
rq turtle/ttl

، أي شيء يمكن أن يكون فيه نوع من "الرجوع" منطقي. (P1843)وtaxon common name (P1786)وposthumous name (P1449)nickname تشمل الخصائص الأخرى التي يمكن استخدامها بهذه الطريقة لـ"عضو في بعض مهمات القمر" وأخرى لـ"عضو في أبولو 13"، لكننا نريد فقط تحديد تلك النتائج حيث يكون واحد على الأقل من تلك الشروط صحيحا. OPTIONAL (على مقربة كافية، أليس كذلك؟)، لا يمكن التعبير عن هذا التقييد كمسلك خاصية واحدة; لذلك نحتاج إلى جملة (Q182252)Apollo 13 ، على سبيل المثال، دعنا نحصل على جميع رواد الفضاء الذين وصلوا إلى القمر، بالإضافة إلى أعضاء OPTIONAL للتأكد من أنه قد تم استيفاء كتلة واحدة على الأقل من عدة كتل FILTER مع BOUNDيمكنك أيضا دمج – qualsevol cosa on hi tingui sentit una alternativa. (P1843)taxon common name i (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Altres propietats que es poden utilitzar d'una forma semblant, son . Però només volem seleccionar els resultats que compleixin, com a mínim, una de les dues condicions. membre de l'Apollo 13 i una altra per a membre d'alguna missió a la lluna per a OPTIONAL (prou acurat, oi?). Aquesta restricció es pot expressar com una ruta d'una propietat única, així que necessitem una clàusula (Q182252)Apollo 13 rep informació. Per exemple, busquem tots els astronautes que han anat a la lluna, així com els membres de OPTIONAL per a assegurar que com a mínim un dels molts blocs FILTER amb BOUNDTambé podem combinar – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine – alles, bei dem eine Art von “Zurückgreifen” Sinn macht. (P1843)taxon common name und (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Andere Eigenschaften, die auf diese Art genutzt werden können, sind -Klausel für “Mitglied einer Mond-Mission” und eine andere für “Mitglied von Apollo 13” benötigen. Wir wollen jedoch nur die Ergebnisse auswählen, bei denen mindestens eine der Bedingungen wahr ist. OPTIONAL waren (eng genug, oder?). Die Einschränkung kann nicht als einzelner Eigenschaftspfad ausgedrückt werden, weshalb wir eine (Q182252)Apollo 13 -Blöcke erfüllt wird. Lass uns zum Beispiel alle Astronauten erhalten, die auf dem Mond und Mitglieder von OPTIONAL kombinieren, um sicherzustellen, dass mindestens einer der FILTER mit BOUNDDu kannst auch – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine – כל מקום שהגיוני להשתמש בו בסוג כלשהו של „נסיגה/גיבוי”. (P1843)taxon common name ו(P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname מאפיינים נוספים שאפשר להשתמש בהם באופן הזה הם עבור „חברים במשימת ירח כלשהי” ואחת נוספת עבור „חברי 13”. אבל אנחנו רוצים לבחור רק את התוצאות האלו שבהן לפחות אחד מהתנאים האלה הוא אמת (true). OPTIONAL (מספיק קרוב, לא?). אי אפשר לבטא את האילוץ הזה כנתיב מאפיין יחיד, לכן אנחנו צריכים פסוקית (Q182252)Apollo 13 מולאו. למשל, בואו ניקח את האסטרונאוטים שהגיעו לירח, לרבעות החברים של OPTIONAL כדי לוודא שלפחות אחת מבין הדרישות במקטעי ה־FILTER עם BOUNDאפשר גם לשלב את – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine が含まれます。これらは、何らかの「フォールバック」が意味をなすものです。 (P1843)taxon common name 、および(P1786)posthumous name 、(P1449)nickname この方法で使用できるその他のプロパティには、節と、「アポロ13のメンバー」に対して別の節が必要です。ただし、これらの条件のうち少なくとも1つが真である結果のみを選択します。 OPTIONALのメンバー(十分に近いですよね?)を取得しましょう。この制限は単一のプロパティパスとして表現できないため、「月のミッションのメンバー」に対して1つの(Q182252)Apollo 13 ブロックの少なくとも1つが満たされていることを確認することもできます。たとえば、月に行ったすべての宇宙飛行士と、OPTIONALと組み合わせて、いくつかのFILTERをBOUND – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine - alles waar een soort "fallback" zinvol is. (P1843)taxon common name en (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Andere eigenschappen die op deze manier kunnen worden gebruikt, zijn nodig voor "lid van een maanmissie" en een andere voor "lid of Apollo 13". Maar we willen alleen de resultaten hebben waar aan ten minste één van deze voorwaarden voldaan is. OPTIONAL (nabij genoeg, toch?). Die beperking kan niet worden uitgedrukt als een enkel eigenschapspad, dus we hebben één clausule (Q182252)Apollo 13 blokken is voldaan. Laten we bijvoorbeeld alle astronauten die naar de maan zijn geweest en de leden van OPTIONAL combineren om ervoor te zorgen dat aan ten minste één van de verschillende FILTER met BOUNDU kunt ook – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine - все, що має сенс деякого роду «резервного» (“fallback”). (P1843)taxon common name , і (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Інші властивості, які можуть бути використані таким способом, включають для "учасника деякої місячної місії", а інша для "члена Apollo 13". Але ми хочемо вибрати лише ті результати, в яких принаймні одна з цих умов є істинною. OPTIONAL (досить близько, вірно?). Це обмеження не може бути виражене як єдиний шлях властивості, тому нам потрібна одна умова (Q182252)Apollo 13 був виконаний. Наприклад, отримаймо всіх космонавтів, які літали на Місяць, а також членів OPTIONAL, щоб переконатися, що принаймні один із декількох блоків FILTER з BOUNDВи також можете поєднати – anything where some sort of “fallback” makes sense. (P1843)taxon common name , and (P1786)posthumous name , (P1449)nickname Other properties that may be used in this way include clause for “member of some moon mission” and another one for “member of Apollo 13”. But we only want to select those results where at least one of those conditions is true. OPTIONAL (close enough, right?). That restriction can’t be expressed as a single property path, so we need one (Q182252)Apollo 13 blocks has been fulfilled. For example, let’s get all astronauts that went to the moon, as well as the members of OPTIONAL to ensure that at least one of several FILTER with BOUNDYou can also combine

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?astronaut ?astronautLabel
  ?astronaut wdt:P31 wd:Q5;
             wdt:P106 wd:Q11631.
    ?astronaut wdt:P450 ?mission.
    ?mission wdt:P31 wd:Q495307.
    ?astronaut wdt:P450 wd:Q182252.
    BIND(wd:Q182252 AS ?mission).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?astronaut"):::projected v3("?mission") c7(["wd:Q182252"]):::iri c9(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c11(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;"]):::literal c2(["wd:Q5"]):::iri c4(["wd:Q11631"]):::iri c6(["wd:Q495307"]):::iri f0[["bound(?mission)"]] f0 --> v3 v2 --"wdt:P31"--> c2 v2 --"wdt:P106"--> c4 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."wdt:P450".-> v3 v3 --"wdt:P31"--> c6 end subgraph optional1["(optional)"] style optional1 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."wdt:P450".-> c7 bind1[/"'wd:Q182252'"/] bind1 --as--o v3 end subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c9 --"wikibase:language"--> c11 end