
rq turtle/ttl

مباشرة، مع عدم وجود عناصر مسار بينهما على الإطلاق. ?a قد يكون أيضا ?b يعني أن ?a something ?bإذا لم تكن هناك عناصر أخرى في المسار، أو أكثر من هذا العنصر"، يجد الاستعلام التالي كل أحفاد باخ: واحد) ، ولكنه يعني "+يشبه الزائد ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( directly, with no path elements between them at all. ?a might also just be ?b means that ?a something ?bIf there are no other elements in the path, or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b prend alors directement la valeur de ?a, sans aucun maillon entre eux, et ?a ?b se réduit à ?a quelqueChose ?b, pour le cas par exemple où il y a "zéro occurrence" de "quelqueChose", SPARQLDans le cas spécial où il y a zéro propriété dans un chemin (aucun arc spécifique de relation, propriété NULLE, "universelle"), le noeud-sujet est alors directement connecté au noeud-objet dans le graphe, et ce, quel que soit l'objet, y compris lui-même. De sorte qu'il y a toujours une correspondance ("match"). - Ainsi, dans maillon. La requête suivante trouve tous les descendants de Bach : "un" ou plus d'un) est similaire à une astérisque, mais signifie +Un plus ( ישירות בלי רכיבים ביניהם כלל. ?a יכול גם פשוט ‎?b היא ש־‎?a something ?bאם אין רכיבים אחרים בנתיב, המשמעות של ‎ או יותר מהרכיב הזה”. השאילתה הבאה מוצאת את כל יוצאי חלציו של באך: אחד) דומה לכוכבית, אך המשמעות שלו היא „+פלוס ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( 他の要素を挟まずにすぐ後ろに来ても良いことを表します。 ?aが?bは?a something ?bもしパスに他の要素がなければ、 以上の繰り返しを意味します。次のクエリはバッハの子孫をすべて探します: 1回) はアスタリスクに似ていますが、+プラス ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b neemt direct de waarde van ?a, zonder pad ertussen, en ?a ?b gereduceerd tot ?a iets?b, bijvoorbeeld in het geval "nul iets", wordt SPARQLIn het speciale geval dat er een nul-eigenschap in een pad is (geen specifieke relatieboog: een NULL, "universele" eigenschap), dan is de onderwerpknoop direct verbonden met de objectknoop in de grafiek, ongeacht de objectknoop, inclusief zichzelf. Zodat er altijd een match is. Dus, in " of meer van deze elementen. De volgende query vindt alle afstammelingen van Bach: één) is vergelijkbaar met een ster, maar betekent "+Een plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus ( . ?b takes directly the value of ?a, with no path between them, and ?a ?b reduces to ?a something* ?b, for instance in the case "zero something", SPARQLIn the special case where there is zero property in a path (no specific arc of relation: a NULL, "universal" property), then the subject node is directly connected to the object node in the graph, whatever the object node is, including itself. So that there is always a match. Thus, in or more of this element”. The following query finds all descendants of Bach: one) is similar to an asterisk, but means “+A plus (

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?descendant ?descendantLabel
  wd:Q1339 wdt:P40+ ?descendant.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v1("?descendant"):::projected c1(["wd:Q1339"]):::iri c4(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c6(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;"]):::literal c1 --"wdt:P40"--> v1 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c4 --"wikibase:language"--> c6 end