
rq turtle/ttl

Most common Armenian labels (of items with Armenian Wikipedia sitelink and ")" in its title) without Armenian description. Can be used with Special:ItemDisambiguation select ?label (count(?label) as ?count) { ?article schema:about ?item ; schema:isPartOf https://hy.wikipedia.org/ . filter ( contains((STR(?article)), "%29") ) ?item rdfs:label ?label filter (lang(?label) = "hy"). minus { ?item schema:description ?any filter (lang(?any) = "hy")} } group by ?label ?count having (?count > 1) order by desc(?count) limit 100

Use at

PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
#Most common Armenian labels (of items with Armenian Wikipedia sitelink and ")" in its title) without Armenian description. Can be used with Special:ItemDisambiguation
select ?label (count(?label) as ?count) {
  ?article  schema:about ?item ;
            schema:isPartOf <https://hy.wikipedia.org/> .
  filter ( contains((STR(?article)), "%29") )
  ?item rdfs:label ?label filter (lang(?label) = "hy").
  minus { ?item schema:description ?any filter (lang(?any) = "hy")}
group by ?label ?count
having (?count > 1)
order by desc(?count) 
limit 100

Query found at