
rq turtle/ttl


?item -- Wikidata item that is a direct or indirect subclass of Q18616576 ("Wikidata property"); these items are used on property pages via P31

?itemLabel -- English label of said item

?depth -- hierarchy along the P279 tree below Q18616576; e.g. ?depth=2 means "subclass of an item that is subclass of Q18616576"

?cnt_properties -- number of property pages that use the item or direct or indirect subclasses of it via P31

?cnt_direct_properties -- number of property pages that use the item via P31 (i.e. no subclass usage)

?cnt_subclasses -- number of subclass items (direct or indirect) to the item

?cnt_direct_subclasses -- number of direct subclass items to the item

PREFIX gas: http://www.bigdata.com/rdf/gas#

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties ?cnt_subclasses ?cnt_direct_subclasses WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?item (xsd:integer(?depth_float) AS ?depth) WHERE { ?item wdt:P279 wd:Q18616576 . SERVICE gas:service { gas:program gas:gasClass 'com.bigdata.rdf.graph.analytics.SSSP'; gas:in wd:Q18616576; gas:linkType wdt:P279; gas:traversalDirection 'Reverse'; gas:maxIterations 8; gas:out ?item; gas:out1 ?depth_float . } } } AS %subquery1 WITH { SELECT ?item ?depth (COUNT(DISTINCT ?property) AS ?cnt_properties) WHERE { INCLUDE %subquery1 . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P31/wdt:P279 ?item; wikibase:propertyType [] . } } GROUP BY ?item ?depth } AS %subquery2 WITH { SELECT ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties (COUNT(DISTINCT ?property) AS ?cnt_direct_properties) WHERE { INCLUDE %subquery2 . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P31/wdt:P279 ?item; wikibase:propertyType [] . } } GROUP BY ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties } AS %subquery3 WITH { SELECT ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties (COUNT(DISTINCT ?subclass_item) AS ?cnt_subclasses) WHERE { INCLUDE %subquery3 . OPTIONAL { ?subclass_item wdt:P279+ ?item . } } GROUP BY ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties } AS %subquery4 WITH { SELECT ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties ?cnt_subclasses (COUNT(DISTINCT ?subclass_item) AS ?cnt_direct_subclasses) WHERE { INCLUDE %subquery4 . OPTIONAL { ?subclass_item wdt:P279 ?item . } } GROUP BY ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties ?cnt_subclasses } AS %subquery5 WHERE { INCLUDE %subquery5 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' } } ORDER BY ASC(?depth) DESC(?cnt_properties) DESC(?cnt_subclasses)

Use at

PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
# columns:
# ?item -- Wikidata item that is a direct or indirect subclass of Q18616576 ("Wikidata property"); these items are used on property pages via P31
# ?itemLabel -- English label of said item
# ?depth -- hierarchy along the P279 tree below Q18616576; e.g. ?depth=2 means "subclass of an item that is subclass of Q18616576"
# ?cnt_properties -- number of property pages that use the item or direct or indirect subclasses of it via P31
# ?cnt_direct_properties -- number of property pages that use the item via P31 (i.e. no subclass usage)
# ?cnt_subclasses -- number of subclass items (direct or indirect) to the item
# ?cnt_direct_subclasses -- number of direct subclass items to the item

PREFIX gas: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf/gas#>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties ?cnt_subclasses ?cnt_direct_subclasses WHERE {
  SELECT ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties ?cnt_subclasses (COUNT(DISTINCT ?subclass_item) AS ?cnt_direct_subclasses) WHERE {
  SELECT ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties (COUNT(DISTINCT ?subclass_item) AS ?cnt_subclasses) WHERE {
    INCLUDE %subquery3 .
      ?subclass_item wdt:P279+ ?item .
  } GROUP BY ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties
      ?subclass_item wdt:P279 ?item .
  } GROUP BY ?item ?depth ?cnt_properties ?cnt_direct_properties ?cnt_subclasses
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' }
} ORDER BY ASC(?depth) DESC(?cnt_properties) DESC(?cnt_subclasses)

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