
rq turtle/ttl

20:39, 11 June 2020 (UTC)) talk (Herzi Pinki yields only 70 matches. --(Q2)Earth restricting globe to 10:16, 11 June 2020 (UTC)) talk (SCIdudeAt the moment, none, but at a later attempt "LIMIT 10000" might hit. -- 09:38, 11 June 2020 (UTC) JuraWhich ones are missing? --- 09:27, 11 June 2020 (UTC)) talk (SCIdudeNote you won't get all of them this way (which was the original request). -- 07:24, 11 June 2020 (UTC) JuraYou could write it differently. The above finds 2770 results in 34330 ms --- suggests starting with:Wikidata:SPARQL query service/query optimization#Fixed values and ranges

Use at

PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX psv: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/value/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
SELECT ?item {
  ?item p:P625 [ psv:P625 ?node ] .
  ?node wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat .
  ?node wikibase:geoLongitude ?lon . 
  FILTER( ?lon < "-180"^^xsd:double || ?lon > "180"^^xsd:double ) .

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v3("?item"):::projected v4("?lat") v1("?lon") v2("?node") a1((" ")) f0[["(?lon < '-180^^xsd:double' || ?lon > '180^^xsd:double')"]] f0 --> v1 a1 --"p:statement/value/P625"--> v2 v3 --"p:P625"--> a1 v2 --"wikibase:geoLatitude"--> v4 v2 --"wikibase:geoLongitude"--> v1