
rq turtle/ttl

إذا تجاهلت هذه الميزة.) wd:Q6581072 أكثر قابلية للقراءة فقط من ?female ورؤية التسمية والوصف للكيان; لذلك wdt:P123 أو wd:Q123 الكبيرة أمامها تشتيت للغاية; لذا يجب استخدام هذه التقنية باعتدال. (في واجهة مستخدم خدمة استعلام ويكي بيانات، يمكنك أيضا تمرير فأرتك فوق أي مصطلح مثل BIND، ربما أصبح الآن أكثر قابلية للقراءة، ومع ذلك، فإن كتلة ?priest. to ?womanالجزء المحتمل من الاستعلام، من لتحديد الاسم المستعار أو التسمية. BIND(IF(BOUND(… (يجب أن يكون اختياريا، لا تريد التخلص من النتائج التي لا تحتوي على اسم مستعار)، ثم استخدم OPTIONAL إذا كان لديهم واحدا، ولا يستخدمون إلا التسمية إذا كان الاسم المستعار غير موجوة، لهذا; يمكنك تحديد الاسم المستعار في جملة (P742)pseudonym كالتعبير، على سبيل المثال، لنفترض أن لديك طلب استعلام يعرض بعض الأشخاص، وبدلا من إظهار تسميتم فقط، تود عرض BOUND عادةً مع IFيتم استخدام تعبيرات si obviem aquesta característica.) wd:Q6581072 només és més llegible que ?dona i veurem l'etiqueta i la descripció de l'entitat. Per tant, wdt:P123 o wd:Q123 que té just abans és prou confús, així que aquesta tècnica s'ha d'utilitzar amb precaució. (A la interfície d'usuari de WDQS podem posar el punter damunt de qualsevol terme com BIND, ara és probablement més llegible. Tot i això, el bloc gran ?sacerdot. fins ?donaLa part significativa de la consulta, des de per seleccionar bé el pseudònim, bé l'etiqueta. BIND(IF(BOUND(… (ha de ser opcional, no volem descartar resultats que no tinguin pseudònim), i després utilitzem OPTIONAL si en tenen, i només volem veure l'etiqueta si no tenen pseudònim. Per a això, seleccionem el pseudònim en una clàusula (P742)pseudonym . Per exemple, suposem que volem una consulta que mostri alguns humans i que, en comptes de només mostrar-ne l'etiqueta, volem veure el seu BOUND s'utilitzen sovint amb condició-expressió fetes amb IFLes expressions if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF ist, wenn du die Funktion ignorierst.) wd:Q6581072 nur dann besser lesbar als ?weiblich fahren und die Bezeichnung und Beschreibung des Datensatzes lesen, weshalb wdt:P123 oder wd:Q123-Block direkt davor ablenkend, weshalb diese Technik sparsam verwendet werden sollte. (Auf der WDQS-Benutzeroberfläche kannst du auch mit deiner Maus über jeden Satz wie BIND ist jetzt besser lesbar. Jedoch ist der große ?priester. bis ?frauDer bedeutungsvolle Teil der Abfrage von um entweder das Pseudonym oder die Bezeichnung auszuwählen. BIND(IF(BOUND(…-Klausel aus (es muss optional sein – du möchtest nicht, dass Ergebnisse verworfen werden, die kein Pseudonym haben) und nutzt dann OPTIONAL anzeigen lassen möchtest, wenn sie eines haben und nur dann die Bezeichnung, wenn kein Pseudonym existiert. Dafür wählst du das Pseudonym als (P742)pseudonym erstellt wurden. Stelle dir zum Beispiel eine Abfrage vor, die einige Menschen zeigt, von denen du dir jedoch statt der Bezeichnung das BOUND-Ausdrücke werden häufig zusammen mit Bedingungsausdrücken verwendet, die mit IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym as the expression. For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF si ignoras esa función.) wd: Q6581072 es más legible que ?femenino y ver la etiqueta y la descripción de la entidad, por lo que wdt: P123 o wd: Q123 que está justo enfrente es bastante molesto, por lo que esta técnica debe usarse con moderación. (En la interfaz de usuario de WDQS, también puedes colocar el mouse sobre cualquier término como BIND , ahora es probablemente más legible. Sin embargo, el gran bloque ?sacerdote . a ?mujer La parte significativa de la consulta, desde ) para seleccionar el seudónimo o la etiqueta. BIND (IF (BOUND (... (tiene que ser opcional, no quieres tirar los resultados que no tienen un seudónimo) y luego usa OPTIONAL si tienen una, y solo usar la etiqueta si el seudónimo no existe. Para esto, selecciona el seudónimo en una cláusula (P742)pseudonym como expresión. Por ejemplo, supongamos que tienes una consulta que muestra algunos humanos, y en lugar de mostrar su etiqueta, le gustaría mostrar su BOUND a menudo se usan con IF Las expresiones , kui seda funktsionaalsust ignoreerida.) wd:Q6581072 on ainult loetavam kui ?naine ja näha nende silti ja kirjeldust, seega wdt:P123 või wd:Q123 jupp selle ees on üsna häiriv, seega seda tehnikat tehnikat tuleks mõõdukalt kasutada. (WDQS kasutajaliideses saad hiirega liikuda mõistete peal nagu BIND on nüüd ilmselt paremini loetav. Samas, suur ?preester. kuni ?naineTähendusrikas osa päringust, alates , et valida kas varjunimi või silt. BIND(IF(BOUND(… lauses (see peab olema valiklause – Sa ei taha visata välja tulemusi, kus varjunimi puudub) ja seejärel kasutada OPTIONAL juhul kui neil see olemas on, ja vastasel juhul näidataks silti. Selle jaoks saad valida varjunime (P742)pseudonym tingimuslausetega. Näiteks, oletame et Sa tahad teha päringu, mis näitab inimesi, ja selle asemel et näidata lihtsalt nende silti, Sa tahaksid, et kuvataks inimese BOUND avaldisi kasutatakse tihti koos IF pour voir les libellés et descriptions des entités correspondantes, ce qui permet de se passer dans une certaine mesure de cette astuce.) wdt:P123 ou wd:Q123 en face de ce cœur est sans doute assez dérangeant, donc cette technique s’utilise avec modération. (Dans l’interface utilisateur WDQS, il est possible de passer la souris sur n’importe quel terme comme BIND est probablement raisonnablement lisible. En revanche le large bloc ?prêtre. à ?femmeLe cœur de la requête, de pour sélectionner soit leur pseudonyme soit le libellé. BIND(IF(BOUND(… » (car nous ne voulons pas les rejeter des résultats s'ils n’ont pas de pseudo), puis le code OPTIONAL si leurs entités en sont pourvues, et le libellé si nous ne leur connaissons pas de pseudonyme. Nous pouvons alors chercher leur pseudonyme dans une clause « (P742)pseudonym . Supposons par exemple que nous ayons une requête d’humains, et qu’au lieu d’afficher leur libellé, nous souhaitions afficher leur BOUND s’utilisent souvent avec des conditions construites avec IFLes expressions אם מתעלמים מהיכולת הזאת.) wd:Q6581072 זה רק קריא יותר מ־?female הגדול שלפני די מפריע, לכן צריך להשתמש בטכניקה הזאת במשורה. (בממשק המשתמש של WDQS, אפשר גם לרחף עם העכבר מעל תיאור הישות שלך, ואז ‎BIND‎, הוא עכשיו קריא יותר. עם זאת, מקטע ה־?priest. ועד ‎?womanהחלק המשמעותי של השאילתה, מ־‎‎ כדי לבחור או את השם הבדוי או את התווית. BIND(IF(BOUND(… (זה חייב להיות בגדר רשות – אנחנו לא רוצים לנפות תוצאות שאין להן שם בדוי), ואז להשתמש ב־OPTIONAL שלהם אם יש להם כזה, ורק להשתמש בתווית אם לא קיים שם בדוי. לשם כך, יש לבחור את השם הבדוי בפסוקית (P742)pseudonym . למשל, נניח שיש לך שאילתה שמציגה כל מיני אנשים ובמקום פשוט להציג את התווית שלהם, נרצה להציג את המאפיין BOUND בדרך כלל נעשה שימוש בתנאי-ביטויים שנבנו עם IFבביטויי if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF hanya akan lebih mudah dibaca jika fitur ini diabaikan.) ?wanita dan melihat label dan deskripsi entitas tersebut, jadi wdt:P123 atau wd:Q123 di bagian depan kueri cukup mengganggu sehingga penggunaannya perlu dipertimbangkan ulang. (di antarmuka WDQS, kamu bisa melewatkan tetikus di atas sembarang istilah seperti BIND kini jadi lebih mudah dibaca. Namun, sebagian besar blok ?pendeta ke ?wanitaBagian yang mengandung makna dari kueri, dari untuk memilih antara pseudonim atau label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… (harus optional – kamu tidak ingin membuang hasil yang tidak punya pseudonim), kemudian gunakan OPTIONAL jika tersedia dan hanya menggunakan label jika pseudonim tidak tersedia. Untuk itu, kamu pilih pseudonim dalam klausa (P742)pseudonym sebagai ekspresinya. Sebagai contoh, anggap kamu punya kueri yang menampilkan beberapa orang dan alih-alih hanya menampilkan labelnya, kamu berniat menampilkan BOUND seringkali digunakan bersama IFEkspresi se si ignora tale caratteristica.) wd:Q6581072 è più leggibile di ?femmina e vedere l'etichetta e la descrizione per l'entità, quindi wdt:P123 o wd:Q123 proprio di fronte ad esso è piuttosto dispersivo, quindi questa tecnica dovrebbe essere usata con parsimonia. (Nell'interfaccia utente di WDQS, puoi anche passare il mouse sopra qualsiasi termine come BIND, ora è probabilmente più leggibile. Tuttavia, il grande blocco ?sacerdote. a ?donnaLa parte significativa della query, da per selezionare lo pseudonimo o l'etichetta. BIND(IF(BOUND(… (deve essere facoltativo – non vuoi escludere i risultati che non hanno uno pseudonimo), e poi usare OPTIONAL se ne hanno uno, e usare l'etichetta solo se non ce l'hanno. Per questo, si seleziona lo pseudonimo in una clausola (P742)pseudonym come espressione. Ad esempio, supponiamo di avere una query che mostra alcuni umani e invece di mostrare solo la loro etichetta, vorresti visualizzare il loro BOUND sono spesse usate con IFLe espressioni よりも読みやすくなります。) wd:Q6581072は、その機能を無視した場合にのみ?femaleのような任意の用語の上にマウスを移動して、エンティティのラベルと説明を表示することもできます。したがって、wdt:P123またはwd:Q123ブロックはかなり気が散るので、このテクニックは控えめに使用されるべきです。(WDQSユーザーインターフェイスでは、BINDまでのクエリの意味のある部分は、おそらくより読みやすくなりました。しかし、そのすぐ前にある大きな?priest.から?woman)を使用して、ペンネームまたはラベルを選択します。 BIND(IF(BOUND(…句でペンネームを選択し(オプションである必要があります。ペンネームのない結果をスローアウトしたくはありません)、OPTIONALを表示し、ペンネームが存在しない場合にのみラベルを使用するとします。そのためには、(P742)pseudonym で構築された条件式とともに使用されることがよくあります。たとえば、一部の人間を表示するクエリがあり、そのラベルを表示するだけでなく、ラベルがある場合はBOUND式は、IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF als u die functie negeert.) wd:Q6581072 beter leesbaar is dan ?female gaan en het label en de beschrijving voor de entiteit zien, zodat wdt:P123 of wd:Q123 ervoor is echter nogal afleidend, dus deze techniek moet spaarzaam worden gebruikt. (In de WDQS-gebruikersinterface kunt u ook uw muis over een term zoals BIND , is nu waarschijnlijk beter leesbaar. Het blok ?priest. tot ?womanHet deel van de query, van gebruiken om het pseudoniem of het label te selecteren. BIND(IF(BOUND(… (het moet optioneel zijn - u wilt geen resultaten weggooien die geen pseudoniem hebben) en vervolgens OPTIONAL weergeven als ze er een hebben, en het label alleen gebruiken als er geen pseudoniem bestaat. Hiervoor selecteert u het pseudoniem in een clausule (P742)pseudonym . Stel dat u een query hebt die sommige mensen laat zien, en in plaats van alleen hun label weer te geven, wilt u hun BOUND expressies worden vaak gebruikt met conditie-expressies gemaakt met IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF TODO if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF , якщо ви ігноруєте цю можливість.) wd:Q6581072 є читабельнішим, ніж ?female і побачити назву й опис сутності, тому wdt:P123 або wd:Q123 перед нею суттєво відволікає, тому цю техніку слід використовувати раціонально. (У користувацькому інтерфейсі WDQS ви також можете навести курсор миші на будь-який термін, наприклад, BIND, тепер, ймовірно, читабельніша. Однак, великий блок ?priest. до ?womanЗначна частина запиту, від , щоб вибрати псевдонім або назву. BIND(IF(BOUND(… (він повинен бути необов'язковим - ви не бажаєте викидати результати, які не мають псевдоніма), а потім використаєте OPTIONAL, якщо він є, та використати лише назву, якщо псевдонім не існує. Для цього ви виберете псевдонім у пункті (P742)pseudonym як вираз. Наприклад, припустімо, що у вас є запит, який показує деяких людей, і замість того, щоб просто показати їхню назву, ви хочете показати їхній BOUND часто використовуються в IFВирази if you ignore that feature.) wd:Q6581072 is only more readable than ?female and see the label and description for the entity, so wdt:P123 or wd:Q123 block right in front of it is pretty distracting, so this technique should be used sparingly. (In the WDQS user interface, you can also hover your mouse over any term like BIND, is now probably more readable. However, the large ?priest. to ?womanThe meaningful part of the query, from to select either the pseudonym or the label. BIND(IF(BOUND(… clause (it has to be optional – you don’t want to throw out results that don’t have a pseudonym), and then use OPTIONAL if they have one, and only use the label if a pseudonym doesn’t exist. For this, you select the pseudonym in an (P742)pseudonym . For example, suppose you have a query that shows some humans, and instead of just showing their label, you’d like to display their BOUND expressions are often used with condition-expressions built with IF

Use at

PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT ?writer ?label
  # French writer born in the second half of the 18th century
  ?writer wdt:P31 wd:Q5;
          wdt:P27 wd:Q142;
          wdt:P106 wd:Q36180;
          wdt:P569 ?dob.
  FILTER("1751-01-01"^^xsd:date <= ?dob && ?dob < "1801-01-01"^^xsd:dat).
  # get the English label
  ?writer rdfs:label ?writerLabel.
  FILTER(LANG(?writerLabel) = "en").
  # get the pseudonym, if it exists
  OPTIONAL { ?writer wdt:P742 ?pseudonym. }
  # bind the pseudonym, or if it doesn’t exist the English label, as ?label
  BIND(IF(BOUND(?pseudonym),?pseudonym,?writerLabel) AS ?label).

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?dob") v5("?label"):::projected v4("?pseudonym") v3("?writer"):::projected v1("?writerLabel") c5(["wd:Q5"]):::iri c7(["wd:Q142"]):::iri c9(["wd:Q36180"]):::iri f0[["?writerLabel = 'en'"]] f0 --> v1 f1[["'1751-01-01^^xsd:date' <= ?dob?dob < s1801-01-01^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dat>'"]] f1 --> v2 v3 --"wdt:P31"--> c5 v3 --"wdt:P27"--> c7 v3 --"wdt:P106"--> c9 v3 --"wdt:P569"--> v2 v3 --"rdfs:label"--> v1 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v3 -."wdt:P742".-> v4 end bind2[/"if(bound(?pseudonym),?pseudonym,?writerLabel)"/] v4 --o bind2 v1 --o bind2 bind2 --as--o v5