
rq turtle/ttl

Comment causes server errorA unfortunately quite long query I am writing begins to raise a "Server error" and I don't know why … If I run the following query as is the server error appears. If I delete line 73 that is commented out anyway it runs … :-( Any hints why it behaves so strangely or simplifications of the code are very welcome!! -tags.) (You'll have to copypaste the code, the link does not seem to work since I had to use

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX psv: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/value/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
  ,"\n|artist=", IF(BOUND(?artistList), ?artistList, "")
    , IF(BOUND(?titleDe),(CONCAT("{{de|", ?titleDe, "}}")), "")
    , IF(BOUND(?titleEn),(CONCAT("{{en|", ?titleEn, "}}")), "")
    , IF(BOUND(?titleEs),(CONCAT("{{es|", ?titleEs, "}}")), "")
    , IF(BOUND(?titleFr),(CONCAT("{{fr|", ?titleFr, "}}")), "")
  ,"\n|date=", IF(BOUND(?inceptionStr), ?inceptionStr, "")
  ,"\n|medium=", ?materialList
  ) as ?outputStr)
#  ?inceptionStr
  (GROUP_CONCAT(?artistI; separator="; ") AS ?artistList)
  (GROUP_CONCAT(?materialLabel; separator="; ") AS ?materialList)
    {?item wdt:P217 "CE1131"} UNION
    {?item wdt:P170 wd:Q313163} . # should give 11 results

    # artist=
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P170 ?artist . ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel . FILTER(lang(?artistLabel)="en") } .
    OPTIONAL { ?artist wdt:P1472 ?creatorPage } .
    BIND(IF(BOUND(?creatorPage),(CONCAT("{{Creator:", STR(?creatorPage), "}}")), ?artistLabel) as ?artistI)

    # date=
    # TODO: precision &gt; 9, &lt;6 not yet implemented
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P571 ?inception .
               ?item p:P571 ?inceptionStatement .
               ?inceptionStatement psv:P571/wikibase:timePrecision ?inceptionPrecision .
               OPTIONAL { ?inceptionStatement pq:P1480 ?sourcingCircumstance . }
                 "{{Complex date"
                 , " |date1=", CONCAT(STR(YEAR(?inception))
                 , " |precision1=",
                   IF(?inceptionPrecision = 9, "year",
                     IF(?inceptionPrecision = 8, "decade",
                       IF(?inceptionPrecision = 7, "century",
                         IF(?inceptionPrecision = 6, "millennium",
                           "PRECISION &lt;6 IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!"))))
                 , IF(BOUND(?sourcingCircumstance) && ?sourcingCircumstance = wd:Q5727902, " |adj1=ca", "")
                 , "}}"
                 )) as ?inceptionStr)
             } .

    # title=
    OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?titleDe . FILTER(lang(?titleDe)="de") } .
    OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?titleEn . FILTER(lang(?titleEn)="en") } .
    OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?titleEs . FILTER(lang(?titleEs)="es") } .
    OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?titleFr . FILTER(lang(?titleFr)="fr") } .

    # medium=
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P186 ?material . ?material rdfs:label ?materialLabel . FILTER(lang(?materialLabel)="en") } .

    # institution=
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P195 ?institution . ?institution rdfs:label ?institutionLabel . FILTER(lang(?institutionLabel)="en") } .
    OPTIONAL { ?institution wdt:P1612 ?institutionPage } .
####    BIND(IF(BOUND(?institutionPage),(CONCAT("{{Institution:", STR(?institutionPage), "}}")), ?institutionLabel) as ?institutionI)
  ORDER BY ?item
#   ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q313163 . # NO NEED FOR THIS!
    SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,de,es,fr" .
                            ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel .

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v9("?artist") v11("?artistI") v8("?artistLabel") v20("?artistList"):::projected v10("?creatorPage") v12("?inception") v14("?inceptionPrecision") v13("?inceptionStatement") v16("?inceptionStr"):::projected v18("?institution") v2("?institutionLabel") v19("?institutionPage") v1("?item") v17("?material") v3("?materialLabel") v21("?materialList"):::projected v22("?outputStr") v15("?sourcingCircumstance") v7("?titleDe"):::projected v6("?titleEn"):::projected v5("?titleEs"):::projected v4("?titleFr"):::projected a1((" ")) c8(["wd:Q313163"]):::iri c22(["en,de,es,fr"]):::literal c20(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c6(["CE1131"]):::literal subgraph union0[" Union "] subgraph union0l[" "] style union0l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v1 --"p:direct/P170"--> c8 end subgraph union0r[" "] style union0r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v1 --"p:direct/P217"--> c6 end union0r <== or ==> union0l end subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."p:direct/P170".-> v9 v9 --"rdfs:label"--> v8 end subgraph optional1["(optional)"] style optional1 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v9 -."p:direct/P1472".-> v10 end bind0[/"if(bound(?creatorPage),concat('{{Creator:',str(?creatorPage),'}}'),?artistLabel)"/] v10 --o bind0 v8 --o bind0 bind0 --as--o v11 subgraph optional2["(optional)"] style optional2 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."p:direct/P571".-> v12 v1 --"p:P571"--> v13 v13 --"p:statement/value/P571"--> a1 a1 --"wikibase:timePrecision"--> v14 subgraph optional3["(optional)"] style optional3 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v13 -."p:qualifier/P1480".-> v15 end bind1[/"concat('{{Complex date',' |date1=',concat(str(year-from-dateTime(?inception)),' |precision1=',if(?inceptionPrecision = '9^^xsd:integer','year',if(?inceptionPrecision = '8^^xsd:integer','decade',if(?inceptionPrecision = '7^^xsd:integer','century',if(?inceptionPrecision = '6^^xsd:integer','millennium','PRECISION &lt;6 IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!')))),if(bound(?sourcingCircumstance)?sourcingCircumstance = 'wd:Q5727902',' |adj1=ca',''),'}}'))"/] v12 --o bind1 v14 --o bind1 v15 --o bind1 bind1 --as--o v16 end subgraph optional4["(optional)"] style optional4 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."rdfs:label".-> v7 end subgraph optional5["(optional)"] style optional5 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."rdfs:label".-> v6 end subgraph optional6["(optional)"] style optional6 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."rdfs:label".-> v5 end subgraph optional7["(optional)"] style optional7 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."rdfs:label".-> v4 end subgraph optional8["(optional)"] style optional8 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."p:direct/P186".-> v17 v17 --"rdfs:label"--> v3 end subgraph optional9["(optional)"] style optional9 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v1 -."p:direct/P195".-> v18 v18 --"rdfs:label"--> v2 end subgraph optional10["(optional)"] style optional10 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v18 -."p:direct/P1612".-> v19 end bind4[/"?artistI"/] v11 --o bind4 bind4 --as--o v20 bind5[/"?materialLabel"/] v3 --o bind5 bind5 --as--o v21 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c20 --"wikibase:language"--> c22 v9 --"rdfs:label"--> v8 end bind6[/"concat('{{Artwork',' |artist=',if(bound(?artistList),?artistList,''),' |title=',if(bound(?titleDe),concat('{{de|',?titleDe,'}}'),''),if(bound(?titleEn),concat('{{en|',?titleEn,'}}'),''),if(bound(?titleEs),concat('{{es|',?titleEs,'}}'),''),if(bound(?titleFr),concat('{{fr|',?titleFr,'}}'),''),' |date=',if(bound(?inceptionStr),?inceptionStr,''),' |medium=',?materialList,' }}')"/] v20 --o bind6 v7 --o bind6 v6 --o bind6 v5 --o bind6 v4 --o bind6 v16 --o bind6 v21 --o bind6 bind6 --as--o v22