PlayStation 3, PSP & Vita removed from PSN website between October 21 and 26Many WD items uses the PS Store website as as the sole source for reviews, data size, language and rating classifications. This is a pretty catastrophe. A huge amount of vital information are at risk of being lost forever. YotaMoteuchi WikiSyn Wd-Ryan VGPaleontologist Tomodachi94 thgiex Sight Contamination Santer RampantSpirit Rampagingcarrot Poslovitch Oduci Odjob16 Nicereddy Metafire18 Matthias M. Master Of Ninja Macrike Macocobovi LotsofTheories Lewis Hulbert Kirilloparma Keplersj Jean-Frédéric Harshrathod50 FullyAwesome Floyd-out Facenapalm Eniehack Edolusill EdoAug DoublePendulumAttractor Dollarsign8 Dispenser Diggr Dexxor Datumizer Danrok Cynde Moya Cwf97 Cupkake4Yoshi CptViraj CommanderKefir Coloradohusky BugWarp Arlo Barnes applsdev 23:04, 21 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Trade--participants of WikiProject Video games Notified YotaMoteuchi WikiSyn Wd-Ryan VGPaleontologist Tomodachi94 thgiex Sight Contamination Santer RampantSpirit Rampagingcarrot Poslovitch Oduci Odjob16 Nicereddy Metafire18 Matthias M. Master Of Ninja Macrike Macocobovi LotsofTheories Lewis Hulbert Kirilloparma Keplersj Jean-Frédéric Harshrathod50 FullyAwesome Floyd-out Facenapalm Eniehack Edolusill EdoAug DoublePendulumAttractor Dollarsign8 Dispenser Diggr Dexxor Datumizer Danrok Cynde Moya Cwf97 Cupkake4Yoshi CptViraj CommanderKefir Coloradohusky BugWarp Arlo Barnes applsdev 23:05, 21 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Trade--participants of WikiProject Video games Notified If so then this query gives current usage? 12:19, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Jean-Fred? (P5999)Japan PlayStation Store ID and (P5971)Europe PlayStation Store ID , (P5944)North America PlayStation Store ID I assume most things from 12:06, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Jean-Fred: Do you have examples of links/content that could/have disappeared? Trade@ 11:26, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Jean-FredI’m trying their IRC channel. No idea whether this is the right place (or whether this is good 'etiquette' to do that) but let’s see :) 11:16, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Trade:--Jean-FrédéricAnyone here got a response? Or do we have to make a script outself? @ 08:33, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Trade:--Jean-FrédéricHow would i go on about this? @ 08:28, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Jean-Fred .(Q4787261)Archive Team I would suggest to flag this to Good catch Trade. 08:13, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Trade: --NicereddyAren't a lot of these Wayback scrape projects run py private individuals? @ 01:09, 22 October 2020 (UTC)) talk (Nicereddy: does archive.org know about this? They could probably scrape the whole website if they were alerted in time. I'd contact one of the guys that runs it, but he blocked me on Twitter (long story). Trade@
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