
rq turtle/ttl

Class distribution of a property PS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Class distribution of a propertyPS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Class distribution of a property PS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Class distribution of a propertyPS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Distribution de classe d'une propriétéPS : dans cet exemple la propriété utilisée est "enfant (P40)". Mais vous pouvez utiliser toute autre propriété. Class distribution of a property PS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Class verdeling van een eigenschapPS: In het voorbeeld is de gebruikte eigenschap "kind (P40) ". Dit kan worden gewijzigd in elke andere eigenschap. Class distribution of a property PS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Class distribution of a property PS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Class distribution of a property PS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property. Class distribution of a propertyPS: In the example, the property used is "child (P40)". This can be changed to any other property.

Use at

PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
SELECT ?class (COUNT(?subject) AS ?countSubject) WHERE {
  { SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?class
    WHERE {
      ?subject wdt:P40 ?object .
      ?subject wdt:P31 ?class
    } }
} GROUP BY ?class ORDER BY DESC(?countSubject)

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v4("?class"):::projected v5("?countSubject") v3("?object") v2("?subject"):::projected v2 --"wdt:P40"--> v3 v2 --"wdt:P31"--> v4 bind1[/"count(?subject)"/] v2 --o bind1 bind1 --as--o v5