added before 2017-02
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?genderLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?occupationLabel; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?occupations) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?countryLabel; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?countries) ?death { VALUES ?target_country { wd:Q16 wd:Q31 wd:Q39 wd:Q142 } . #countries: Canada, France, Switzerland, Belgium. Remove this line to get worldwide. VALUES ?occupation { wd:Q483501 wd:Q36834 wd:Q639669 wd:Q753110 wd:Q488205 wd:Q49757 wd:Q4964182 wd:Q1281618 wd:Q36180 wd:Q482980 wd:Q1028181 wd:Q6625963 wd:Q28389 wd:Q1930187 wd:Q33999 wd:Q3282637 wd:Q81096 wd:Q201788 wd:Q18939491 wd:Q486748 wd:Q3658608 wd:Q214917 wd:Q11774202 wd:Q205375 } . #occupation: composer, poet, sculptor, writer, artist, painter, etc. ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P21 ?gender; wdt:P570 ?death; wdt:P27 ?target_country; wdt:P27 ?country; wdt:P106 ?occupation . FILTER( YEAR( ?death ) = 1966 ) . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,en,ru,el,es,fa" . ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel . ?gender rdfs:label ?genderLabel . ?occupation rdfs:label ?occupationLabel . ?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel . } . } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?genderLabel ?death ORDER BY ?itemLabel
Use at
- https://query.wikidata.org/sparql
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
#added before 2017-02
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?genderLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?occupationLabel; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?occupations) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?countryLabel; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?countries) ?death {
VALUES ?target_country { wd:Q16 wd:Q31 wd:Q39 wd:Q142 } . #countries: Canada, France, Switzerland, Belgium. Remove this line to get worldwide.
VALUES ?occupation { wd:Q483501 wd:Q36834 wd:Q639669 wd:Q753110 wd:Q488205 wd:Q49757 wd:Q4964182 wd:Q1281618 wd:Q36180 wd:Q482980 wd:Q1028181 wd:Q6625963 wd:Q28389 wd:Q1930187 wd:Q33999 wd:Q3282637 wd:Q81096 wd:Q201788 wd:Q18939491 wd:Q486748 wd:Q3658608 wd:Q214917 wd:Q11774202 wd:Q205375 } . #occupation: composer, poet, sculptor, writer, artist, painter, etc.
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5;
wdt:P21 ?gender;
wdt:P570 ?death;
wdt:P27 ?target_country;
wdt:P27 ?country;
wdt:P106 ?occupation .
FILTER( YEAR( ?death ) = 1966 ) .
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,en,ru,el,es,fa" .
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
?gender rdfs:label ?genderLabel .
?occupation rdfs:label ?occupationLabel .
?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel .
} .
} GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?genderLabel ?death ORDER BY ?itemLabel