Wellcome Medicine GalleriesExample item: , Rawhide bag for storing cinchona bark , with contents1777, Pavon and Ruiz of expedition, by the Peru from, brought rawhide, known as a Seron, cinchona bark"Bag for , the primary anti-malarial component of cinchona, was first isolated, allowing the production of more effective drugs to combat the disease.quinine. As the European powers began to expand both their trade routes and empires, cinchona became a highly important commodity. In the early 1800s, malariaKnown as a seron in its native Peru, South America, this rawhide bag was used to store and carry cinchona bark. For centuries, local people had chewed or ground up the bark as a treatment for fevers and to explore the region.Charles IIIThe bag was originally collected by the expedition of Hipolito Ruiz Lopez and Antonio Pavon y Jimienz, which was sent to Peru in 1777 by the Spanish monarch , King of Spain (1886-1941), in 1930."Alfonso XIII by Wellcome collectionsThe bag was later presented to the
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