
rq turtle/ttl

أنماط ثلاثية متقدمة)؟ حاول كتابة هذا الاستعلام، بناءً على الموجود أعلاه. Q57487حتى الآن رأينا جميع أطفال يوهان سيباستيان باخ - بشكل أكثر تحديدا: كل العناصر مع الأب يوهان سيباستيان باخ، لكن باخ كان عنده زوجتان; ولهذا فإن هاذين الأمرين لديهما أمان مختلفتان: ماذا لو كنا نريد فقط رؤية أطفال يوهان سيباستيان باخ مع زوجته الأولى ماريا باربرا باخ (فعلت ذلك؟ حسنا، ثم على الحل! أبسط طريقة للقيام بهذا هي إضافة ثلاثية ثانية مع هذا القيد: Advanced triple patterns )? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: Advanced triple patterns)? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: Advanced triple patterns)? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: תבניות שלישיות מתקדמות)? כדאי לנסות לכתוב את זה בשאילתה, לפי המידע שיש לנו. Q57487, מריה ברברה באך (רק את הצאצאים של יוהאן סבסטיאן באך עם אשתו הראשונהאז עכשיו פגשנו את כל הצאצאים של יוהאן סבסטיאן באך - יותר נכון: את כל הפריטים שהאבא שלהם הוא יוהאן סבסטיאן באך. אך לבאך היו שתי נשים, לכן לפריטים האלה יש שתי אימהות שונות: מה אם אנחנו רוצים לראות סיימנו? מצוין, נעבור לפתרון! הדרך הפשוטה ביותר לעשות זאת היא להוסיף שלישייה שניה עם המגבלה הזאת: Advanced triple patterns )? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: より進んだトリプルのパターン場合は、どうしたらいいでしょうか? 上で書いたクエリをもとに、このクエリを書いてみましょう。 ) との間の子供だけをみたいQ57487ヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハの、最初の妻であるマリア・バルバラ・バッハ (そういうわけで、いまはヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハのすべての子供をみたところでした。より具体的にいうと、父親としてヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハを持つすべての項目を得たところです。しかしバッハには妻が2人いましたので、これらの項目は2つの異なる母親を持っています。もしできましたか? オッケー、では解答をみていくことにしましょう。いちばんシンプルな方法は、制約に2つめのトリプルを追加することです。 Advanced triple patterns )? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: Geavanceerde tripel patronen)? Probeer die query te schrijven. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (alleen de kinderen van Johann Sebastian Bach met zijn eerste vrouw willen zienWe hebben nu alle kinderen van Johann Sebastian Bach opgezocht. Meer specifiek: alle items met de vader Johann Sebastian Bach. Maar Bach had twee vrouwen, en dus kunnen die personen verschillende moeders hebben: wat als we Heeft u dat gedaan? Oké, dan op de oplossing! De eenvoudigste manier om dit te doen is om een tweede tripel toe te voegen met die beperking: Advanced triple patterns )? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: Advanced triple patterns )? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: Advanced triple patterns )? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: Advanced triple patterns )? Try writing that query, based on the one above. Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach (only want to see the children of Johann Sebastian Bach with his first wifeSo now we’ve seen all children of Johann Sebastian Bach – more specifically: all items with the father Johann Sebastian Bach. But Bach had two wives, and so those items have two different mothers: what if we Done that? Okay, then onto the solution! The simplest way to do this is to add a second triple with that restriction: Удосконалені схеми триплетів)? Спробуйте записати цей запит, виходячи із зазначеного вище. Q57487Отже, тепер ми побачили всіх дітей Йогана Себастьяна Баха - конкретніше: усі елементи з батьком Йоганном Себастьяном Бахом. Але Бах мав двох дружин, і тому в цих елементах є дві різні матері: що, якщо ми хочемо бачити дітей Йогана Себастьяна Баха зі своєю першою дружиною, Марією Барбарою Бах (Зробили це? Добре, тоді до рішення! Найпростіший спосіб зробити це - додати другий триплет з цим обмеженням: 高级三元模式 )所生的孩子呢?尝试基于上方的查询编写这个查询。Q57487, Maria Barbara Bach(现在我们看到了Johann Sebastian Bach的所有孩子,更准确的说——所有“父亲”为Johann Sebastian Bach的项目。但Bach有两任妻子,所以这些项包含不同的生母,如果我们只想看第一任妻子写出来了吗?让我们来看解决方案。完成此操作的最简单方法是添加第二个三元组作为限制条件:

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?child ?childLabel
  ?child wdt:P22 wd:Q1339.
  ?child wdt:P25 wd:Q57487.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v1("?child"):::projected c2(["wd:Q1339"]):::iri c6(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c8(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;"]):::literal c4(["wd:Q57487"]):::iri v1 --"wdt:P22"--> c2 v1 --"wdt:P25"--> c4 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c6 --"wikibase:language"--> c8 end