
rq turtle/ttl

. Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach és ?etiquetaPersonalitzadaItem, el valor de wd:Q1339 té el valor ?item i quan Einstein és ?etiquetaPersonalitzadaItem a un resultat, el valor propi de la wd:Q937 tingui el valor ?item la qual assegura que quan un VALUES (?item ?etiquetaPersonalitzadaItem) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES també pot fer més que crear enumeracions de valors possibles per a una parella (o una terna) de variables. Per exemple, diguem que volem utilitzar variables personalitzades (però conegudes) de les persones enumerades al primer « valor » d'exemple. Aleshores, és possible utilitzar una clàusula « values » com . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as ist. Bach ?customItemLabel hat, der Wert von wd:Q1339 den Wert ?item ist und immer, wenn Einstein ?customItemLabel in einem Ergebnis hat, der eigene Wert von wd:Q937 den Wert ?item zu nutzen, die sicherstellt, dass immer, wenn VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES kann auch Aufzählungen möglicher Werte für ein Paar (oder Tupel) von Werten aufstellen. Nehmen wir an, du möchtest (bekannte) benutzerdefinierte Bezeichnungen für die im ersten «value»-Beispiel aufgeführten Personen verwenden. Dann ist es möglich, eine «values»-Klausel wie . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first "value" example. It’s then possible to use a "values" clause such as . Bach es ?customItemLabel, el valor de wd:Q1339, y siempre que tenga como valor Einstein será ?customItemLabel, el valor de wd:Q937 tenga como valor ?item, la cual se asegura que siempre que VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES puede hacer más y construir enumeraciones de valores posibles por un par (o por una tupla) de variables. Por ejemplo, digamos que queremos usar etiquetas personalizadas (conocidas) de las personas enumeradas en el primer ejemplo de « value ». Es posible entonces usar una cláusula « values » cómo por ejemplo . Bach’s saab väärtuseks ?endaPandudSilt, siis wd:Q1339el on väärtus ?üksus ja millal iganes Einstein saab väärtuse ?endaPandudSilt, siis wd:Q937el on väärtus ?üksus, mis kindlustab, et millal iganes tulemuste seas VALUES (?üksus ?endaPandudSilt) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES saavad teha rohkemgi, sh loendada võimalikke väärtusi mõne muutuja jaoks. Oletame näiteks, et Sa tahad kasutada enda pandud silte esimeses « value » näites loendatud inimeste jaoks. Siis on võimalik kasutada « values » lauset, näiteks . Bach vaudra ?customItemLabel dans les autres résultats, wd:Q1339 aura la valeur ?item dans ce même résultat, et que quand Einstein aura la valeur ?customItemLabel dans un résultat, wd:Q937 aura la valeur ?item qui assurera qu’à chaque fois que VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") } peut également faire plus et construire des énumérations de valeurs possibles pour un couple (ou un n-uplet) de variables. Par exemple, imaginons que nous souhaitions utiliser des libellés préétablis pour les personnes énumérées dans le premier exemple « VALUES ». Il est possible d’utiliser une clause valeur comme VALUES . Bach הוא ?customItemLabel, הערך של ‎wd:Q1339 יש את הערך ?item וכאשר ל־Einstein עצמו הוא ?customItemLabel בתוצאה, הערך של ‎wd:Q937 יש את הערך ?item מה שייודא שכל עוד של־VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES יכול לעשות אף יותר ולבנות ספירות של ערכים אפשריים למספר (או מגוון) של משתנים. למשל, נניח שנרצה להשתמש בתוויות (מוכרות) מותאמות אישית לאנשים שנספרן בדוגמה הראשונה ל„ערך”. לאחר מכן אפשר להשתמש בפסוקית „values” באופן הבא: . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach adalah ?customItemLabel, nilai wd:Q1339 punya nilai ?item dan kapanpun Einstein sendiri adalah ?customItemLabel, nilai wd:Q937 punya hasil dengan nilai ?item yang memastikan kapanpun VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES juga dapat melakukan lebih dan membangun pencacahan nilai-nilai yang mungkin untuk sepasang (atau setupel) variabel. Misalnya Anda ingin menggunakan label buatan sendiri (yang dikenal) untuk orang-orang yang dicacah di contoh « nilai » pertama. Kemudian menjadi mungkin untuk menggunakan klausa « nilai-nilai » seperti . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as であることが保証されます。 Bachの値は?customItemLabelという値を持ちwd:Q1339は結果において?itemであることが保証され、同時に常にEinstein自体の値は?customItemLabelという値を持ち、wd:Q937が結果において?item これによって、常にVALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUESはさらに、一対の変数(または三つ組みの変数)に対して、とりうる値の列挙を構築することもできます。例えばこの節の最初の « value » 例で列挙された人物に対して、(既知の)カスタムラベルを使用したいものとしましょう。これは « values » 節を次のように使用することによって可能です。 . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as is. Bach waarde ?customItemLabel heeft, wd:Q1339 waarde ?item en wanneer Einstein eigen waarde is ?customItemLabel in een resultaat heeft, wd:Q937 waarde ?item die ervoor zorgt dat wanneer VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES kan ook meer doen en heeft mogelijkheden voor het opsommen van een paar (of een tuple) variabelen. Stel bijvoorbeeld dat u (bekende) aangepaste labels wilt gebruiken voor de personen die zijn vermeld in het eerste voorbeeld met een bepaalde waarde. Het is dan mogelijk om een VALUE clausule te gebruiken zoals . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach será ?customItemLabel, tiver valor code>wd:Q1339?item e quando Eiestein vai ser ?customItemLabel em um resultado, o valor personalizado de wd:Q937 tiver valor ?item que garante que sempre quando um VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) {(wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES podem também fazer mais e criar enumerações de valores possíveis para um par (ou uma tupla) de variáveis. Por exemplo, digamos que você queira usar rótulos personalizados conhecidos no primeiro exemplo de uso de VALUE, é então possível usar uma cláusula de VALUES como . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as . Bach’s value is ?customItemLabel, wd:Q1339 has value ?item and whenever Einstein own value is ?customItemLabel in a result, wd:Q937 has value ?item which ensures that whenever VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }VALUES can also do more and build enumerations of values possible for a couple (or a tuple) of variables. For example say you want to use (known) custom labels for the persons enumerated in the first « value » example. It’s then possible to use a « values » clause such as

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?item ?customItemLabel ?mother ?motherLabel WHERE {
  VALUES (?item ?customItemLabel) { (wd:Q937 "Einstein") (wd:Q1339 "Bach") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P25 ?mother. }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?customItemLabel"):::projected v1("?item"):::projected v3("?mother"):::projected c3(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c5(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;,en"]):::literal bind0[/VALUES ?customItemLabel ?item/] bind0-->v1 bind0-->v2 bind00(["wd:Q937"]) bind00 --> bind0 bind01(["Einstein"]) bind01 --> bind0 bind02(["wd:Q1339"]) bind02 --> bind0 bind03(["Bach"]) bind03 --> bind0 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."wdt:P25".-> v3 end subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c3 --"wikibase:language"--> c5 end