title: Songs with all info SELECT ?song (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?songName); separator=" / ") as ?names) ?songLabel ?songDescription (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?countryLabel); separator=" + ") as ?countries) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?langLabel); separator=" + ") as ?langs)
?performer ?performerLabel # several lines if several performers of the song
or use this line for combined label:
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?performerLabel); separator=" + ") as ?performers) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?composerLabel); separator="; ") as ?composers) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?poetLabel); separator="; ") as ?poets) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?genreLabel); separator=", ") as ?genres) ?pub ?creat ?length WHERE { SELECT ?song ?songName ?songLabel ?songDescription ?countryLabel ?langLabel ?performer ?performerLabel ?composerLabel ?poetLabel ?genreLabel ?pub ?creat ?length WHERE { ?euro wdt:P179 wd:Q276; wdt:P585 ?time. FILTER (YEAR(?time)=2024). VALUES ?format {wd:Q7366 wd:Q134556 wd:Q105543609} ?song wdt:P31 ?format. ?song wdt:P1344 ?euro. OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P1476 ?songName.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P175 ?performer.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P495 ?country.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P407 ?lang.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P86 ?composer.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P676 ?poet.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P136 ?genre.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P577 ?pub.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P571 ?creat.} OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P2047 ?length.} SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } } GROUP BY ?song ?songLabel ?songDescription ?pub ?creat ?length ORDER BY ?names
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
#title: Songs with all info
SELECT ?song
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?songName); separator=" / ") as ?names)
?songLabel ?songDescription
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?countryLabel); separator=" + ") as ?countries)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?langLabel); separator=" + ") as ?langs)
# ?performer ?performerLabel # several lines if several performers of the song
#or use this line for combined label:
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?performerLabel); separator=" + ") as ?performers)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?composerLabel); separator="; ") as ?composers)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?poetLabel); separator="; ") as ?poets)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?genreLabel); separator=", ") as ?genres)
?pub ?creat ?length
SELECT ?song ?songName ?songLabel ?songDescription ?countryLabel ?langLabel ?performer ?performerLabel ?composerLabel ?poetLabel ?genreLabel ?pub ?creat ?length WHERE {
?euro wdt:P179 wd:Q276; wdt:P585 ?time. FILTER (YEAR(?time)=2024).
VALUES ?format {wd:Q7366 wd:Q134556 wd:Q105543609}
?song wdt:P31 ?format.
?song wdt:P1344 ?euro.
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P1476 ?songName.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P175 ?performer.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P495 ?country.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P407 ?lang.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P86 ?composer.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P676 ?poet.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P136 ?genre.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P577 ?pub.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P571 ?creat.}
OPTIONAL {?song wdt:P2047 ?length.}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
GROUP BY ?song ?songLabel ?songDescription ?pub ?creat ?length
ORDER BY ?names