
rq turtle/ttl

Map query below, which displays the tour's locations on a map. Clicking on the "Try it" button below (just above the "Register" section) will take you to the query service, where pressing the Run button will get you to the map with all the locations of the tour.SPARQLThe tour is described by the

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
# Locations for WikidataCon 2017 Friday guided tour
# with images if available
SELECT ?location ?locationLabel ?coord ?coord2 ?image ?layer WHERE {
  VALUES ?location { wd:Q42308024 wd:Q152252 wd:Q2310072 wd:Q328706 wd:Q32653910 wd:Q641108 wd:Q160700 wd:Q151897 wd:Q317027 wd:Q82425 wd:Q154987 wd:Q672806 wd:Q316893 wd:Q68689 wd:Q5086 wd:Q170103 wd:Q702548 wd:Q315644 wd:Q315694 wd:Q219989 wd:Q678388 wd:Q699504 wd:Q170123 wd:Q18191705 wd:Q312576 wd:Q152087 wd:Q688335 wd:Q151963 wd:Q152341 wd:Q460259 wd:Q702512 wd:Q154563 wd:Q573322 wd:Q170119 wd:Q318235 wd:Q20196262 wd:Q152783 wd:Q151356 wd:Q186173 wd:Q155210 wd:Q2229214 wd:Q650657 }
  ?location wdt:P625 ?coord .
  # maybe locations (also have to be included in ?location above)
  BIND( IF(?location in (wd:Q32653910, wd:Q386482, wd:Q165631, wd:Q32659772,  wd:Q170109 ), "maybe", "") AS ?layer).
  OPTIONAL {?location wdt:P18 ?image}

  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?coord"):::projected v4("?image"):::projected v3("?layer"):::projected v1("?location"):::projected c4(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c6(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;,en"]):::literal bind0[/VALUES ?location/] bind0-->v1 bind00(["wd:Q42308024"]) bind00 --> bind0 bind01(["wd:Q152252"]) bind01 --> bind0 bind02(["wd:Q2310072"]) bind02 --> bind0 bind03(["wd:Q328706"]) bind03 --> bind0 bind04(["wd:Q32653910"]) bind04 --> bind0 bind05(["wd:Q641108"]) bind05 --> bind0 bind06(["wd:Q160700"]) bind06 --> bind0 bind07(["wd:Q151897"]) bind07 --> bind0 bind08(["wd:Q317027"]) bind08 --> bind0 bind09(["wd:Q82425"]) bind09 --> bind0 bind010(["wd:Q154987"]) bind010 --> bind0 bind011(["wd:Q672806"]) bind011 --> bind0 bind012(["wd:Q316893"]) bind012 --> bind0 bind013(["wd:Q68689"]) bind013 --> bind0 bind014(["wd:Q5086"]) bind014 --> bind0 bind015(["wd:Q170103"]) bind015 --> bind0 bind016(["wd:Q702548"]) bind016 --> bind0 bind017(["wd:Q315644"]) bind017 --> bind0 bind018(["wd:Q315694"]) bind018 --> bind0 bind019(["wd:Q219989"]) bind019 --> bind0 bind020(["wd:Q678388"]) bind020 --> bind0 bind021(["wd:Q699504"]) bind021 --> bind0 bind022(["wd:Q170123"]) bind022 --> bind0 bind023(["wd:Q18191705"]) bind023 --> bind0 bind024(["wd:Q312576"]) bind024 --> bind0 bind025(["wd:Q152087"]) bind025 --> bind0 bind026(["wd:Q688335"]) bind026 --> bind0 bind027(["wd:Q151963"]) bind027 --> bind0 bind028(["wd:Q152341"]) bind028 --> bind0 bind029(["wd:Q460259"]) bind029 --> bind0 bind030(["wd:Q702512"]) bind030 --> bind0 bind031(["wd:Q154563"]) bind031 --> bind0 bind032(["wd:Q573322"]) bind032 --> bind0 bind033(["wd:Q170119"]) bind033 --> bind0 bind034(["wd:Q318235"]) bind034 --> bind0 bind035(["wd:Q20196262"]) bind035 --> bind0 bind036(["wd:Q152783"]) bind036 --> bind0 bind037(["wd:Q151356"]) bind037 --> bind0 bind038(["wd:Q186173"]) bind038 --> bind0 bind039(["wd:Q155210"]) bind039 --> bind0 bind040(["wd:Q2229214"]) bind040 --> bind0 bind041(["wd:Q650657"]) bind041 --> bind0 v1 --"wdt:P625"--> v2 list0c1(["wd:Q32653910"]):::iri list0c5(["wd:Q170109"]):::iri list0c3(["wd:Q165631"]):::iri list0c4(["wd:Q32659772"]):::iri list0c2(["wd:Q386482"]):::iri list0c1 --o bind1 list0c2 --o bind1 list0c3 --o bind1 list0c4 --o bind1 list0c5 --o bind1 bind1[/"if( in ,'maybe','')"/] v1 --o bind1 bind1 --as--o v3 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."wdt:P18".-> v4 end subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c4 --"wikibase:language"--> c6 end