
rq turtle/ttl

أسماء مقالات ويكيبيديا بلغات متعددة The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Názvy článků na Wikipedii ve více jazycíchDotaz vyhledá názvy článků Wikipedie (v hlavním jmenném prostoru) v různých jazycích pro zadanou položku Q. Místo skutečných názvů článků jsou vráceny štítky. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Namen von Wikipedia-Artikeln in mehreren Sprachen The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languagesThe query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languagesThe query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Nombres de artículos de Wikipedia en múltiples idiomas The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Artikulu baten izena hainbat hizkuntzatako wikipedietanEmandako Q identitate horretarako, kontsulta honek Wikipediako artikuluaren izena zenbait hizkuntzatan lortzen du (izenen espazio nagusitik). Etiketak itzultzen dira, ez artikulu errealen izenak. Noms des articles de Wikipédia en plusieurs languesCette requête recherche les noms d'articles Wikipédia dans plusieurs langues pour le numéro Q. Les étiquettes sont renvoyées, au lieu du nom réel des articles. שמות הערכים בוויקיפדיה בשפות מרובותהשאילתה הזאת מאחזרת שמות ערכים בוויקיפדיה (במרחב השם הראשי) בשפות מגוונות עבור זהות נתונה של Q. תוויות מוחזרות במקום שמות ערכים אמיתיים. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Judul artikel Wikipedia dalam beberapa bahasa The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Nomi di pagine Wikipedia in varie lingueLa query recupera i nomi degli articoli di Wikipedia (nel namespace principale) in varie lingue per l'identità Q data. Vengono restituite le etichette invece dei nomi reali degli articoli. 複数言語でのウィキペディア記事の名前このクエリは指定したQ識別子に対して(標準名前空間にある)ウィキペディアの記事名を様々な言語で取得します。実際の記事名ではなく、ラベルを返します。 Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Namen van Wikipedia-artikelen in meerdere talenDe zoekopdracht haalt Wikipedia-artikelnamen op (in de hoofdnaamruimte) in verschillende talen voor de opgegeven Q-identiteit. Labels worden geretourneerd in plaats van echte artikelnamen. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Namn på Wikipediaartiklar på flera språkSökfrågan hämtar artikelnamn på Wikimedia (i huvudnamnrymden) på olika språk för den angivna Q-identiteten. Etiketter returneras istället för riktiga artikelnamn. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Vikipedi maddelerinin birden çok dildeki adları The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. Назви статей Вікіпедії декількома мовамиЗапит отримує назви статей Вікіпедії (в основному просторі назв) різними мовами для заданого ідентифікатора Q. Замість справжніх назв статей повертаються мітки. Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages The query retrieves Wikipedia article names (in the main namespace) in various languages for the given Q identity. Labels are returned instead of real article names. 维基百科条目在各语言下的名称该查询检索指定的Q标识在各种语言维基百科里的条目名称(在主命名空间)。返回的是标签,而不是实际条目名称。

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>
  ?article schema:about wd:Q5 . 
  ?article schema:inLanguage ?lang ;
    schema:name ?name ;
    schema:isPartOf [ wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" ] .
  FILTER(?lang in ('en', 'uz', 'ru', 'ko')) .
  FILTER (!CONTAINS(?name, ':')) .

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v3("?article") v2("?lang"):::projected v1("?name"):::projected a1((" ")) c7(["wd:Q5"]):::iri c11(["wikipedia"]):::literal f0[["not contains(?name,':')"]] f0 --> v1 list0c3(["ru"]):::literal list0c4(["ko"]):::literal list0c2(["uz"]):::literal list0c1(["en"]):::literal list0c1 --o f1 list0c2 --o f1 list0c3 --o f1 list0c4 --o f1 f1[[" in "]] f1 --> v2 v3 --"schema:about"--> c7 v3 --"schema:inLanguage"--> v2 v3 --"schema:name"--> v1 a1 --"wikibase:wikiGroup"--> c11 v3 --"schema:isPartOf"--> a1