
rq turtle/ttl

مقدمة أدناه، اضغط على "تشغيل" واملأ الفراغات (على سبيل المثال:عدد المتحدثين مفقود). قائمة جميع بنود اللغاتالرجاء فتح استعلام التقديم query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Podání query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentación query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Présentation ci-dessous, cliquez sur « Lancer la requête » et remplissez les blancs (par exemple, le nombre de locuteurs manquant). liste de tous les éléments sur les languesOuvrez la requête de la Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentazione query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Претставување подолу, стиснете на „Пушти“ и пополете ги празните полиња (на пр.: Недостасува број на говорници). список на сите јазични предметиОтворете го барањето за Penyampaian di bawah, tekan "Jalankan" dan isikan tempat kosong (contoh: Bilangan penutur hilang). senarai item semua bahasaSila buka pertanyaan Ián-sī query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Presentatie, druk op "Uitvoeren" en vul de lege plekken in (bijvoorbeeld: Ontbrekend aantal sprekers). lijst met alle taalitemsOpen de onderstaande zoekopdracht ' Prezentacja query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the ПрезентацияОткройте запрос «Список всех языковых элементов» ниже, нажмите «Выполнить» и заполните поля (например: Отсутствует количество говорящих). Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Намоиш query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Sunum query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the Презентація та заповніть пропуски (наприклад: Відсутня кількість спікерів). Виконати, натисніть кнопку список всіх мовних позицій'Будь ласка, відкрийте наведений нижче запит Presentation query below, press "Run" and fill in the blanks (example: Missing number of speakers). list of all language itemsPlease open the

Use at

PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
  (SAMPLE(COALESCE(?languageEnglishLabel, ?languageAnyLabel)) as ?language)
  (SAMPLE(?rootLabel) as ?root)
  (SAMPLE(?writingSystemLabel) as ?writingSystem)
  (MAX(?nbSpeakers) as ?nbSpeakers)
  (SAMPLE(?image) as ?image)
  (SAMPLE(?iso) as ?iso639_3)
  (SAMPLE(?language) as ?wikidataItem)
  ?language wdt:P31 wd:Q34770.
  OPTIONAL{?language rdfs:label ?languageEnglishLabel. FILTER(LANG(?languageEnglishLabel) = "en")} OPTIONAL {?language rdfs:label ?languageAnyLabel}
  OPTIONAL{?language wdt:P279 ?root. ?root rdfs:label ?rootLabel. FILTER (lang(?rootLabel) = "en").}
  OPTIONAL{?language wdt:P282 ?writingSystem. ?writingSystem rdfs:label ?writingSystemLabel. FILTER (lang(?writingSystemLabel) = "en").}
  OPTIONAL{?language wdt:P1098 ?nbSpeakers}
  OPTIONAL{?language wdt:P18 ?image}
  OPTIONAL{?language wdt:P220 ?iso}
GROUP BY ?language
#ORDER BY DESC(?nbSpeakers)

Query found at