
rq turtle/ttl

(60) Map: narrative locations in Water Margin chapters layered by part or chapter number or protagonist or title characterNo.60 (2021.02.13T1452 created)

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
# map of narrative locations in Water Margin chapters (also viewable as table and image grid)
# layered by ?part (replaceable by ?chapter_number or ?protagonistLabel or ?title_characterLabel)
SELECT DISTINCT ?chapter ?chapter_number ?part ?location ?locationLabel ?image ?coord ?protagonist ?protagonistLabel ?title_character ?title_characterLabel
  # ?chapter is instance of (P31) chapter (Q1980247)
  ?chapter wdt:P31 wd:Q1980247;
           # and is part of (P361) [OneOrMorePath (+)] Water Margin's 120-chapter edition (Q70761009)
           wdt:P361+ wd:Q70761009
  # optional: ?chapter's chapter (P792) is ?number
  OPTIONAL {?chapter wdt:P792 ?number}
  # use IF to bind ?number's 3-character form as ?chapter_number:
  # if ?number has 1 character, concatenate "00" and it;
  BIND(IF(STRLEN(?number)=1, CONCAT("00", ?number),
       # if ?number has 2 characters, concatenate "0" and it;
       IF(STRLEN(?number)=2, CONCAT("0", ?number),
       # otherwise (?number has 3 characters), don't change it
       ?number)) AS ?chapter_number)
  # optional: use VALUES to divide chapters (?chapter_number) into groups (?part)
  # by defining "?chapter_number, ?part" as 
  OPTIONAL {VALUES (?chapter_number ?part)
                   # 001, 00引子
                   {("001" "00引子")
                    # 002-003, 01王进史进 
                    ("002" "01王进史进")
                    ("003" "01王进史进")
                    # 003-007, 02鲁智深
                    ("003" "02鲁智深")
                    ("004" "02鲁智深")
                    ("005" "02鲁智深")
                    ("006" "02鲁智深")
                    ("007" "02鲁智深")
                    # 007-012, 03林冲
                    ("007" "03林冲")
                    ("008" "03林冲")
                    ("009" "03林冲")
                    ("010" "03林冲")
                    ("011" "03林冲")
                    ("012" "03林冲")
                    # 013-022, 04生辰纲
                    ("013" "04生辰纲")
                    ("014" "04生辰纲")
                    ("015" "04生辰纲")
                    ("016" "04生辰纲")
                    ("016" "04生辰纲")
                    ("017" "04生辰纲")
                    ("017" "04生辰纲")
                    ("018" "04生辰纲")
                    ("018" "04生辰纲")
                    ("019" "04生辰纲")
                    ("020" "04生辰纲")
                    ("020" "04生辰纲")
                    ("021" "04生辰纲")
                    ("022" "04生辰纲")
                    # 023-032, 05武松
                    ("023" "05武松")
                    ("024" "05武松")
                    ("025" "05武松")
                    ("026" "05武松")
                    ("027" "05武松")
                    ("028" "05武松")
                    ("029" "05武松")
                    ("030" "05武松")
                    ("031" "05武松")
                    ("032" "05武松")
                    # 032-042, 06宋江落草
                    ("032" "06宋江落草")
                    ("033" "06宋江落草")
                    ("034" "06宋江落草")
                    ("035" "06宋江落草")
                    ("036" "06宋江落草")
                    ("037" "06宋江落草")
                    ("038" "06宋江落草")
                    ("039" "06宋江落草")
                    ("040" "06宋江落草")
                    ("041" "06宋江落草")
                    ("042" "06宋江落草")
                    # 043, 07李逵下山
                    ("043" "07李逵下山")
                    # 044-046, 08杨雄石秀
                    ("044" "08杨雄石秀")
                    ("045" "08杨雄石秀")
                    ("046" "08杨雄石秀")
                    # 047-050, 09祝家庄
                    ("047" "09祝家庄")
                    ("048" "09祝家庄")
                    ("049" "09祝家庄")
                    ("050" "09祝家庄")
                    # 051-054, 10朱仝柴进
                    ("051" "10朱仝柴进")
                    ("052" "10朱仝柴进")
                    ("053" "10朱仝柴进")
                    ("054" "10朱仝柴进")
                    # 055-058, 11呼延灼
                    ("055" "11呼延灼")
                    ("056" "11呼延灼")
                    ("057" "11呼延灼")
                    ("058" "11呼延灼")
                    # 058-059, 12救史进
                    ("058" "12救史进")
                    ("059" "12救史进")
                    # 059-060, 13芒砀山曾头市
                    ("059" "13芒砀山曾头市")
                    ("060" "13芒砀山曾头市")
                    # 061-066, 14卢俊义
                    ("061" "14卢俊义")
                    ("062" "14卢俊义")
                    ("063" "14卢俊义")
                    ("064" "14卢俊义")
                    ("065" "14卢俊义")
                    ("066" "14卢俊义")
                    # 067, 15水火将
                    ("067" "15水火将")
                    # 068, 16史文恭
                    ("068" "16史文恭")
                    # 069-070, 17董平张清
                    ("069" "17董平张清")
                    ("070" "17董平张清")
                    # 071, 18排座次
                    ("071" "18排座次")
                    # 072-074, 19好汉下山
                    ("072" "19好汉下山")
                    ("073" "19好汉下山")
                    ("074" "19好汉下山")
                    # 075-082, 20招安
                    ("075" "20招安")
                    ("076" "20招安")
                    ("077" "20招安")
                    ("078" "20招安")
                    ("079" "20招安")
                    ("080" "20招安")
                    ("081" "20招安")
                    ("082" "20招安")
                    # 083-090, 21征辽
                    ("083" "21征辽")
                    ("084" "21征辽")
                    ("085" "21征辽")
                    ("086" "21征辽")
                    ("087" "21征辽")
                    ("088" "21征辽")
                    ("089" "21征辽")
                    ("090" "21征辽")
                    # 091-100, 22征田虎
                    ("091" "22征田虎")
                    ("092" "22征田虎")
                    ("093" "22征田虎")
                    ("094" "22征田虎")
                    ("095" "22征田虎")
                    ("096" "22征田虎")
                    ("097" "22征田虎")
                    ("098" "22征田虎")
                    ("099" "22征田虎")
                    ("100" "22征田虎")
                    # 101-110, 23征王庆
                    ("101" "23征王庆")
                    ("102" "23征王庆")
                    ("103" "23征王庆")
                    ("104" "23征王庆")
                    ("105" "23征王庆")
                    ("106" "23征王庆")
                    ("107" "23征王庆")
                    ("108" "23征王庆")
                    ("109" "23征王庆")
                    ("110" "23征王庆")
                    # 111-119, 24征方腊
                    ("111" "24征方腊")
                    ("112" "24征方腊")
                    ("113" "24征方腊")
                    ("114" "24征方腊")
                    ("115" "24征方腊")
                    ("116" "24征方腊")
                    ("117" "24征方腊")
                    ("118" "24征方腊")
                    ("119" "24征方腊")
                    # 120, 25大结局
                    ("120" "25大结局")} }
  # optional: show ?chapter's narrative location (P840) as ?location
  OPTIONAL {?chapter wdt:P840 ?location
            # optional: show ?location's coordinate location (P625) as ?coord
            OPTIONAL {?location wdt:P625 ?coord}
            # optional: show ?location's image (P625) as ?image
            OPTIONAL {?location wdt:P18 ?image}
  # optional: ?chapter's "characters" (P674) statement is ?x1
  OPTIONAL {?chapter p:P674 ?x1.
            # ?x1's value is ?protagonist
            ?x1 ps:P674 ?protagonist;
                # ?x1's qualifier "narrative role" (P5800) is protagonist (Q215972)
                pq:P5800 wd:Q215972}
  # optional: ?chapter's "characters" (P674) statement is ?x2
  OPTIONAL {?chapter p:P674 ?x2.
            # ?x2's value is ?title_character
            ?x2 ps:P674 ?title_character;
                # x2's qualifier "narrative role" (P5800) is title character (Q3246821)
                pq:P5800 wd:Q3246821}
  # show label in auto language as default, and English when no default label exists
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
# order layer by ?chapter_number (replaceable by ?protagonistLabel or ?title_characterLabel)
### Note: When layered by ?part, ORDER BY can only use ?chapter_number,
### otherwise ?part for ?chapter_number 001-099 will disappear for unknown reason.
ORDER BY ?chapter_number

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?chapter"):::projected v4("?chapter_number"):::projected v6("?coord"):::projected v7("?image"):::projected v5("?location"):::projected v3("?number") v4("?part"):::projected v9("?protagonist"):::projected v11("?title_character"):::projected v8("?x1") v10("?x2") c13(["wd:Q3246821"]):::iri c15(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c12(["wd:Q215972"]):::iri c17(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;,en"]):::literal c2(["wd:Q1980247"]):::iri c4(["wd:Q70761009"]):::iri v2 --"p:direct/P31"--> c2 v2 --"p:direct/P361"--> c4 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."p:direct/P792".-> v3 end bind0[/"if(string-length(?number) = '1^^xsd:integer',concat('00',?number),if(string-length(?number) = '2^^xsd:integer',concat('0',?number),?number))"/] v3 --o bind0 bind0 --as--o v4 subgraph optional1["(optional)"] style optional1 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; bind1[/VALUES ?chapter_number ?part/] bind1-->v4 bind1-->v4 bind10(["001"]) bind10 --> bind1 bind11(["00引子"]) bind11 --> bind1 bind12(["002"]) bind12 --> bind1 bind13(["01王进史进"]) bind13 --> bind1 bind14(["003"]) bind14 --> bind1 bind15(["01王进史进"]) bind15 --> bind1 bind16(["003"]) bind16 --> bind1 bind17(["02鲁智深"]) bind17 --> bind1 bind18(["004"]) bind18 --> bind1 bind19(["02鲁智深"]) bind19 --> bind1 bind110(["005"]) bind110 --> bind1 bind111(["02鲁智深"]) bind111 --> bind1 bind112(["006"]) bind112 --> bind1 bind113(["02鲁智深"]) bind113 --> bind1 bind114(["007"]) bind114 --> bind1 bind115(["02鲁智深"]) bind115 --> bind1 bind116(["007"]) bind116 --> bind1 bind117(["03林冲"]) bind117 --> bind1 bind118(["008"]) bind118 --> bind1 bind119(["03林冲"]) bind119 --> bind1 bind120(["009"]) bind120 --> bind1 bind121(["03林冲"]) bind121 --> bind1 bind122(["010"]) bind122 --> bind1 bind123(["03林冲"]) bind123 --> bind1 bind124(["011"]) bind124 --> bind1 bind125(["03林冲"]) bind125 --> bind1 bind126(["012"]) bind126 --> bind1 bind127(["03林冲"]) bind127 --> bind1 bind128(["013"]) bind128 --> bind1 bind129(["04生辰纲"]) bind129 --> bind1 bind130(["014"]) bind130 --> bind1 bind131(["04生辰纲"]) bind131 --> bind1 bind132(["015"]) bind132 --> bind1 bind133(["04生辰纲"]) bind133 --> bind1 bind134(["016"]) bind134 --> bind1 bind135(["04生辰纲"]) bind135 --> bind1 bind136(["016"]) bind136 --> bind1 bind137(["04生辰纲"]) bind137 --> bind1 bind138(["017"]) bind138 --> bind1 bind139(["04生辰纲"]) bind139 --> bind1 bind140(["017"]) bind140 --> bind1 bind141(["04生辰纲"]) bind141 --> bind1 bind142(["018"]) bind142 --> bind1 bind143(["04生辰纲"]) bind143 --> bind1 bind144(["018"]) bind144 --> bind1 bind145(["04生辰纲"]) bind145 --> bind1 bind146(["019"]) bind146 --> bind1 bind147(["04生辰纲"]) bind147 --> bind1 bind148(["020"]) bind148 --> bind1 bind149(["04生辰纲"]) bind149 --> bind1 bind150(["020"]) bind150 --> bind1 bind151(["04生辰纲"]) bind151 --> bind1 bind152(["021"]) bind152 --> bind1 bind153(["04生辰纲"]) bind153 --> bind1 bind154(["022"]) bind154 --> bind1 bind155(["04生辰纲"]) bind155 --> bind1 bind156(["023"]) bind156 --> bind1 bind157(["05武松"]) bind157 --> bind1 bind158(["024"]) bind158 --> bind1 bind159(["05武松"]) bind159 --> bind1 bind160(["025"]) bind160 --> bind1 bind161(["05武松"]) bind161 --> bind1 bind162(["026"]) bind162 --> bind1 bind163(["05武松"]) bind163 --> bind1 bind164(["027"]) bind164 --> bind1 bind165(["05武松"]) bind165 --> bind1 bind166(["028"]) bind166 --> bind1 bind167(["05武松"]) bind167 --> bind1 bind168(["029"]) bind168 --> bind1 bind169(["05武松"]) bind169 --> bind1 bind170(["030"]) bind170 --> bind1 bind171(["05武松"]) bind171 --> bind1 bind172(["031"]) bind172 --> bind1 bind173(["05武松"]) bind173 --> bind1 bind174(["032"]) bind174 --> bind1 bind175(["05武松"]) bind175 --> bind1 bind176(["032"]) bind176 --> bind1 bind177(["06宋江落草"]) bind177 --> bind1 bind178(["033"]) bind178 --> bind1 bind179(["06宋江落草"]) bind179 --> bind1 bind180(["034"]) bind180 --> bind1 bind181(["06宋江落草"]) bind181 --> bind1 bind182(["035"]) bind182 --> bind1 bind183(["06宋江落草"]) bind183 --> bind1 bind184(["036"]) bind184 --> bind1 bind185(["06宋江落草"]) bind185 --> bind1 bind186(["037"]) bind186 --> bind1 bind187(["06宋江落草"]) bind187 --> bind1 bind188(["038"]) bind188 --> bind1 bind189(["06宋江落草"]) bind189 --> bind1 bind190(["039"]) bind190 --> bind1 bind191(["06宋江落草"]) bind191 --> bind1 bind192(["040"]) bind192 --> bind1 bind193(["06宋江落草"]) bind193 --> bind1 bind194(["041"]) bind194 --> bind1 bind195(["06宋江落草"]) bind195 --> bind1 bind196(["042"]) bind196 --> bind1 bind197(["06宋江落草"]) bind197 --> bind1 bind198(["043"]) bind198 --> bind1 bind199(["07李逵下山"]) bind199 --> bind1 bind1100(["044"]) bind1100 --> bind1 bind1101(["08杨雄石秀"]) bind1101 --> bind1 bind1102(["045"]) bind1102 --> bind1 bind1103(["08杨雄石秀"]) bind1103 --> bind1 bind1104(["046"]) bind1104 --> bind1 bind1105(["08杨雄石秀"]) bind1105 --> bind1 bind1106(["047"]) bind1106 --> bind1 bind1107(["09祝家庄"]) bind1107 --> bind1 bind1108(["048"]) bind1108 --> bind1 bind1109(["09祝家庄"]) bind1109 --> bind1 bind1110(["049"]) bind1110 --> bind1 bind1111(["09祝家庄"]) bind1111 --> bind1 bind1112(["050"]) bind1112 --> bind1 bind1113(["09祝家庄"]) bind1113 --> bind1 bind1114(["051"]) bind1114 --> bind1 bind1115(["10朱仝柴进"]) bind1115 --> bind1 bind1116(["052"]) bind1116 --> bind1 bind1117(["10朱仝柴进"]) bind1117 --> bind1 bind1118(["053"]) bind1118 --> bind1 bind1119(["10朱仝柴进"]) bind1119 --> bind1 bind1120(["054"]) bind1120 --> bind1 bind1121(["10朱仝柴进"]) bind1121 --> bind1 bind1122(["055"]) bind1122 --> bind1 bind1123(["11呼延灼"]) bind1123 --> bind1 bind1124(["056"]) bind1124 --> bind1 bind1125(["11呼延灼"]) bind1125 --> bind1 bind1126(["057"]) bind1126 --> bind1 bind1127(["11呼延灼"]) bind1127 --> bind1 bind1128(["058"]) bind1128 --> bind1 bind1129(["11呼延灼"]) bind1129 --> bind1 bind1130(["058"]) bind1130 --> bind1 bind1131(["12救史进"]) bind1131 --> bind1 bind1132(["059"]) bind1132 --> bind1 bind1133(["12救史进"]) bind1133 --> bind1 bind1134(["059"]) bind1134 --> bind1 bind1135(["13芒砀山曾头市"]) bind1135 --> bind1 bind1136(["060"]) bind1136 --> bind1 bind1137(["13芒砀山曾头市"]) bind1137 --> bind1 bind1138(["061"]) bind1138 --> bind1 bind1139(["14卢俊义"]) bind1139 --> bind1 bind1140(["062"]) bind1140 --> bind1 bind1141(["14卢俊义"]) bind1141 --> bind1 bind1142(["063"]) bind1142 --> bind1 bind1143(["14卢俊义"]) bind1143 --> bind1 bind1144(["064"]) bind1144 --> bind1 bind1145(["14卢俊义"]) bind1145 --> bind1 bind1146(["065"]) bind1146 --> bind1 bind1147(["14卢俊义"]) bind1147 --> bind1 bind1148(["066"]) bind1148 --> bind1 bind1149(["14卢俊义"]) bind1149 --> bind1 bind1150(["067"]) bind1150 --> bind1 bind1151(["15水火将"]) bind1151 --> bind1 bind1152(["068"]) bind1152 --> bind1 bind1153(["16史文恭"]) bind1153 --> bind1 bind1154(["069"]) bind1154 --> bind1 bind1155(["17董平张清"]) bind1155 --> bind1 bind1156(["070"]) bind1156 --> bind1 bind1157(["17董平张清"]) bind1157 --> bind1 bind1158(["071"]) bind1158 --> bind1 bind1159(["18排座次"]) bind1159 --> bind1 bind1160(["072"]) bind1160 --> bind1 bind1161(["19好汉下山"]) bind1161 --> bind1 bind1162(["073"]) bind1162 --> bind1 bind1163(["19好汉下山"]) bind1163 --> bind1 bind1164(["074"]) bind1164 --> bind1 bind1165(["19好汉下山"]) bind1165 --> bind1 bind1166(["075"]) bind1166 --> bind1 bind1167(["20招安"]) bind1167 --> bind1 bind1168(["076"]) bind1168 --> bind1 bind1169(["20招安"]) bind1169 --> bind1 bind1170(["077"]) bind1170 --> bind1 bind1171(["20招安"]) bind1171 --> bind1 bind1172(["078"]) bind1172 --> bind1 bind1173(["20招安"]) bind1173 --> bind1 bind1174(["079"]) bind1174 --> bind1 bind1175(["20招安"]) bind1175 --> bind1 bind1176(["080"]) bind1176 --> bind1 bind1177(["20招安"]) bind1177 --> bind1 bind1178(["081"]) bind1178 --> bind1 bind1179(["20招安"]) bind1179 --> bind1 bind1180(["082"]) bind1180 --> bind1 bind1181(["20招安"]) bind1181 --> bind1 bind1182(["083"]) bind1182 --> bind1 bind1183(["21征辽"]) bind1183 --> bind1 bind1184(["084"]) bind1184 --> bind1 bind1185(["21征辽"]) bind1185 --> bind1 bind1186(["085"]) bind1186 --> bind1 bind1187(["21征辽"]) bind1187 --> bind1 bind1188(["086"]) bind1188 --> bind1 bind1189(["21征辽"]) bind1189 --> bind1 bind1190(["087"]) bind1190 --> bind1 bind1191(["21征辽"]) bind1191 --> bind1 bind1192(["088"]) bind1192 --> bind1 bind1193(["21征辽"]) bind1193 --> bind1 bind1194(["089"]) bind1194 --> bind1 bind1195(["21征辽"]) bind1195 --> bind1 bind1196(["090"]) bind1196 --> bind1 bind1197(["21征辽"]) bind1197 --> bind1 bind1198(["091"]) bind1198 --> bind1 bind1199(["22征田虎"]) bind1199 --> bind1 bind1200(["092"]) bind1200 --> bind1 bind1201(["22征田虎"]) bind1201 --> bind1 bind1202(["093"]) bind1202 --> bind1 bind1203(["22征田虎"]) bind1203 --> bind1 bind1204(["094"]) bind1204 --> bind1 bind1205(["22征田虎"]) bind1205 --> bind1 bind1206(["095"]) bind1206 --> bind1 bind1207(["22征田虎"]) bind1207 --> bind1 bind1208(["096"]) bind1208 --> bind1 bind1209(["22征田虎"]) bind1209 --> bind1 bind1210(["097"]) bind1210 --> bind1 bind1211(["22征田虎"]) bind1211 --> bind1 bind1212(["098"]) bind1212 --> bind1 bind1213(["22征田虎"]) bind1213 --> bind1 bind1214(["099"]) bind1214 --> bind1 bind1215(["22征田虎"]) bind1215 --> bind1 bind1216(["100"]) bind1216 --> bind1 bind1217(["22征田虎"]) bind1217 --> bind1 bind1218(["101"]) bind1218 --> bind1 bind1219(["23征王庆"]) bind1219 --> bind1 bind1220(["102"]) bind1220 --> bind1 bind1221(["23征王庆"]) bind1221 --> bind1 bind1222(["103"]) bind1222 --> bind1 bind1223(["23征王庆"]) bind1223 --> bind1 bind1224(["104"]) bind1224 --> bind1 bind1225(["23征王庆"]) bind1225 --> bind1 bind1226(["105"]) bind1226 --> bind1 bind1227(["23征王庆"]) bind1227 --> bind1 bind1228(["106"]) bind1228 --> bind1 bind1229(["23征王庆"]) bind1229 --> bind1 bind1230(["107"]) bind1230 --> bind1 bind1231(["23征王庆"]) bind1231 --> bind1 bind1232(["108"]) bind1232 --> bind1 bind1233(["23征王庆"]) bind1233 --> bind1 bind1234(["109"]) bind1234 --> bind1 bind1235(["23征王庆"]) bind1235 --> bind1 bind1236(["110"]) bind1236 --> bind1 bind1237(["23征王庆"]) bind1237 --> bind1 bind1238(["111"]) bind1238 --> bind1 bind1239(["24征方腊"]) bind1239 --> bind1 bind1240(["112"]) bind1240 --> bind1 bind1241(["24征方腊"]) bind1241 --> bind1 bind1242(["113"]) bind1242 --> bind1 bind1243(["24征方腊"]) bind1243 --> bind1 bind1244(["114"]) bind1244 --> bind1 bind1245(["24征方腊"]) bind1245 --> bind1 bind1246(["115"]) bind1246 --> bind1 bind1247(["24征方腊"]) bind1247 --> bind1 bind1248(["116"]) bind1248 --> bind1 bind1249(["24征方腊"]) bind1249 --> bind1 bind1250(["117"]) bind1250 --> bind1 bind1251(["24征方腊"]) bind1251 --> bind1 bind1252(["118"]) bind1252 --> bind1 bind1253(["24征方腊"]) bind1253 --> bind1 bind1254(["119"]) bind1254 --> bind1 bind1255(["24征方腊"]) bind1255 --> bind1 bind1256(["120"]) bind1256 --> bind1 bind1257(["25大结局"]) bind1257 --> bind1 end subgraph optional2["(optional)"] style optional2 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."p:direct/P840".-> v5 subgraph optional3["(optional)"] style optional3 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v5 -."p:direct/P625".-> v6 end subgraph optional4["(optional)"] style optional4 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v5 -."p:direct/P18".-> v7 end end subgraph optional5["(optional)"] style optional5 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."p:P674".-> v8 v8 --"p:statement/P674"--> v9 v8 --"p:qualifier/P5800"--> c12 end subgraph optional6["(optional)"] style optional6 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."p:P674".-> v10 v10 --"p:statement/P674"--> v11 v10 --"p:qualifier/P5800"--> c13 end subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c15 --"wikibase:language"--> c17 end