Query to return a "simplified career" for a given MP (set in the VALUES clause, here Gladstone).
It shows a line for each continuing period in the same party & seat, changing if affiliation or
seat switch, or if there is a substantial break in service (eg here 1845-47), BUT it skips over
periods of dissolution.
It adds a short summary line with CONCAT and a count of total elapsed days (including some
periods of dissolution, so may not quite mesh with other days-elapsed counts).
It explicitly filters out the "returned for two seats" cases that are not taken up but note it
does not yet cope with ongoing (current) terms.
SELECT distinct ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?start (min(?end) as ?end2) (round(?end2 - ?start) as ?days)
(concat(?seatLabel, " (", ?partyLabel, "), ", str(year(?start)), "-", str(year(?end2))) as ?string)
where {
VALUES ?mp { wd:Q160852 } # set MP here
# find all seat-party-start pairs for each continuing period of office
{ SELECT distinct ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?start
?mp p:P39 ?ps. ?ps ps:P39 ?term . ?term wdt:P279 wd:Q16707842.
?ps pq:P768 ?seat . ?ps pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps pq:P580 ?start.
# find all terms of office with seat and party, and their start date
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P2715 ?elec . ?elec wdt:P31 wd:Q15283424 .
# omit any terms which started at a general election
?mp p:P39 ?ps0 . ?ps0 ps:P39 ?term0 . ?term0 wdt:P156 ?term .
?ps0 pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps0 pq:P768 ?seat . ?ps0 pq:P1534 wd:Q741182 . }
# and where the MP served for the same party & seat at dissolution in the previous term
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P1534 wd:Q50393121 } # omit any double-return seats which were not taken up
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
# labels inside the queries to catch any oddities where seat item changes, but name does not
} ORDER BY (?mp) ?start }
# and all corresponding seat-party-end pairs
{ SELECT distinct ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?end
?mp p:P39 ?ps. ?ps ps:P39 ?term . ?term wdt:P279 wd:Q16707842.
?ps pq:P768 ?seat . ?ps pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps pq:P582 ?end.
# find all terms of office with seat and party, and their end date
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P1534 wd:Q741182 .
# omit any terms which end at dissolution
?mp p:P39 ?ps2 . ?ps2 ps:P39 ?term2 . ?term2 wdt:P155 ?term .
?ps2 pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps2 pq:P768 ?seat .
?ps2 pq:P2715 ?elec . ?elec wdt:P31 wd:Q15283424 . }
# and where the MP comes back for the same party & seat at the next general election
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P1534 wd:Q50393121 } # omit any double-return seats which were not taken up
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
# labels inside the queries to catch any oddities where seat item changes, but name does not
} ORDER BY (?mp) ?end }
# now take our starts as the key, and match each to its appropriate end - the next one along
# this is the smallest end date which is still larger than the start date
# so filter by larger here, and smallest using min in the SELECT clause
filter(?end > ?start) . # note > not >=
} group by ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?start order by ?start
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
# Query to return a "simplified career" for a given MP (set in the VALUES clause, here Gladstone).
# It shows a line for each continuing period in the same party & seat, changing if affiliation or
# seat switch, or if there is a substantial break in service (eg here 1845-47), BUT it skips over
# periods of dissolution.
# It adds a short summary line with CONCAT and a count of total elapsed days (including some
# periods of dissolution, so may not quite mesh with other days-elapsed counts).
# It explicitly filters out the "returned for two seats" cases that are not taken up but note it
# does not yet cope with ongoing (current) terms.
SELECT distinct ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?start (min(?end) as ?end2) (round(?end2 - ?start) as ?days)
(concat(?seatLabel, " (", ?partyLabel, "), ", str(year(?start)), "-", str(year(?end2))) as ?string)
where {
VALUES ?mp { wd:Q160852 } # set MP here
# find all seat-party-start pairs for each continuing period of office
{ SELECT distinct ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?start
?mp p:P39 ?ps. ?ps ps:P39 ?term . ?term wdt:P279 wd:Q16707842.
?ps pq:P768 ?seat . ?ps pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps pq:P580 ?start.
# find all terms of office with seat and party, and their start date
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P2715 ?elec . ?elec wdt:P31 wd:Q15283424 .
# omit any terms which started at a general election
?mp p:P39 ?ps0 . ?ps0 ps:P39 ?term0 . ?term0 wdt:P156 ?term .
?ps0 pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps0 pq:P768 ?seat . ?ps0 pq:P1534 wd:Q741182 . }
# and where the MP served for the same party & seat at dissolution in the previous term
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P1534 wd:Q50393121 } # omit any double-return seats which were not taken up
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
# labels inside the queries to catch any oddities where seat item changes, but name does not
} ORDER BY (?mp) ?start }
# and all corresponding seat-party-end pairs
{ SELECT distinct ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?end
?mp p:P39 ?ps. ?ps ps:P39 ?term . ?term wdt:P279 wd:Q16707842.
?ps pq:P768 ?seat . ?ps pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps pq:P582 ?end.
# find all terms of office with seat and party, and their end date
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P1534 wd:Q741182 .
# omit any terms which end at dissolution
?mp p:P39 ?ps2 . ?ps2 ps:P39 ?term2 . ?term2 wdt:P155 ?term .
?ps2 pq:P4100 ?party . ?ps2 pq:P768 ?seat .
?ps2 pq:P2715 ?elec . ?elec wdt:P31 wd:Q15283424 . }
# and where the MP comes back for the same party & seat at the next general election
filter not exists { ?ps pq:P1534 wd:Q50393121 } # omit any double-return seats which were not taken up
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
# labels inside the queries to catch any oddities where seat item changes, but name does not
} ORDER BY (?mp) ?end }
# now take our starts as the key, and match each to its appropriate end - the next one along
# this is the *smallest* end date which is still *larger* than the start date
# so filter by larger here, and smallest using min in the SELECT clause
filter(?end > ?start) . # note > not >=
} group by ?mp ?mpLabel ?partyLabel ?seatLabel ?start order by ?start