
rq turtle/ttl

.User:TweetsFactsAndQueries/Queries/UN member states with most identical labels across languages. A more detailed version of on Mastodon and on TwitterOriginally posted

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
SELECT ?state ?string ?languages ?labels ?percent ?ratio
  SELECT ?state ?string (COUNT(*) AS ?languages) WHERE {
  SELECT ?state ?label ?string WHERE {
    INCLUDE %states.
    ?state rdfs:label ?label.
    BIND(STR(?label) AS ?string)
  GROUP BY ?state ?string
  HAVING(?languages > 1)
  SELECT ?state (COUNT(*) AS ?labels) WHERE {
  SELECT ?state ?label ?string WHERE {
    INCLUDE %states.
    ?state rdfs:label ?label.
    BIND(STR(?label) AS ?string)
  GROUP BY ?state
  BIND(?languages / ?labels AS ?ratio)
  BIND(CONCAT(SUBSTR(STR(?ratio * 100), 1, 5), "%") AS ?percent)
ORDER BY DESC(?languages)

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