the mess with P357 (P357)Hi, :( (P357)P357 have a link to 73437 items a long year ago, but at this moment, (P1476)title Title-string has been replaced by (P357)P357 [357]&pagepile=&statementlist=&run=Run&mode_manual=or&mode_cat=or&mode_wdq=and&mode_find=or&chunk_size=10000). http://tools.wmflabs.org/autolist/index.php?language=en&project=wikipedia&category=&depth=12&wdq=claim property, which are currently 35844 ((P357)P357 to make it worse, roughly half of those are used as sourcing info, to indicate the title of articles online, for ex, which can be deduced from the number of items with Well, the biggest problem is, it is impossible to change the property from P357 to P1416 automatically, since a language has to be indicated, and, some items may have several source info with P357. , and I just couldn't... the item doesn't even load completely in my browser... :( (Q27)Ireland The second big problem is to be able to find the items where the property is used in Source, and find it in the item... I tried on So, what do we do, now, to clean up this mess, and try and remove this OBSOLETE property ? Is there any way to ease this ? or shall it be done by human-hand-eye processing only… and last for as long as the removal of old P107 property ? 21:13, 2 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (HsarrazinThanks for any tool suggested to try and ease this process. --19:23, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Innocent bystander: I already replace this property when I come across it, but I do not search for it on a daily basis. Replace it with a "unknown language" when we in many cases can identify the language looks to me like the wrong way to go. -- Snipre@ 17:31, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Hsarrazin, and erase the deprecated property would be very useful, either on a one-shot use (on item found), or through a semi-automatic interface ;) --(P1476)title , ask the contributor what language it is, then create a new (P357)P357 However, a semi-automated tool that could find those hidden uses of the : - I know that it can't be automated.Snipre@ 19:16, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Snipre:I prefer to work once on that problem but if you want to do some corrections already now, don't wait on me. Innocent bystander @ 16:23, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Innocent bystander: I offered you a small set of claims that can be changed, but I do not say that other claims are easy to change. -- Snipre@ 16:13, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Snipre. This is a phabricator bug (T78006) (P357)P357 : We can't do an automatic conversion because we don't have the language value as statement. We could define the language from the language of the work in some case. But we are waiting all the extension of the language list with the addition of an undermined language to fully convert all uses of Hsarrazin, Pasleim, Kolja21, Innocent bystander@ 13:23, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Innocent bystander"Imported from: English Wikipedia" gives almost no information at all, so why not. -- 06:06, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Kolja21? --sources like thatBTW: Do we need a title for 05:19, 3 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (Innocent bystanderI have seen a large use of this property together with "imported from: English Wikipedia". The title-property is then used to indicate the name of the used article. In those cases, the language should be English. -- 21:32, 2 December 2015 (UTC)) talk (PasleimI've started to write a tool to ease to process of moving such statements. Should be finished in the next few days. --Tens of thousands can be changed automatically. These are only in references:
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX pr: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/reference/>
PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>select ?prop ?title (count(?ref) as ?count) where {
?item ?prop ?statement .
?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref .
?ref pr:P357 ?title
group by ?prop ?title having (count(?ref) > 100)
order by desc(?count)