Discussion]reply[10:44, 18 January 2022 (UTC)) talk (RShigapov. So I could check those webpages and import the jurisdictions of Registergerichte. https://www.justiz.bayern.de/gerichte-und-behoerden/amtsgerichte/amberg/gerichtsbezirk.php3. Regarding the jurisdictions. Hm, I see that jurisdiction of Registergericht is sometimes mentioned at its webpage. For example, for Amtsgericht Amberg at for German Registergerichte.(P9487)GLEIF registration authority code ! I've just imported (P9487)GLEIF registration authority code 2. Thanks for 1. I don't think there is any relation between DE VAT number and XJustiz registration court ID. ]reply[15:05, 17 January 2022 (UTC)) talk (Vladimir AlexievIf the court jurisdiction data is authoritative, can we use it somehow to check GLEI RAL jurisdictions? --). (Q7042)Amberg and (Q10421)Amberg-Sulzbach (P1001)applies to jurisdiction (Q480504)Local Court Amberg that correspond to the regional courts. I've spent plenty of time to map RAL jurisdictions to DE territories, see query below (and probably mapped some of them wrongly). Your proposal applies to courts, and the correspondence between courts and territories is crucial (I checked one court, and it has (P1001)applies to jurisdiction is split into a number of (Q457703)German Trade Register , and the DE (P9487)GLEIF registration authority code I've already imported What's the relation of DE VAT number (as can be checked at VIES) with these IDs? with some considerations: Support
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select ?x ?xLabel ?jurLabel ?ral {
?x wdt:P17 wd:Q183; p:P9487 ?stat.
?stat ps:P9487 ?ral
optional {?stat pq:P1001 ?jur}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de,en". }