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Premodern works in Wikidata 22:22, 14 February 2020 (UTC)) talk (AndrewNJ, which is perhaps the most comprehensive repertory of Medieval Latin authors, works, and manuscripts. Its URL structure, however, is not terrific. Do you think it would be worth trying to add ID properties for its entities? MirabileThank you for your support of my proposals for the BHL and Clavis Clavium, and your own addition of Corpus Corporum. I am keen to see whether we can use Wikidata to bring together the various databases of premodern literature together in a useful way, as it strikes me that this could provide a great basis for exploring this range of often inaccessible literature. I've added new proposals for the BHG, CPL, and CPG. Another potential source is 22:56, 14 February 2020 (UTC)) talk (AndrewNJ; feel free to amend. Wikidata:Property proposal/Mirabile author IDI hadn't looked at your user page; some great material there. Well spotted on the URLs! I've added 22:35, 14 February 2020 (UTC) dosisEpì and it works, so maybe the ID can use only the number "19582" (do you agree?). The biggest problem may be creating a Mix'n'match catalog, but I'm not sure. See you in the next days, --http://www.mirabileweb.it/author/_/19582 should theoretically have "albericus-casinensis-monachus-n-1030-ca-m-ante-110-author/19582" as ID, but I've tried also http://www.mirabileweb.it/author/albericus-casinensis-monachus-n-1030-ca-m-ante-110-author/19582: Thank you indeed for your proposals, they are great (I know very well databases of ancient Greek and Latin literature, but not very well databases of Medieval literature). I usually prefer to propose firstly IDs about authors, because they are entities more clearly identifiable than works (which are often mixed with editions). So, Mirabile is a great source and, as you can see in my userpage, I've already thought it would certainly be worth of a property; I was thinking about its url some days ago ... URLs like AndrewNJ@ 19:29, 18 February 2020 (UTC)) talk (AndrewNJI’ve now added property proposals for Mirabile title and manuscript IDs – though no question that it will makes sense to take care of the authors first. 14:27, 19 February 2020 (UTC) dosisEpì :) --Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina: I'm refining matches of Corpus Corporum on Mix'n'Match. In the meantime I've proposed AndrewNJ@ 13:44, 20 March 2020 (UTC)) talk (AndrewNJThanks for your work on this material! I am under quarantine at the moment and this makes a good project. I have a spreadsheet of the Mirabile author data – I am checking with them to see whether they mind me using it here. ). I'm planning to send an email to the curator of the website in the next week and I will certainly attach the following query:this or this, e.g. (Q932714)Fabius Planciades Fulgentius : Great work! I also noticed that VIAF and GND links in Corpus Corporum are often greatly wrong (there are also many cases of labels strangely showing AndrewNJ@ 22:39, 20 March 2020 (UTC)) talk (AndrewNJI've now imported the Mirabile author identifiers with VIAF links to Corpus Corporum. Unfortunately I am now discovering that many of Corpus Corporum's VIAF and DNB references are egregiously incorrect – e.g. confusing Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor with the modern Swedish ruler by the same name. Its links to Mirabile, on the other hand, seem to be reliable. I am doing my best to fix these whenever I find them.

Use at

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Query found at

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