
rq turtle/ttl

Bad aggregate (على الرغم من أننا نعلم أن ذلك لا يمكن أن يحدث)، وبالتالي فإنه يشكو من أنك لا تحدد وظيفة تجميعية لهذا المتغير. ?material متعددة لكل ?materialLabel"مجموع سيء" هي رسالة خطأ قد تشاهدها كثيرا عند التعامل مع استعلامات المجموعة، وهي تعني أن أحد المتغيرات المحددة يحتاج إلى دالة تجميعية ولكنه لا يحتوي على دالة واحدة، أو أن لديه دالة مجمعة ولكن ليس من المفترض أن تكون له دالة واحدة، في هذه الحالة، تعتقد خدمة استعلام ويكي بيانات أنه قد تكون هناك . ?materialLabel و?material ، فستكون هناك نتيجة واحدة لكل مجموعة من هذه المتغيرات، ويمكنك تحديد كل هذه المتغيرات بدون دالة مجمعة، في هذه الحالة، سنقوم بجمع كل من GROUP BYأحد الحلول هو التجميع على عدة متغيرات، إذا قمت بإدراج متغيرات متعددة في جملة Bad aggregate (tot i que sabem que això no pot passar) i per això es queixa de que no estem especificant cap funció d'agregació per a aquella variable. ?material per a cada ?etiquetaMaterial“Bad aggregate” és un missatge d'error que veurem sovint si treballem amb consultes agrupades; significa que li falta la funció d'agregació a alguna de les variables seleccionades, o que en té alguna variable que no n'hauria de tenir. En aquest cas, el WDQS interpreta que hi pot haver diverses . ?etiquetaMaterial com per ?material, hi haurà un resultat per a cada combinació d'aquestes variables i podrem seleccionar-les sense cap funció d'agregació. En aquest cas, agruparem tant per GROUP BYUna solució és agrupar per diverses variables. Si llistem diverses variables a la clàusula Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate (למרות שאנחנו יודעים שזה לא יכול להיות), ולכן הוא מתלונן שלא צוינה פונקציית כינוס למשתנה הזה. ?material על כל ‎?materialLabel„כינוס שגוי” (Bad aggregate) היא הודעת שגיאה שמאוד נפוץ לפגוש כשעובדים עם שאילתות קיבוץ, המשמעות היא שאחד מהמשתנים צריך פונקציית כינוס אבל אין לו כזאת, או שיש לו פונקציית כינוס אבל לא אמורה להיות לו. במקרה הזה, מנגנון WDQS חושב שיכולים להיות מגוון ‎. ?materialLabel וגם על גבי ‎?material, יש תוצאה אחת לכל שילוב של המשתנים האלה ואפשר לבחור את כל המשתנים האלה בלי פונקציית כינוס. במקרה הזה, נקבץ גם על גבי ‎GROUP BYפתרון אחד הוא ליצור קיבוץ על מספר משתנים. אם מציגים מספר משתנים בפסוקית ה־ Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate の値は複数存在するかもしれないと考えます(そうではないことは私たちにはわかっているのですが)。そのため、この変数に適用すべき集約関数が指定されていないよと苦情を述べているのです。 ?materialLabelのグループごとに?material"Bad aggregate"は、グループクエリを操作するときにおそらく頻繁に遭遇するエラーメッセージです。これが意味するのは、SELECT句の変数のひとつに集約関数が必要なのに存在しないか、または集約関数を期待されていない変数に集約関数があるかの、いずれかです。今回の場合は、WDQSは、のふたつを以下のようにグループ化します。 ?materialLabelと?material句に複数の変数を列挙した場合、それらの変数の組み合わせがひとつのグループになるので、それに対して返される結果に含まれるこれら変数の値はひとつに決まります。このため、これらの変数はすべて、集約関数なしでSELECT句に指定することができるようになります。今回の場合は、GROUP BYひとつの解決策は、複数の変数にまたがってグループ化してしまうことです。 Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate kunnen zijn (hoewel we weten dat dat niet kan gebeuren), en dus klaagt het dat u geen aggregeer functie voor die variabele opgeeft. ?material per ?materialLabel"Bad aggregate" is een foutbericht dat u waarschijnlijk veel zult zien wanneer u met groepsquery's werkt; Het betekent dat een van de geselecteerde variabelen een aggregeer functie nodig heeft, maar er geen heeft, of dat het een aggregeer functie heeft maar er geen zou moeten hebben. In dit geval denkt WDQS dat er meerdere pgroeperen. ?materialLabel als ?material clausule opschrijft, is er één resultaat voor elke combinatie van die variabelen, en kunt u al die variabelen selecteren zonder de samengestelde functie. In dit geval zullen we zowel op GROUP BYEen oplossing is om verschillende variabelen te groeperen. Als u meerdere variabelen in de Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the Bad aggregate (хоча ми знаємо, що це не може статися), і тому він скаржиться на те, що ви не вказали агрегатну функцію для цієї змінної. ?material для ?materialLabel"Bad aggregate" - це повідомлення про помилку, яке ви, ймовірно, побачите під час роботи з груповими запитами; воно означає, що для однієї з вибраних змінних потрібна агрегатна функція, але її немає, або вона має агрегатну функцію, але не повинна мати її. У цьому разі WDQS вважає, що можуть бути декілька . ?materialLabel, так і ?material, для кожної комбінації цих змінних є один результат, і ви можете вибрати всі ці змінні без агрегатної функції. У цьому разі ми будемо групувати як GROUP BYОдним із рішень є групування за декількома змінними. Якщо ви вкажете декілька змінних у пункті Bad aggregate (even though we know that can’t happen), and so it complains that you’re not specifying an aggregate function for that variable. ?materials per ?materialLabel“Bad aggregate” is an error message you’ll probably see a lot when working with group queries; it means that one of the selected variables needs an aggregate function but doesn’t have one, or it has an aggregate function but isn’t supposed to have one. In this case, WDQS thinks that there might be multiple . ?materialLabel and ?material clause, there’s one result for each combination of those variables, and you can select all those variables without aggregate function. In this case, we’ll group over both GROUP BYOne solution is to group over multiple variables. If you list multiple variables in the

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?material ?materialLabel (COUNT(?painting) AS ?count)
  ?painting wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3305213;
            p:P186 [ ps:P186 ?material; pq:P518 wd:Q861259 ].
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
GROUP BY ?material ?materialLabel

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v3("?count") v2("?material"):::projected v1("?painting"):::projected a1((" ")) a2((" ")) c3(["wd:Q3305213"]):::iri c9(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c11(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;"]):::literal c6(["wd:Q861259"]):::iri v1 --"p:direct/P31"--> a1 a1 --"p:direct/P279"--> c3 a2 --"p:statement/P186"--> v2 a2 --"p:qualifier/P518"--> c6 v1 --"p:P186"--> a2 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c9 --"wikibase:language"--> c11 end bind1[/"count(?painting)"/] v1 --o bind1 bind1 --as--o v3