? ?cerem .

      { VALUES ?allowed_adm_county_type { wd:Q769628  wd:Q769603 wd:Q1136601 } .
             # metropolitan county, non-metropolitan county, unitary authority
      ?adm_county p:P31/ps:P31  ?allowed_adm_county_type }
      {VALUES ?adm_county { wd:Q23306 wd:Q23311 } } .  # City of London & Greater London

      VALUES ?allowed_district_type { wd:Q1187580  wd:Q1002812 wd:Q211690 }

      OPTIONAL {
        ?adm_county p:P31/ps:P31  wd:Q1136601 .
        BIND ('' AS ?dist)
        BIND (' (unitary) ' AS ?dist_label) 
      OPTIONAL {
        ?dist p:P131/ps:P131 ?adm_county .
        ?dist p:P31/ps:P31  ?allowed_district_type .
        ?dist rdfs:label ?dist_label filter (lang(?dist_label) = "en") .

      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q1342914) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47994))) .   # North East Lincs
      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q175945) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47994))) .    # North Lincs
      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q21269047) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .  # Lincs council area
      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q171866) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .    # Middlesbrough
      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q1434448) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .   # Redcar & Cleveland
      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q894094) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .    # Stockton
      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q21241814) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47983))) .  # North Yorkshire
      FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q42462) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47983))) .     # York

      SERVICE wikibase:label {
           bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
} GROUP BY ?region ?regionLabel ?cerem ?ceremLabel ?adm_county ?adm_countyLabel
ORDER BY ?regionLabel ?ceremLabel ?adm_countyLabel

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
#  Query to show England administrative hierarchy
 #   -- regions, ceremonial counties, administrative counties, and districts
 #  Compare [[:en:Subdivisions of England]]

    SELECT ?region ?regionLabel ?cerem ?ceremLabel ?adm_county ?adm_countyLabel 
            (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?dist_label); separator="; ") AS ?dists)
    WHERE {
          ?region p:P31/ps:P31  wd:Q48091 .   # region
 #        ?region p:P131/ps:P131 wd:Q21 .      # England

          {?cerem  p:P131/ps:P131 ?region . ?cerem p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q180673 } 
          {?region p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q180673 . BIND(?region AS ?cerem)} .

          FILTER NOT EXISTS {?cerem p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q19953632} .

          ?adm_county (p:P131/ps:P131)? ?cerem . 

          { VALUES ?allowed_adm_county_type { wd:Q769628  wd:Q769603 wd:Q1136601 } .
                 # metropolitan county, non-metropolitan county, unitary authority
          ?adm_county p:P31/ps:P31  ?allowed_adm_county_type }
          {VALUES ?adm_county { wd:Q23306 wd:Q23311 } } .  # City of London & Greater London

          VALUES ?allowed_district_type { wd:Q1187580  wd:Q1002812 wd:Q211690 }

          OPTIONAL {
            ?adm_county p:P31/ps:P31  wd:Q1136601 .
            BIND ('' AS ?dist)
            BIND (' (unitary) ' AS ?dist_label) 
          OPTIONAL {
            ?dist p:P131/ps:P131 ?adm_county .
            ?dist p:P31/ps:P31  ?allowed_district_type .
            ?dist rdfs:label ?dist_label filter (lang(?dist_label) = "en") .

          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q1342914) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47994))) .   # North East Lincs
          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q175945) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47994))) .    # North Lincs
          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q21269047) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .  # Lincs council area
          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q171866) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .    # Middlesbrough
          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q1434448) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .   # Redcar & Cleveland
          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q894094) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q48063))) .    # Stockton
          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q21241814) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47983))) .  # North Yorkshire
          FILTER (!(sameTerm(?adm_county, wd:Q42462) && sameTerm(?region, wd:Q47983))) .     # York

          SERVICE wikibase:label {
               bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
    } GROUP BY ?region ?regionLabel ?cerem ?ceremLabel ?adm_county ?adm_countyLabel
    ORDER BY ?regionLabel ?ceremLabel ?adm_countyLabel

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v9("?adm_county"):::projected v3("?adm_countyLabel"):::projected v8("?allowed_adm_county_type") v9("?allowed_district_type") v8("?cerem"):::projected v2("?ceremLabel"):::projected v10("?dist") v11("?dist_label"):::projected v11("?dists") v5("?region"):::projected v1("?regionLabel"):::projected a2((" ")) a3((" ")) a4((" ")) a5((" ")) a1((" ")) a6((" ")) a7((" ")) a8((" ")) a9((" ")) a10((" ")) c20(["wd:Q1136601"]):::iri c12(["en"]):::literal c19(["wd:Q180673"]):::iri c15(["wd:Q19953632"]):::iri c23(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c16(["wd:Q48091"]):::iri f0[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q42462')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q47983')"]] f0 --> v9 f0 --> v5 f1[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q21241814')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q47983')"]] f1 --> v9 f1 --> v5 f2[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q894094')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q48063')"]] f2 --> v9 f2 --> v5 f3[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q1434448')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q48063')"]] f3 --> v9 f3 --> v5 f4[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q171866')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q48063')"]] f4 --> v9 f4 --> v5 f5[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q21269047')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q48063')"]] f5 --> v9 f5 --> v5 f6[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q175945')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q47994')"]] f6 --> v9 f6 --> v5 f7[["not sameterm(?adm_county,'wd:Q1342914')sameterm(?region,'wd:Q47994')"]] f7 --> v9 f7 --> v5 f8[["not "]] subgraph f8e0["Exists Clause"] e0v1 --"p:P31"--> e0a1 e0a1 --"p:statement/P31"--> e0c3 e0v1("?cerem"):::projected e0a1((" ")):::projected e0c3(["wd:Q19953632"]):::iri end f8--EXISTS--> f8e0 f8 --> v8 f8 --> c13 f8 --> a1 f8 --> c14 f8 --> c15 v8 --"p:P31"--> a1 a1 --"p:statement/P31"--> c15 v5 --"p:P31"--> a2 a2 --"p:statement/P31"--> c16 subgraph union0[" Union "] subgraph union0l[" "] style union0l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v5 --"p:P31"--> a5 a5 --"p:statement/P31"--> c19 bind9[/"?region"/] v5 --o bind9 bind9 --as--o v8 end subgraph union0r[" "] style union0r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v8 --"p:P131"--> a3 a3 --"p:statement/P131"--> v5 v8 --"p:P31"--> a4 a4 --"p:statement/P31"--> c19 end union0r <== or ==> union0l end subgraph union1[" Union "] subgraph union1l[" "] style union1l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v9 --"p:P131"--> a6 a6 --"p:statement/P131"--> v8 end subgraph union1r[" "] style union1r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; end union1r <== or ==> union1l end subgraph union2[" Union "] subgraph union2l[" "] style union2l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; bind10[/VALUES ?adm_county/] bind10-->v9 bind100(["wd:Q23306"]) bind100 --> bind10 bind101(["wd:Q23311"]) bind101 --> bind10 end subgraph union2r[" "] style union2r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; bind11[/VALUES ?allowed_adm_county_type/] bind11-->v8 bind110(["wd:Q769628"]) bind110 --> bind11 bind111(["wd:Q769603"]) bind111 --> bind11 bind112(["wd:Q1136601"]) bind112 --> bind11 v9 --"p:P31"--> a7 a7 --"p:statement/P31"--> v8 end union2r <== or ==> union2l end bind12[/VALUES ?allowed_district_type/] bind12-->v9 bind120(["wd:Q1187580"]) bind120 --> bind12 bind121(["wd:Q1002812"]) bind121 --> bind12 bind122(["wd:Q211690"]) bind122 --> bind12 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v9 -."p:P31".-> a8 a8 --"p:statement/P31"--> c20 bind13[/"''"/] bind13 --as--o v10 bind14[/"' (unitary) '"/] bind14 --as--o v11 end subgraph optional1["(optional)"] style optional1 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v10 -."p:P131".-> a9 a9 --"p:statement/P131"--> v9 v10 --"p:P31"--> a10 a10 --"p:statement/P31"--> v9 v10 --"rdfs:label"--> v11 end subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c23 --"wikibase:language"--> c12 end bind16[/"?dist_label"/] v11 --o bind16 bind16 --as--o v11