خريطة المؤسسات التي حصل فيها المواطنون الكنديون على درجة الدكتوراه فيهاخريطة المؤسسات التي حصل فيها المواطنون الكنديون على درجة الدكتوراه فيها - لقطة شاشة لنتائج الاستعلام اعتبارا من 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Mapa institucí, kde kanadští občané získali doktorátMapa institucí, kde kanadští občané získali doktorát - snímek obrazovky s výsledky dotazu ze dne 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Carte des institutions où les citoyens canadiens ont obtenu leur PhDCarte des institutions où les citoyens canadiens ont obtenu leur PhD - capture d'écran des résultats de la requête du 01/08/2018. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Mappa delle università dove i cittadini canadesi hanno ottenuto il loro dottorato di ricercaMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Kaart van instellingen waar Canadese burgers promoveerdenKaart van instellingen waar Canadese burgers promoveerden - screenshot van de queryresultaten vanaf 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01. Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhDMap of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD - screenshot of the query results as of 2018-08-01.
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?institution ?institutionLabel ?academics ?academicsLabel ?degree ?degreeLabel ?geoloc ?image WHERE {
?academics wdt:P31 wd:Q5 ; # instances (P31) of humans (Q5)
wdt:P27 wd:Q16 ; # country of citizenship
p:P69 ?statement . # check for an "educated at" (P69) statement
OPTIONAL { ?academics wdt:P18 ?image }. #image
?statement ps:P69 ?institution . # get value of the "educated at" statement, i.e. the institution
?institution wdt:P625 ?geoloc . # get the geolocation of the institution
?statement pq:P512 ?degree . # get qualifier "academic degree" (P512)
?degree wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q849697 . # filter for doctoral degrees
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en". }
Query found at
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