Linking trials to publications ]reply[23:33, 4 June 2019 (UTC)) talk (Daniel Mietchen statements or similar to the items about the publications. --(P921)main subject directly. However, the property is supposed to be used only in references, not in statements of its own. Also, while I agree it would be very desirable to have some direct link between the items about publications and items about clinical trials, my suggestion here would be to get rid of the P854 statements and to instead add (P854)reference URL Hi, in items about trials, I noticed that you are using somehow doesn't seem like an accurate way to describe these relationships. (P921)main subject is wrong. (I'll remove those.) But related publications are often not the 'main subject' of a study; many are resulting manuscripts that summarize study findings, others provide info that supports the reason for conducting the research. (P854)reference URL to associate study to related pubs.) I do see that mapping from study to pub with (P921)main subject Hi Daniel. Thank you for this feedback. I have to confess that I'm still confused. (I trust you're right - but something feels odd about using relationships: (P921)main subject Also, when I query for current instances of studies with
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