الآن أريد أن أقدم اختصارا آخر تقدمه سباركل، لذا; إذا كنت ستمتعني بسكريبت افتراضي آخر... , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his ها هو حلي: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Her er min løsning: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humour me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: עכשיו נציג קיצור נוסף ש־SPARQL מציע. כל עוד נוכל לזרום בצחוק על עוד תרחיש מומצא… , שמפנה מההורה לצאצא ללא תלות במגדר. עם המידע הזה, אפשר לכתוב שאילתה שמחזירה את הנכדים של באך? P:P40ים שלו. (לכאורה.) יש כאן סיבוך מסוים: נכד יכול להיות קשור לבאך דרך האימא או דרך האבא. אלו שני מאפיינים שונים, שזה מצב לא נוח. במקום, נהפוך את הזיקה: לנתונים יש גם מאפיין „צאצא”, נכדנניח שאנחנו לא באמת מעוניינים בילדים של באך. (טוב, אולי אותך זה כן מעניין!) אבל אנחנו מעוניינים בהינה הפתרון שלי: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: ここでSPARQLで使用可能なもうひとつの省略形を紹介したいと思います。いまいちど仮定のお話におつきあい願うことになりますが… です)、これは親が主語になって親から子への関係性になるのと同時に、子供の性別を区別しないのです。これを念頭に、バッハの孫を返すクエリを書いてみましょう。書けましたか? P:P40本当はバッハの子供には関心はなかったとしましょう。(いや、これはひょっとすると、仮定の話ではなかったかもしれませんね!)子供ではなく、その「孫」に(仮定的に)興味があったのでした。ここで厄介な問題がひとつあります。孫は父親がバッハの子供なのかもしれないし、母親がバッハの子供なのかもしれない。どちらでもありうるのです。父親と母親は別々のプロパティなので、これは面倒です。代わりにぐるっと、関係を逆転させてしまいましょう。ウィキデータには「子」というプロパティもあって(私の解答はこうです。 Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: Nu wil ik nog een afkorting introduceren die SPARQL biedt. Dus als u een hypothetisch scenario wilt laten maken... , die van ouder naar kind wijst en geslachtonafhankelijk is. Kunt u met deze informatie een query schrijven om naar Bachs kleinkinderen te zoeken? P:P40Stel dat we niet geïnteresseerd zijn in Bach's kinderen. Maar wij zijn geïnteresseerd in zijn "kleinkinderen". Er is hier één complicatie: een kleinkind kan verwant zijn aan Bach via de moeder of de vader. Dat zijn twee verschillende eigenschappen, wat ongemakkelijk is. Laten we de relatie omdraaien: Wikidata heeft ook een "kind" eigenschap, Dit is mijn oplossing: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: Now I want to introduce one more abbreviation that SPARQL offers. So if you’ll humor me for one more hypothetical scenario… , which points from parent to child and is gender-independent. With this information, can you write a query that returns Bach’s grandchildren? P:P40children. (Hypothetically.) There’s one complication here: a grandchild may be related to Bach via the mother or the father. That’s two different properties, which is inconvenient. Instead, let’s flip the relation around: Wikidata also has a “child” property, grandSuppose we’re not actually interested in Bach’s children. (Who knows, perhaps that’s actually true for you!) But we are interested in his Here’s my solution: 现在我想再介绍一个SPARQL提供的缩写。让我来再假设一个场景。 ,是从“父母”项指向“子女”项,并且无关性别。那么,你能写一个返回Bach的孙子孙女的查询吗? P:P40假设我们对Bach的孩子不感兴趣,但想了解他的“孙子”辈。注意,“孙子”可能因父亲或母亲而与Bach有关系,而这是两个不同的属性,这让事情变得复杂。让我们思维逆转,维基数据还有一个孩子(“child”)属性我的方案是这样:
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?grandChild ?grandChildLabel
wd:Q1339 wdt:P40 ?child.
?child wdt:P40 ?grandChild.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
Query found at
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/ar
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/da
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/en
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/en-gb
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/he
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/hy
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/ja
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/lb
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/nl
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/ru
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/sv
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/szl
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/tr
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/uk
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial/zh