June 2018 month. (Q79980)Varanasi June is . This photo was uploaded and was used on Wikidata during the month. (Q55078539)Bhadaini Ghat Image of Create 10 items on Varanasi-related books, movies, or other creative works , tasks include Bengali label and description of all Ghats, add common statementsen:Category:Ghats in Varanasi CheckingVaranasi ghats: items improvement Items createdThese items were created , ghat in Varanasi (Q55082186)Shivala Ghat , ghat in Varanasi (Q55071966)Ravi Ghat , ghat in Varanasi (Q55078518)Raj Ghat and associated memorials , ghat in Varanasi (Q55072042)Prahlad Ghat , ghat in Varanasi (Q55078814)Kshemeshwar Ghat , ghat in Varanasi (Q55078575)Janaki Ghat , ghat in Varanasi (Q55078539)Bhadaini Ghat , ghat in Varanasi (Q55092231)Badrinarayan Ghat , book by Piers Moore Ede (Q55069333)Kaleidoscope City: A Year in Varanasi Resources on Wikimedia CommonsGhats in Varanasi )another one (Map of Varanasi GhatsBlackwell Doing… " BlackwellAdd labels to all items with the term "RagasRagas article improvement per this query
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PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
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PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?raga ?ragaLabel ?ragaDescription ?ragaAltLabel ?audio WHERE {
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "bn,en". }
?raga wdt:P31 wd:Q216926.
OPTIONAL { ?raga wdt:P51 ?audio. }
ORDER BY ?ragaDescription